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Inside when it is hollow and empty, fourth dimension comes wherein a continuous joy exists. Awareness exists. A continuous awareness is there. This is different from knowledge.

💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐         🌺 ASHTAVAKRA GITA🌺                      🌿Chapter - 31🌿                ~ Free Of Wanting ~                   🌱 Day - 179 🌱 💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐 जनक उवाच प्रकृत्या शून्यचित्तो यः प्रमादाद्भावभावनः । निद्रिनो बोधित इव क्षीणसंस्मरणो हि सः ॥ क्व धनानि क्व मित्राणि क्व मे विषयदस्यवः । क्व शास्त्रं क्व च विज्ञानं यदा मे गलिता स्पृहा ॥ विज्ञाते साक्षिपुरूषे परमात्मानि चेश्वरे । नैराश्ये बन्धमोक्षे च न चिन्ता मुक्तये मम ॥ अन्तर्विकल्पशून्यस्य बहिः स्वच्छन्दचारिणः । भ्रान्तस्येव दशास्तास्तास्तास्तादृशा एव जानते ॥ Many had experienced enlightenment, but only a few could express it, only a few could properly express it. And among those who could express it, only a few could communicate or transfer that experience. Janaka speaks about what everyone has termed to be something which words cannot descri...

Grab every opportunity to be grateful in life. Then you will see that you will stop grumbling, and all your miseries and sorrow will disappear from life.

💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐         🌺 ASHTAVAKRA GITA🌺                      🌿Chapter - 30🌿     ~ Your Nature Is Gratefulness ~                   🌱 Day - 178 🌱 💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐 The electricity inside the bulb knows that it is all over the wire; that it is the electricity. The current that is transformed into light, knows itself as the electricity present in the wire. It is immediately in touch with entire circuit, wherever the wire is present. It happens in no time. And it is your very nature and birthright. That's what Janaka says, ' Evameva mastitaha. I am abiding in my very nature.' So think of all those things that you could be grateful for. We are born on this planet. We could have been born somewhere in Ethiopia or Bangladesh where you don't know when a river would flood, and wash you away; perhaps in the middle of the night. Of this infinite ...

Stop thinking about enlightenment. Just start being grateful. Find every little opportunity to be grateful and then you will see that you will abide in your Self. This is enlightenment.

💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐         🌺 ASHTAVAKRA GITA🌺                      🌿Chapter - 30🌿     ~ Your Nature Is Gratefulness ~                   🌱 Day - 177 🌱 💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐 Master and a disciple were doing a lot of work helping the poor - caring for the needy and doing a lot of social work; the work of God. On rainy days when they could not travel, they would go to their small hut and rest. One day, after finishing their work, they returned home. When they arrived, they found that a big storm had damaged it and only a little portion was left, where they could hardly sit. When the disciple saw this, he became very angry with God. He prayed and asked God if He could not have saved one small hut for them. That they had not asked Him for anything! They just had that one hut for shelter and He did not even save that! He further said that they had tol...

Ashtavakra says that the grateful are the fortunate ones. When you feel so grateful, who are you grateful to? We can't take everything for granted. If you start taking things for granted, gratefulness wil die in us. To be grateful. That is our very nature.

💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐         🌺 ASHTAVAKRA GITA🌺                      🌿Chapter - 30🌿     ~ Your Nature Is Gratefulness ~                   🌱 Day - 176 🌱 💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐 Millions of people are born in this world. They live and die. And what do they do all along? Everyone has come into the world crying and crying. All along they cry for this or that. They will live feeling that something is right and something is not right; that something is good and something is not good. They will want something and not want something else. They live in the limited spheres of likes and dislikes, love and hate. Only a few brave ones can know that they are beyond all these small things. That they are much deeper in their very nature - like an ocean. In the ocean, there are so many things. Oil is there,pearls are there,fish is there, sand is there... and what n...

When you abide in your very nature, you are enlightened. It's not an achievement. It is your very nature; simple, innocent,full of feeling, joy and consciousness. You are one with Infinity. You are in fact, nobody, truly nobody. That's what Ashtavakra says. एवमेव कृतं येन स कृतार्थो भवेदसौ ।

💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐         🌺 ASHTAVAKRA GITA🌺                      🌿Chapter - 30🌿     ~ Your Nature Is Gratefulness ~                   🌱 Day - 175 🌱 💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐 एवमेव कृतं येन स कृतार्थो भवेदसौ । एवमेव स्वभावो यः स कृतार्थो भवेदसौ । In the one in whom this is just the nature, by his very nature is really fortunate. Svabhavo, one who has attained this is really fortunate. What do we think is fortunate in the world? Who do we think are fortunate? Do we think that those who have a lot of money are very fortunate? How is it fortunate for them? They are very nervous of what others would do to them to take away their wealth. They don't have friends. It is very difficult for them to have friends because they don't know whether anybody's friendship is genuine or not. Many wealthy people stay in isolation, because they are so afraid of people...

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