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The first step to success is innovation Bring in team work, bring out a commitment in people, a work and life balance moderating the amount of stress in their lives so that they do not burn out. Encourage the concept of participation among people."

Chapter 5 - Innovation  Day 8  I was told the theme of this conference is Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Social Business'. Just yesterday I was at the Economic Times Awards and I happened to listen to two professors from Harvard. They listed about eight points in the presentation, explaining how a brewery in South Africa has excelled, then how other companies around the world have excelled.  And after that, they listed another 7 items, and I turned around to Prof RK Pachauri who was sitting next to me, and I said to him, "We already do these things."  What were those things? They said, "Bring in team work, bring out a commitment in people, a work and life balance moderating the amount of stress in their lives so that they do not burn out. Encourage the concept of participation among people."  Many among the audience there, the successful businessmen, I tell you, some of them have not even completed their educational degree, but they have done very ...

Gurudev, I have been a follower of the Radhaswami tradition for a very long time. In my desire to meet you, I attended the Happiness program and learnt the Sudarshan Kriya. Now I feel guilty that I am not doing something wrong. Can I follow two different spiritual traditions together?

Question - Gurudev, I have been a follower of the Radhaswami tradition for a very long time. In my desire to meet you, I attended the Happiness program and learnt the Sudarshan Kriya. Now I feel guilty that I am not doing something wrong. Can I follow two different spiritual traditions together? Gurudev Sri Sri - There is no need to feel guilty at all. See, you started following a particular spiritual tradition sincerely and did a lot of good service there, as a result of that you got the gift of coming to this tradition. But once you are practicing the meditation practices of this tradition (of The Art of Living), I would suggest you to not mix up them up with what you were doing earlier. Do not try to change or mix the techniques taught here with some other ones you have learnt before. Follow the techniques and the approaches taught here as you have learnt it. You are also receiving the knowledge from that spiritual tradition, so continue to do so and honour it. All knowl...

Gurudev, would you speak about the importance of silence. How do we practice it?

Question - Gurudev, would you speak about the importance of silence. How do we practice it? Gurudev Sri Sri - (Maintains a few moments of silence) That's it. Take a moment, observe your breath, calm your mind, and relax your body. You find such peace and so much love within you. We are all born with this gift of love and peace. Somehow we forget to look within, which is of utmost importance. A few moments to introspection is very necessary. Either eyes open or closed, being in the moment, now, and relaxing suddenly connects you to yourself.

Gurudev, if someone provokes us, should we keep quiet or teach them a lesson? If we keep quiet then they consider it as a weakness, and if we teach them a lesson, they say that we have not grown spiritually. What should be done in this case?

Question - Gurudev, if someone provokes us, should we keep quiet or teach them a lesson? If we keep quiet then they consider it as a weakness, and if we teach them a lesson, they say that we have not grown spiritually. What should be done in this case?  Gurudev Sri Sri - To teach someone a lesson, you should be calm. If you have anger, if you are disturbed, you cannot teach someone a lesson. At the same time, you cannot keep turning the other cheek all the time. Teach the lesson, but with compassion. This will give you strength. When you have understood the position of a person and why they are provoking you, you will deal with them with a calm and serene mind.

Gurudev, could you talk to me about your own problems? What are your problems?

Question - Gurudev, could you talk to me about your own problems? What are your problems? Gurudev Sri Sri - You know, my biggest problem is that I am a dreamer. Knowing very well that there is violence, there are problems in the world, I still dream of a violence-free society, a violence free world. And I know it will take its own time, but I can't give up my dream. This is my big problem, hold on to it. If you read newspapers and watch television, it looks or appears like we are so far away from this dream, but yet I see the same dream, to see the world united in love and peace. I dream of a violence-free and stress free society.

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