Hiptage benghalensis (Madhavi lata) As a folk medicine, its leaves and bark, which are hot, acrid, bitter, insecticidal and vulnerary, are used (leaf paste) to treat skin diseases, to heal wounds, biliousness, Ulcers, and to treat cough (bark decoction), asthma and leprosy. Bark powder with honey is also useful in treatment of diabetes.
Hiptage benghalensis (Madhavi lata) Did you know that Hiptage benghalensis, a herbal plant native to India, which in Hindu religious beliefs popularly known as Madhavi lata, clung to her lover and master Lord Krishna who symbolized the mango tree? The Hiptage benghalensis, often simply called Hiptage, native to India (also native to South East Asia and the Philippines) as 'Madhavi lata' bearing attractive and fragrant flowers, has religious connotation in Hinduism linked to Lord Krishna's stories, is herbal plant with many uses in folk medicine. Hiptage, a herbal plant, widely cultivated in the tropics, is stout, a woody high climber liana (vine) or large shrub,with fragrant yellow-white flowers and 3-winged wind dispersed seeds. Its leaves are lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate and approximately 20 cm (8 in) long,and 9 cm broad, ; petioles are up to 1 cm long. It has scandent branches upto 5 m high. Its flowers intermittently during the...