The Hebrews used the act of blessing to bring forth health, wealth and happiness. They knew the power of blessing.
The Hebrews used the act of blessing to bring forth health, wealth and happiness. They knew the power of blessing. "Praise and bless" the things around you, are worth their weight in gold. praise and bless everything in your life! when you are praising or blessing you are on the highest frequency of love. The Hebrews used the act of blessing to bring forth health, wealth and happiness. They knew the power of blessing. The dictionary defines blessing as" invoking divine favour and conferring well-being or prosperity, "so begin right now to invoke the power of blessing in your life, and bless everything and everyone. Likewise with praising, for when you are praising someone or something you are giving love, and as you emit that magnificent frequency, it will return to you a hundred - fold. Praising and blessing dissolves all negativity, so praise and bless your enemies. If you curse your enemies, the curse will come b...