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That's why in Sanskrit there is a word called patrata, your capability to receive and hold the knowledge, it has to be there.

*Chapter 5 - The Fourth Dimension* *Day 21* One who says he doesn't know, he knows it, and one who says he knows it, doesn't know. One who knows also doesn't know. One who doesn't know also knows. That completes the confusion.  Divinity is not alien to anybody. It is not the proprietary of some special people on planet. It is part of the entire existence. Everything is in it, everything is of it.  That is why everybody at some level knows it. It is there, and that is what is the basis of whole creation. So even those who think they don't know at some level somewhere deep inside they have some idea.  Those who ascertain I know it well, somewhere they miss it. They also may not know how this universe consciousness is functioning in its totality. So here ignorance and knowledge are not poles apart, they are somewhere mixed up, they are there together.  It is not black and white. It is everything together. Now this is the blast for the intellect. Often peopl...

In the mind we think we don't know what our body needs, but our subconscious mind knows what our body needs. We don't listen to ourselves, we don't listen to our body, we don't listen to what our subconscious mind is telling us.

*Chapter 5 - The Fourth Dimension* *Day 20* That which is beyond the intellect, beyond the identity, that is worth knowing. That is Brahman. Upanishad emphasises that there is no other way, you have to know that.  It's easy to say I know it. It is easy to say I don't know. If you say I don't know, then also you are not truthful. One who knows like that, he really knows. Are you not confused? It's not straight mathematics.  If you are not confused, you will get confused in the next few hours. The jobs of Rishis is not to convey, but just to thoroughly confuse. If you think you know it, you don't know it.  If you think you don't know it that's not correct. You know it. The Consciousness is such that deep inside there is something that knows it. In our conscious mind, we think we don't know, but our subconscious mind knows it.  In the mind we think we don't know what our body needs, but our subconscious mind knows what our body needs. We don...

When you go beyond the "I", the self identity, then you find everybody's experience is your experience. That is the being, that is self, that is the spirit.

*Chapter 5 - The Fourth Dimension*  *Day 19* Sense objects are the external most. On the inward journey, from the sense objects, the first step is to become aware of the senses. Usually we are lost in the sense objects. This is our experience. When the mind experiences a sight, you are merged with the sight.  You are watching a movie and there is tragedy in the movie and you are crying as though you have become a part of that movie.  Everybody goes through this. This is spending your energy. Now, the mind, when it has to retrieve itself back it has to take a step backward from the scenery to the senses.  When you are lost that's why people ask you, "Are you in your senses"? It means are you in the scenery or you have you become aware of your senses.  It's only when you are with your senses that your intellect is active and alive. Consciousness has four inner functions : one functions as intellect second is the mind, third is memory and the fourth is ...

You are just fooling yourself. It's only to please yourself that you do puja, not to please God. Upanishad clearly says those who think this is God and they are doing worship and practices. It is the prana of the prana. So, go within and look inside, that is important.

*Chapter 4 - The World Of Immortality* *Day 17* People think this is God or this is Brahman, they are incorrect. It is that which cannot be reached through words. You say "Conversation with God".  How can you converse with God tell me? It's your own mind talking to yourself. You say "I am talking to God", or "Oh God told me this". Upanishad says it's rubbish.  It is that which cannot be expressed or reached through words, or words cannot reach it because of which words are getting expressed, that is Brahman, Divinity.  It is the Consciousness. Do you know how the words come and how speech gets generated? When the Consciousness is uniting itself with the intellect and the mind. A part of the mind generates energy in the body, that energy moves as wind through the voice box and a sound gets generated.  Consciousness the self in conjunction with the intellect and mind generates energy in the body, which moves through the wind pipe, through...

Put your attention on your breath now. It is moving in which nostril? Where the breath is flowing and are you breathing in or breathing out, you know.

*Chapter 4 - The World Of Immortality*  *Day 16* It is different from that which is known and it is also different from that which is not known. This is even more interesting. When you know this is empty, then you know that it is empty, correct?  If I say I dont know driving that means I know I dont know driving. So, what you know, you know and what you dont know that also you know. You know very well that you dont know. It is different from that which you know and it is different from that which you dont know also. The ancient Gurus have explained to us like this, "We have heard from our ancient teachers from our tradition, it is different from that which you know, and it is different from that which you dont know also."  Now this is creating even more mystery. It is easy to believe someone who says I dont know, and easy to believe someone who says I know, but what takes you on a leap into the unknown is someone who says, "I don’t know".  Yet knows and ...

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