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Ayurveda Panchakarma treatments and therapies to prepare the body for the new season ahead! Ganesh Festival

The festivals celebrated in the Indian subcontinent coincide with the change in the seasons. It is a period to not only be with our loved ones but also to undergo Ayurveda Panchakarma treatments and therapies to prepare the body for the new season ahead! 😊 Come indulge in the wisdom and goodness of Ayurveda with us 😊 To book a session with us Call / Whatsapp :+91 7706090946  Sri Sri Tattva Panchakarma I Bringing balance to your Life

We start to experience it, the joy of the self. Leave everything else. Simply through wonder, the mind will settle into yoga.

Chapter 3 - Bubbles On The Water Day 24 There are three types of feelings : "I know," "I do not know" and third, "I cannot know." In Sanskrit these are called "jnat," the known, "ajnat," the unknown, and "ajneya," the unknowable.  To approach the unknowable, start wondering about the known and about the unknown. Yoga is the unknowable. While a child who has caught a butterfly is wonderstruck, we are apathetic even if a beautiful wonder is shown to us.  You travel to visit the Taj Mahal, glance at it while snacking on peanuts and say, "Oh, is this the Taj Mahal?" Then you start giving your opinion about it or complaining about problems or worries. Did you really see the Taj Mahal? Only a site-seeing ritual has been fulfilled. Others even see the Taj Mahal while sitting in a bus and say, "What is there to see? It is only a marble building."  Again, look at children. Take them to a beach or the riv...

With wonder, yoga begins. Yoga does not mean sitting in a closed room doing pranayama or sit-ups till you are gasping for breath.

*Chapter 3 - Bubbles On The Water* *Day 23* Have you ever observed a curious child around six months old? A baby examines its hands and fingers with amazement as if though it were seeing something amazing.  The baby is just looking at its hand. The moment you attain knowledge without wonder attached to it, that knowledge is worthless. You can even treat such knowledge as ignorance.  Only knowledge that creates wonder in you is real knowledge. What we consider as knowledge actually destroys our ability to be amazed.  What is left in life when there is no wonder or amazement? Life becomes dull. Wonder is a quality of life, and through wonder we can attain union and yoga.  Wonder is the basis for yoga. Anything you see around you is amazing. When a child sees a leaf it asks, "Why it is green?"  No sooner than you reply, he asks, "Why is the sky blue?", "Why does an elephant have a trunk?" or "Why does a horse not have a trunk?"  They may...

What is that existence? What is the meaning of yoga? Where does yoga begin? It starts with wonder, vismayo.

*Chapter 3 - Bubbles On The Water* *Day 22* Once, when I was in Ooty, India somebody told me, "There is one very brave saint residing nearby. His specialty is that he has dug his own grave.  He is such a great soul that he has given instructions to be buried in the grave he has dug for himself." What do you think?  Is he a great soul or is it arrogance? While you are alive, do what you want to do and leave the rest for others to finish after your death.  He has not left any work for others. They do not even have the freedom to build his grave because that has to happen according to his wish.  He has such a deep-rooted interest in living and the body. There is a feeling that I have done an amazing and shocking feat, which nobody else has dared to do.  Be patient and brave. Do not fall into self-blame. You are different from the you that experiences the three states of waking, dreaming and deep sleep.  It takes time to discover this. It does not h...

“Your keys!” Everyone was stunned. No one could believe what had just happened. Who was this man? How was he here? How did he find the keys? How did he know the keys belonged to us? The only answer to all these questions was – A miracle of the Master’s Grace.

This was on the day after finishing the Golden Jubilee celebrations of the ART OF LIVING at Jakkur aerodrome in Bangaluru. My mom and dad were travelling back to Gulbarga in the Udyan express. It was a night journey, so the train stopped at a particular station after a few hours from the departure time. So my father stepped out of the train in order to stretch a bit, as one tends to become very stiff just sitting through a train journey. In just a few minutes, the train blew a departure horn, and dad stepped inside the train, but as he did so, a bunch of keys fell down from his pocket, onto the tracks. That bunch included our home keys, locker keys, office keys, and bike keys. But dad did not realize it. He did not notice the fact that the keys had slipped out of his pocket. He just went and sat on his seat normally. On reaching home next morning, dad started searching for the keys, as he could not locate them in his pockets. He frantically asked mom to look for them as wel...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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