Did you know that Vishnu Krantha (Evolvulus alsinoides) plant, seen with it’s beautiful small blue or purple flowers on the road sides and waste lands throughout India, is mainly used as a home remedy for improving memory, reducing stress, to treat fevers, for hair growth and to treat wounds?
Vishnu Krantha (Evolvulus alsinoides) Did you know that Vishnu Krantha (Evolvulus alsinoides) plant, seen with it’s beautiful small blue or purple flowers on the road sides and waste lands throughout India, is mainly used as a home remedy for improving memory, reducing stress, to treat fevers, for hair growth and to treat wounds? Vishnu Krantha with the scientific name Evolvulus alsinoides, is also known as Shankhpushpi (Blue pea flowers), Vishnukarandhi, Vishnu-kranta, Vishukarandi, Sankaholi, Morning-glory, dwarf Morning-glory, and slender dwarf Morning-glory, and Blue Daze flower. It has a natural pantropical distribution encompassing tropical and warm-temperate regions. This plant with it’s beautiful small purple flowers on the road sides and waste lands is seen throughout India (though originated in Americas and spread widely in Africa), upto an altitude of 1300 m, and is prostrate, much branched herb with small woody rootstock. The genus name comes from the La...