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Neem Tablets

Neem -- Azadirachta indica Neem Tablets :- Neem is known for its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and blood purifying properties. Neem prevents skin problems and maintains healthy and glowing skin. Neem helps to regulate blood sugar hence useful in treating diabetes. Neem also strengthens the immune system and increases body’s resistance against infections and also acts as an anthelmintic medicine, deworming the intestines.  Neem Tablets Indication :-  Skin diseases,Disease of eyes,Urinary disorders,Ulcers,Poisoning. Dosage :- 1 to 2 tablets twice a day Or as Prescribed by Physicians.

Triphala Tablets

Triphala Tablets : - Triphala is an effective combination of three fruits. Triphala acts as a very good laxative. Triphala also balances the tridoshas. The three fruits in Triphala are- Haritaki that reduce Vata, Vibhitaki that reduces Kapha and Amalaki reduces Pitta. TRIPHALA can be used in Constipation, Piles, Abdominal distention, Anorexia and Eye diseases. Triphala is good in Diabetes mellitus. Triphala Tablets Indication : - Distension of abdomen due to obstruction to passage of urine and stools. Urinary disorders,Eye disorders, Diseases due to kapha and Pitta dosha, Diseases of skin, Impaired digestive fire,Tastelessness, Intermittent fever. Dosage :- 2 tablets twice a day or as prescribed by physicians.

Ashwagandha Tablets

Ashwagandha -- Withania somnifera Ashwagandha Tablets :- Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb and has been valued for its thyroid modulating, neuroprotective , anti-anxiety , antidepressant and anti-inflammatory properties. Ashwagandha increases Muscle Strength, Improves Sexual Function & Fertility , Boost Immunity , Reduces Brain cells Degeneration & improve memory , Helps to Fight Cancer , Balances Blood sugar level , Improve depression , Combats Stress & Anxiety , Relieves Adrenal Fatigue , Improves Thyroid Function. Ashwagandha Tablets Indication :- Oedema, Emaciation,Weakness, Diseases with vata predominance, Impotency. Dosage : 1 to 2 tablets twice a day  Or                 As prescribed by the physician.

Amruth Tablets

Amruth - Giloy - Tinospora cordifolia . Amruth Tablets :-  Health benefits of Amruth were respected by ancient Ayurveda authors, So much so that they called it ‘ Divine Nectar ‘ or ‘Amrita’. Amruth promotes longevity,enhanced memory,improves health and bestows youth. It is one of the best anti-pyretic drugs. It modulates the immune system to fight all types of infections. It is useful to treat skin disorders and Diabetes mellitus. Amruth Tablets Indication :-  Improves Digestion,Boosts Immunity,Treats Blood disorders,Relives Gouty Arthritis,Reduce sign of Aging,Helps in Asthma,Jaundice, Fever, Removes worm infestation,improves strength, Urinary disorders, Skin disorders,Anaemia,Geriatric,Appetizer,Detoxifier, Removes thirst,Removes burning sensation,Cough. Dosage ;- 2 tablets twice a day or as directed by physician.

Amla Tablets

Amla - Emblica Officinalis. Amla Tablets :- Amla is the richest source of Vitamin C and contains Gallic acid, ellagic acid and flavonoids.  Amla possesses antioxidant, anti-hyperglycemic and anti-hyperlipidemic properties.  Amla being the polyphenols and a mixture of phytochemicals can act as a hypolipidemic agent , reducing the risk of cardiovascular complications in diabetics.  Thus Amla may also be used as a supportive therapy for Diabetes.  Amla being used as Hepatoprotective , Immunostimulant , Antitussive, Dermo- protective, Analgesic, Anti-aging, Nephroprotective, Anti- microbial, Bone protective, Gastro protective, Anti- pyretic , Cardio protective.  Amla Tablets Indication : - Vitiation of Blood, Hyper acidity,Urinary disorders and Burning sensation. Dosage :-  1 to 2 tablets twice a day Or as prescribed by physicians

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