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Phyllodium longipes Common name: Fish Scale Plant Location Kolkata West Bengal India

Phyllodium longipes  Common name: Fish Scale Plant Clicked on 19th July '22 Kolkata West Bengal India @ Gopa Dan

Costus igneus CN: Insulin Plant Location Kolkata West Bengal India

Costus igneus CN: Insulin Plant Clicked on 14th July  Kolkata West Bengal India @ Gopa Dan

Loneliness can only be filled by being alone

*Chapter 10 - Loneliness*  Someone's company cannot get rid of your loneliness. Even if it does so, it is very short-lived. In spite of being in company, you can be lonely.  So loneliness can only be filled by being alone. If you can be comfortable being alone for some time, then you will not feel lonely.  When you don't feel lonely you can spread joy around you. You will not be a boring person. If you are lonely then you can be boring to others and that will make you lonelier.  If you see that you are bored with your own company then how much more boring must you be for others? There is something common between boredom and love.  Have you thought about it? It is repetition. When you are in love you repeat. It doesn't make any sense but you go on repeating.  Have you seen people sending cards on which they write love, love, love,' so many times. If it is written once, it is enough. But the mind does not get satisfied. It wants to write so many t...

Why do we have depression? We have depression if we don't do any service,

*Chapter 11 - Depression* Why do we have depression? We have depression if we don't do any service, if we keep thinking about ourselves.  If you want to get depressed, just sit in a corner and think only about yourself. It is the best way to get depressed.  Go out into the world. It needs you. Anyway, you are going to die. Before you die at least make this breath and body, useful to people around you.  If you do so, there is no way that you can get depressed. You get depressed because you are seeking love, joy and comfort somewhere out there.  Knowledge of the self is just the opposite. It turns the whole thing around. The sign of enlightenment is an absence of depression, because there cannot be darkness in light. So, the first step is to understand that you are going to die anyway - maybe in another 10,20 years. You may mark it on a calendar.  You know the scale may move up and down. This is going to happen anyway. But, feel that you should be of s...

Explain the reason for suffering ?

Q: Guruji, please explain the reason for suffering ? Gurudev Sri Sri : Okay, suppose I tell you, you should eat five masala dosa tonight, what will happen to you? Suppose you are force fed five masala dosa or 20 pooris, what will happen to you ?          First of all, you will suffer. Tonight you cannot sleep, right ? It will create headache, stomach ache and then all types of aches.         Firstly, when we violate the laws of nature, then we suffer. Second, ignorance - if you don’t know what you are eating and you eat some wrong things, then also you will suffer, right?          Third is, if you have violated some laws at some time in the past, in the previous life, that also can bring some karma. So karmaja, agyanaja, and pragyaparadh; three things bring suffering.        How to remove the ignorance ? Through knowledge and understanding ; Asking questions like you are doing.

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