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Phyllanthus emblica - Amla

Phyllanthus emblica - Amla  Amla (or Amlaka, Amlaki, or other variants) is one of the most frequently used of the Ayurvedic herbs; it is the fruit of Phyllanthus emblica , also called Emblica officinalis .  Amla is also known as Indian gooseberry.  It is created from powdered dried fruit of the Indian Gooseberry tree.  The Amla fruit is high in protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, and Gallic acid.  The fruit is  made up with about 80% water, and has great medicinal value. Amla Fruits Taking Amla internally is a great natural remedy for many health conditions. The main indications in Ayurvedic treatments are: 1) Digestive system disorders :- Dyspepsia, gastritis, hyper acidity, constipation, colic, colitis, hemorrhoids. 2) Bleeding disorders :- Bleeding hemorrhoids, hematuria, menorrhagia, bleeding gums, ulcerative colitis. 3) Metabolic disorders ...

PM Narendra Modi shares his Ayurvedic formulae to increase immunity

PM Narendra Modi shares his Ayurvedic formulae to increase immunity By -  TIMES OF INDIA NEWS PAPER On Apr 14, 2020, 14:53 IST While the entire nation is trying different means of immunity boosting on a daily basis during the Corona scare quarantine period,  Prime Minister Narendra Modi made it simpler on Wednesday night, as he posted ‘General Measures to enhance the body’s natural defense system’.  In his post he duly mentioned that prevention is better than cure and while there is no medicine for COVID19 as of now, it will be good to take preventive measures which boost our immunity. In his post he talked about the magic and power of Ayurveda. The measures mentioned in the post were recommended by the Ministry of Ayush.  The preventive health measures are with special reference to respiratory system, which are supported by Ayurvedic literature and scientific publications.  In his late night post he urged the nation to have a lo...

Ayurveda on immunity boosting

Immunity and Ayurveda Immunity is the body’s way of preventing disease. Children are born with an immune system composed of cells, glands, organs, and fluids located throughout the body. The immune system recognizes germs that enter the body as “foreign invaders” (called antigens) and produces proteins called antibodies to fight them. The immune system that can produce antibodies fast enough to keep it from causing disease. This protection is called immunity. If the immune system is not functioning well then  it can result in disease, such as autoimmunity, allergy and cancer. The immune system is a complex system of structures and processes that has evolved to protect us from disease.  Molecular and cellular components,Tissues and Organs  make up the immune system which provide non-specific and specific protection against Microorganisms,Microbial toxins and tumor cells  The main function of the immune system is to protect humans from pathogenic micr...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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