R&D specialists should know this, that a discovery happens because the intellect is awake - it is taking information through the senses, it is using the memory and it is utilising the intuitive ability that is deep inside.
*Chapter 6 - Experiencing Infinity* *Day 30* Question - Gurudev, the intellect only works when you store memories or is it taking out from any memory? Gurudev - The intellect has this unique ability to connect with not just memory but also mind. That's why it perceives new things. It connects with memory, which is already stored and it connects with consciousness, which is intuitive. So, the intellect is in the middle - it takes from the outside, it takes from the inside - the past memory and it takes a little bit from somewhere deep within also. That's how intellect can create many new things in the world. A new poem does not come from memory. It doesn't come only from an impression of an experience, it comes as an intuition. How does a new scientific discovery happen? R&D specialists should know this, that a discovery happens because the intellect is awake - it is taking information through the senses, it is using the memory and it is utilising the intuitiv...