The only thing that we can do is feel grateful for having a living Master in our life, and spread this joy and happiness to as many people as we possibly can, so that they also benefit from His unconditional Love & Grace
I did the Art of Living course in November 2003 in Mumbai, under the dynamic teacher Ramesh Menonji. I still remember those six beautiful days of my life, which despite the many years that have passed by, still seem just like yesterday. My first Kriya (meditation) was a beautiful experience, which simply blew my mind. It was such a unique feeling, and I still treasure it. During the Kriya, a strong sandalwood smell engulfed the room, which added to the beautiful blissful experience I was going through. I still remember that lovely fragrance. But at the time of the Kriya, on smelling the fragrance, I got a small doubt in my mind, that the teacher must have lighted some incense sticks, which was the reason for the sandalwood smell. So I asked some fellow participants regarding the fragrance, but none of them had got it. This was truly astonishing for me. This made me realize that each one had a unique experience. I considered this as a very precious happening and kept it in m...