The first step to success is innovation Bring in team work, bring out a commitment in people, a work and life balance moderating the amount of stress in their lives so that they do not burn out. Encourage the concept of participation among people."
Chapter 5 - Innovation Day 8 I was told the theme of this conference is Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Social Business'. Just yesterday I was at the Economic Times Awards and I happened to listen to two professors from Harvard. They listed about eight points in the presentation, explaining how a brewery in South Africa has excelled, then how other companies around the world have excelled. And after that, they listed another 7 items, and I turned around to Prof RK Pachauri who was sitting next to me, and I said to him, "We already do these things." What were those things? They said, "Bring in team work, bring out a commitment in people, a work and life balance moderating the amount of stress in their lives so that they do not burn out. Encourage the concept of participation among people." Many among the audience there, the successful businessmen, I tell you, some of them have not even completed their educational degree, but they have done very ...