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Gurudev, I know that you have stayed by my side when I had no one to talk to or express myself. I have not been successful at work so far and often I am unlucky. I have not been able to take things to completion. Please help me with your advice?

Question - Gurudev, I know that you have stayed by my side when I had no one to talk to or express myself. I have not been successful at work so far and often I am unlucky. I have not been able to take things to completion. Please help me with your advice? Gurudev Sri Sri - The pain or the concern that 'I have not been able to complete things' itself will take you towards completion. So just relax. If you don't feel concerned that you are not completing things, then there is a problem. But you have that concern, 'Oh, I am not completing. I want to complete. As long as that intense wish is there to complete, you don't have to worry, that will take you to completion.

Gurudev, how do Iincrease my self-worth and self-esteem?

Question - Gurudev, how do Iincrease my self-worth and self-esteem? Gurudev Sri Sri - There is no way on the planet Earth. You cannot increase your self esteem even if the Sun rises in the West and sets in the East. Even if that is possible, it is impossible to increase your self-esteem. Just accept it. My dear, if you think you don't have it and you try to have it, it is not going to work. You simply have to recognise that it is already there.

We would’ve have missed the wonderful opportunity to experience surrender, and also meet such wonderful people. In Art of Living, everything happens for a reason. Wisdom is to take out the learning’s in all of it, and move on, smarter and more skillful than before. An ordinary trip, made extraordinary by His grace.

On 18th June, 2013, Sri Sri was going to visit the BITS (one of India’s leading educational universities) campus in Goa where there would be a satsang (Vedic hymns and chants) and then He would address the students of the college. My plan was to catch a bus by noon so that I could reach Goa by 5.30 pm, attend the satsang, sing, dance, celebrate and meditate with my Guru, listen to him and meet Him in the darshan line and then catch a late night bus back to Belgaum But if everything went according to plan, it wouldn’t have been The Art of Living. What ensued as the day progressed was lots of divine comedy and chaos! On 18th morning, it was 11 am and I was not extremely sure of going. My friend Deepak kept asking me if we should go and I was trying to find every reason to say no. There would at least be 2000 people attending, thus slimming our chances to meet Sri Sri. The climate was also poor since it was monsoon season and I did not have sufficient rain gear. None of us kne...

In my overwhelmed state I told Him I want to tie it again. I tried to convey how I gave it through my uncle and how to tell Him that I want to personally tie it for you! And then I finally tied it and I was filled with such a sense of fulfilment. He smiled and blessed, the feeling of so much love and grace was worth everything.

Once I visited the Bangalore Ashram in August on Raksha Bandhan day (a festival in India where the brother promises to protect his sister throughout his life) . I had gone to meet Guruji and was eagerly looking forward to tying him a rakhi (a holy thread that the sister ties to her brother) myself. That enitre day I held on to my rakhi waiting for an opportunity but I wasn’t able to reach him or tie it to him. I was feeling a little apprehensive, but I kept telling myself it doesn’t matter; and I kept delaying passing on the rakhi, hoping that later maybe I’ll go inside his kutir or later at night I’ll get a chance. But the day passed and by evening I was quite restless to tie the rakhi to Him. In the evening we were all gathered at the Yagnashaala. Guruji was on the stage and just below the stage is a square area enclosed by a railing where some Swamijis and teachers were sitting. I was sitting right ahead just at the edge of the railing and I could see Him prominently. My...

Hibiscus sabdariffa Hindi-Lal Ambari/Patwa,Marathi-Laal ambaari/Tambdi-ambadi,Bengali-Chukar, Assamese-Chukiar Tangamora,Sanskrit-Ambasthaki,Kannada-Kempupundrike/Pulichakire,Tamil-Simaikkasuru, Telugu-Erragomguru/Ettagomgura, Malayalam-Polechi,Manipuri-Silo-sougree,Popular-Jamaica sorrel/Red sorrel/Roselle Malvaceae.Syn-H.digitatus, Sabdariffa digitata.

Hibiscus sabdariffa (Hindi-Lal Ambari/Patwa,Marathi-Laal ambaari/Tambdi-ambadi,Bengali-Chukar, Assamese-Chukiar Tangamora,Sanskrit-Ambasthaki,Kannada-Kempupundrike/Pulichakire,Tamil-Simaikkasuru, Telugu-Erragomguru/Ettagomgura, Malayalam-Polechi,Manipuri-Silo-sougree,Popular-Jamaica sorrel/Red sorrel/Roselle)Malvaceae.Syn-H.digitatus, Sabdariffa digitata.It is an annual, erect,bushy, herbaceous shrub growing upto 2.4 m tall with smooth or nearly smooth cylindrical typically red stems.Leaves are alternate,7.5-12.5 cm long, green with reddish veins and long or short petioles.Upper leaves are simple while the lower leaves are deeply 3 to 5 or even 7-lobed with toothed margins.Flowers are borne singly in the leaf axils,12.5 cm wide,yellow or buff with a rose or maroon eye.Fruit is bright red,ovoid capsule with hooked hairs having 3-4 seeds.It is native to North Africa and SE Asia but now grows in many tropical and subtropical climates.It is distributed in almost all warm countr...

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