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Amla or Indian Gooseberry is a rich source of Vitamin C.*

*An excellent immunity builder, Amla or Indian Gooseberry is a rich source of Vitamin C.* *Amla, being rich in anti-oxidants, works wonders on the elasticity of the skin, reducing visible lines of aging and pigmentation or dark spots. Its innumerable benefits include strengthening the immune system, enhancing skin and hair health, combating fatigue and increasing energy.* *Sri Sri Tattva range of Health Juices come packed with the goodness of Amla, Aloe Vera, Triphala, Giloy, Tulasi, Karela and Jamun. Completely natural, they are non synthetic and have no added sugar.*

Parenting Workshop

*PARENTING WORKSHOP* _parenting is tough & mistakes made in a moment can take years to repair. So, learning the skills of effective parenting is very important_ *Master the art of parenting through this powerful - basic to advance level workshop* *Day 1 -  2* Understanding the different types of family climates in the family - authoritarian climate - nurturing climate  - permissive climate  Identifying your family climate  *Day 3 - 5* ☑How to *control their screentime/mobile time* ☑How to make them eat *healthy food willingly* ☑How to make them *realize their mistakes in a healthy way* ☑How to prevent yourself from *over pampering* them *Day 6*  Understanding *Key moment model* - weakening vs strengthening communication *Day 7* How to stop over managing & over indulging behaviour *Day 8* Rising above just problem - solving to maturation *Day 9* The cycle of strengthening behaviour - *HERO principle of parenting* *Day 10* Getting desired outcomes by effec...

Inner Healing Therapy

*INNER SELF HEALING THERAPY* ✅This is a psychological therapy to help - *Release the accumulated emotional pain, Identify & overcome fears*  ✅Improving emotional intelligence through *ACT - acceptance & commitment therapy* ✅Profound healing at *genetic level* including *ancestral healing*. Techniques for relationship healing ✅Learning techniques for improving *Emotional Quotient (EQ)*  _Techniques to overcome mood swings, anger, irritation, anxiety, feelings of intolerance_ ✅ *Removing behavioural obstacles* to unleash full potential & boost *confidence & self esteem* *Day 1* What is the inner self? How to listen to the inner self *Day 2* Technique for healthy thought circulation *Day 3* Seed Concept Therapeutic healing of emotional pain & guilt *Day 4* Concept of inter-being Healing at the genetic (DNA) level  *Day 5* Understanding the basic human fear & desire Acceptance & Commitment therapy (ACT) *Day 6* The 5 remembrances to help the inner ...

Karmic Chord Cutting Workshop

*Karmic Chord Cutting Workshop* This workshop is designed to help you understand the theory of karma, karmic relations & karmic chord cutting to uplift your life energy.  This is important so you don't feel stuck in life. Karmic chord cutting uplifts your life energy & makes sure you grow & evolve in all areas of life.  After doing this workshop, you will understand: 1. *Karma* - it's effect on your life, power of present karma, how to do karmic cleaning.  2. *Chord cutting* - you will learn how to cut chords with things, people & memories that no longer serve your highest good.  This will bring lots of peace, happiness & healing in your life.  *Daywise details of the workshop* 👇🏻 *Day 1* What is karmic chord cutting? It's impact & benefits in our life *Day 2* Theory of Karma & Karmic relations *Day 3* Connection between chords & memories *Day 4* Karmic chords & aura Effect of chords on our aura  *Day 5* Signs that show...

Every day is a celebration

Every day is a celebration Every day is a celebration! All that we need to know is that this world that we are in, all these things, are ultimately nothing! One day we will leave all this here only. Our body too will go back to this Earth. But you, the spirit will be alive. You will rise up because you are eternal   Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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