Chikitsa in Ayurvada (8 branches of ayurvada) | Dr Sandeep Jadhav Aayushee Health Care Kalwa West Thane,Maharashtra India 400605
Chikitsa in Ayurvada (8 branches of ayurvada) :- When a patient approaches Ayurgruham, then we will be diagnosing the diseases by a detailed clinical examination and checking the symptoms. Once the diagnosis is made then we will enlist that in any one of the following eight branches. These eight branches are made for the accurate planning of the treatment for any disease classically. 1. Kayachikitsa The word ‘Kaya’ represents ‘Agni’ – the digestive fire in the body. It is responsible for the metabolism in the body. The imbalance to this ‘Agni’ is the cause for many diseases. Kaya chikitsa deals with the treatment of general ailments, by regulating the digestive fire. As it is the general medicine it describes the treatment for the disease of Gastro intestinal system, Liver and spleen diseases, Cardio- Vascular diseases, Skin diseases, Skin diseases and diseases related with the urinary system.I am text block. Click edit button to change this text . 2. Baala chikitsa T...