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Gurudev, What is the real meaning of Faith? Can you please guide me how to have strong faith on the Divine/Guru?

Question - Gurudev, What is the real meaning of Faith? Can you please guide me how to have strong faith on the Divine/Guru? Gurudev @SriSriRaviShankar Ji - That which withstands all doubts is faith. Your doubt is always about something that is POSITIVE. You doubt the honesty of somebody, you never doubt the dishonesty of someone. You doubt the love of somebody, not the hate of anyone. You doubt your happiness, you never doubt your depression. Has anybody ever doubted their depression? Have you ever said, 'Wait, let me see, am I depressed or not'. You are so sure of depression! This is the nature of doubt. And faith is that something which even doubt cannot overshadow. Once a journalist asked me, 'Don’t beat around the bush, I want to ask a direct question. Are you enlightened?' I just looked at him and smiled. If I say 'Yes' I have to prove it, so why take the headache of proving it. So I said 'No'. He said, 'You are kidding. I want a ser...

Gurudev, What to do to stop being demanding in relationships? It does come and go but I feel like coming out of such a tendency. Where does such a tendency arise from?

Questions - Gurudev, What to do to stop being demanding in relationships? It does come and go but I feel like coming out of such a tendency. Where does such a tendency arise from? Gurudev @SriSriRaviShankar Ji - Just wonder about it. When you get attention it gives you some energy and you feel elevated. When you are so centered within, then it doesn’t matter whether people’s attention is there or not, you don’t care about it. Meditation and Spiritual Wisdom can help you get centered in Life. But normally people’s attention somehow makes you feel little better. That’s why people do so many things just to draw attention from others. Don’t worry about where this tendency arises from. If it is arising and you have watched it, then just let go and move on.

Gurudev, My life is so busy between office and home. How can I be consistent with SKY (Sudarshan Kriya) and Meditation practices?

Question - Gurudev, My life is so busy between office and home. How can I be consistent with SKY (Sudarshan Kriya) and Meditation practices? Gurudev @SriSriRaviShankar ji - First, we don't have this problem when it comes to showering or brushing or eating. So you need to connect the meditation to something important in day to day activities like without SKY meditation no breakfast etc. Second, with these techniques you don't lose time, you actually gain more time. See, last night I slept at 1:30 AM for 2 hours, woke up showered and went about my work. My usual noon short nap was also gone as we were flying to Seattle (a city in USA) . Since it gets busy and taking care of many questions from people and also listening to the problems of people wherever I go, I make it a point to meditate. So think that you can do it and you'll do it. Don't think I can't do it.

Gurudev, Since I am in the Art of Living family, I try my best to overcome my aggression. I do all the practises but sometimes I again feel very strong aggression. Can you please guide me what to do?

Question - Gurudev, Since I am in the Art of Living family, I try my best to overcome my aggression. I do all the practises but sometimes I again feel very strong aggression. Can you please guide me what to do? Gurudev @SriSriRaviShankar Ji - When the cloth is very clean, even a little dirt appears very big on it. Similarly, when the mind is very calm, even if a little bit of something comes up it is very over powering. This is normal. If the cloth is all dirty one more dot, some more dust does not make a big difference. But it makes a difference when it is getting much cleaner. So in this sense, when you have moved away from aggression, sometimes if an old impression pops up notice the quality of it, it will be different. Before you were aggressive and the aggression stayed for long. Now also, some time you get that but you immediately become aware and you move away from it, isn't it? This is a stage and to move away from this stage, more meditation will help. No need ...

What does worry mean? It means that we have not worked to the best of our ability

*Chapter 2 - Energy Centres* *Day 8* When will life be full of joy? We bargain for a little of this and a little of that, wanting that such and such should happen. These are our main worries. To free our consciousness, which is bogged down in petty worries. When we put in our best efforts, we do not worry whether or not our work will be successful.  What does worry mean? It means that we have not worked to the best of our ability. Imagine that you are playing football or running a race.  If you put in your full energy, you will have no regrets. If you do not put in your 100%, then you may think, "Oh. I could have done better."  A person who gives his full efforts knows, "How could I have done better? I did my best and am prepared to accept the results.  If I get the fruits I will be fine, and if not, then too I will be happy." When you completely apply your energy, fully using actions, speech and mind, you become full.  Bhairava means fullness. Dissa...

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