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Gurudev, do you believe in evil?

Question - Gurudev, do you believe in evil? Gurudev Sri Sri - I don't believe in evil but I know that evil is the shadow of lack of goodness. It is an absence of goodness, absence of love, and absence of light. In India we believe in six types of evil - pride, greed, arrogance, jealously, anger and lust. Any of these distortions of love, or lack of knowledge, lack of wisdom can destroy one's life.

Mantra is not the name of anyone, that's why it is called a seed .... the seed of your desires, your desires, your destination, your goal.

*Guru Gyan:* _(Shiv Sutra_6.8)_ अगला सूत्र है चित्तं मंत्रः। जिसको कहने से मन तर जाता है वह मंत्र है। जिसके सहारे मन छोटापन छोड़के बढप्पन मे आ जाता है...वह मंत्र है। जिसके कहने से इच्छाएं मे रहनेवाला मन तृप्ति की ओर बढ़ जाता है। मन मे इच्छाएं घूमती रहती है....इच्छा, राग, द्वेष चित्त बन जाता है। चिंता से, महत्वकांक्षा से भरा हुवा चित्त दुःख के ओर ले जाता है। ऐसा चित्त तारता नहीं है....टूटता रहता है। ऐसे चित्त को तारने के लिए जो युक्ति है वह है मंत्र। एक मंत्र माने उस मंत्र पूरा लक्षण, स्वभाव तुम्हारे चेतना मे है ....जैसे एक वृक्ष का पूरा सार एक बीज मे है। एक बीज का अर्थ है पूरा वृक्ष....वैसे ही एक मंत्र का अर्थ है पूरा जीवन। तुम्हारे सारे जीवनी शक्ति का एक शब्द मे अगर कहना चाहते हो तो उसी को कहते है मंत्र। मंत्र किसी का नाम नहीं है इसीलिए इसको बीज कहते है....तुम्हारे कामना, इच्छाओं का, तुम्हारे गंतव्य का, तुम्हारे लक्ष्य का बीज। तुम्हारे लक्ष्य को अभी आप देखना चाहोगे, एक वृक्ष का को देखना चाहोगे ....तो वह बीज है। बीज का अंत वृक्ष मे है ....वैसे ही जीवन का, चित्त का अंत मंत्र ...

If you have experienced extreme happiness at any time, know that you were in samadhi at that moment. Do you know what happiness is? Where are you looking for happiness?

Chapter 5 - Rest Within  Day 35 The happiness of samadhi radiates waves of joy to the world. It can be interpreted in many ways and seen from different points of view. Those who are realised and those who aim for realisation might have their own view. From the point of view of the siddha, once you enjoy samadhi, the whole world is filled with happiness. When you are happy in samadhi, the happiness is not restricted to you, but spreads all around you. Something is wrong if you think that you are in samadhi while the people around you are unhappy. That cannot be samadhi. The sign of samadhi is that all should be happy. You cannot hide light if it is shining. Its rays travel in all directions. If it does not spread, it is not light. If there is no happiness in the place around you, you cannot be in samadhi at all.  Even if one person achieves samadhi, its effects radiate out to the world, creating happiness for people nearby. The effect when thousands of people enter ...

Gurudev, is Mantra chanting good for our mind? If yes, is it good to continuously keep chanting mantras? Please guide

Question - Gurudev, is Mantra chanting good for our mind? If yes, is it good to continuously keep chanting mantras? Please guide Gurudev @SriSriRaviShankar ji - Definitely it helps! But we should not keep chanting continuously, this is not correct. Do you keep bathing continuously? When you chant the mantra for some time, your mind will become stronger. That is why it called mantra. We can do it for 20 - 30 minutes. If you keep doing it continuously, your intellect will become dull. We should not do it too much. If you stay a lot in water, you will become a fish (laughter). That is why it is referred as mantra-snaan (bath). If someone keeps listening to music, his intellect will stop working. Similarly, someone who keeps doing math and never listens to music, his personality will also be unbalanced. These things are there to balance our left brain and right brain. We should look it from a scientific perspective. From a scientific perspective, we should listen to in music fo...

Serve! Take a break from thinking what about me, what about me? and switch to what can I do, how can I help? How can I contribute to this world?.~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

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