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Hypericum japonicum Family : Hypericaceae Common name: Kanike ghas, Chalakjhar Habit : Herb

Hypericum japonicum Family : Hypericaceae Common name: Kanike ghas, Chalakjhar Habit : Herb Habitat : Moist or wet areas  Uses: ✔ It is used in the treatment of asthma and dysentery, hepatitis. ✔ The plant has also shown antitumour activity.  ✔ Externally, it is used to treat wounds, leech bites, swellings and fungal skin diseases.  Sweta Mishra Biodiversity and Conservation Lab. Ambika Prasad Research Foundation Cuttack, Odisha India

Hyptis suaveolens Family : Lamiaceae Common name : Ganga tulsi (Odia) Habit : Shrub

Hyptis suaveolens Family : Lamiaceae Common name : Ganga tulsi (Odia)  Habit : Shrub Habitat : Along roadside & waste grounds Medicinal uses : ✔ Leaf extracts cure swellings, abscesses and haemorrhoids.  ✔ Roots are chewed with betel nuts as a stomachic and its decoction is used as an appetizer. ✔ Tea made from the roots is used to purify the blood, and is also used as a remedy for the diseases of women.  Sweta Mishra Biodiversity and Conservation Lab. Ambika Prasad Research Foundation Bhubaneswar, Odisha India

Bacopa monnieri (L.) Pennell Family : Scrophulariaceae Common name : Brahmi Habit : Herb

Bacopa monnieri (L.) Pennell Family : Scrophulariaceae Common name : Brahmi Habit : Herb Habitat : Wetlands and muddy shores  Medicinal uses : ✔ It is used in improving intellect and memory.  ✔ It is also useful in the treatment of cardiac, respiratory and neuropharmacological disorders like insomnia,insanity, depression, psychosis, epilepsy and stress. Sweta Mishra Biodiversity and Conservation Lab. Ambika Prasad Research Foundation Bhubaneswar, Odisha India

Schleichera oleosa (Lour.) Oken Family : Sapindaceae Common name : Kusum

Schleichera oleosa (Lour.) Oken Family : Sapindaceae Common name : Kusum Location : Mayurbhanj, Odisha India Habit : Tree Habitat : Dry as well as swampy areas in low altitude Medicinal uses : ✔ Bark is used as astringent and the leaves are used as fodder for cattle. ✔ The bark paste with water can be used to treat menorrhea, malaria and dysentery.  ✔ The seed oil by heating with garlic is applied over body to get relief from cold fever and ear ache.  Sweta Mishra Biodiversity and Conservation Lab. Ambika Prasad Research Foundation Bhubaneswar, Odisha India 

Justicia betonica L. Family : Acanthaceae Common name : Squirrel Tail, Hadpat (Hindi)

Justicia betonica L.  Family : Acanthaceae Common name : Squirrel Tail, Hadpat (Hindi)  Location : Bhubaneswar, Odisha India Habit : Under shrub Habitat : Found along roads and stream banks Medicinal uses : ✔ Crushed leaves used against pain and swelling.  ✔ The aerial parts are used in diarrhoea and inflammation and swelling.  ✔ Inflorescence is given orally to treat vomiting and constipation.  Sweta Mishra Biodiversity and Conservation Lab. Ambika Prasad Research Foundation Bhubaneswar, Odisha India

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Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

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