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Bhuta Vidya - Branch of Ayurveda

Bhuta Vidya ( Graha Chikitsa or Psychiatry ) is the sixth branch of Ashtang Ayurveda. In  Sushruta Samhita Scriptures mentions details about Bhuta Vidya. Bhuta Vidya deals with diseases acquired from unknown cause. Bhuta Vidya also deals with the effects of various super - natural forces on person it may be bacterial or viral infections which is invisible entity. Some experts says Bhuta means bad spirit like Gandharvas, Pisachu (Devil), Bhoota (Ghost) Atma (Spirit) which caused abnormal psychological conditions . Others says Bhuta means invisible like bacteria or virus,some other says past karma as a cause for certain diseases. In total Bhut Vidya deals with the cause of diseases  which are directly not visible and have no direct explanation in terms of tridosha ( Vata-Pitta-Kapha).  The treatment mainly done by a mantra chanting, worshiping holy plants , use of  some herbs,diet, Pranayam,Yoga and meditation where Body, Mind and Spirit ...

Agada Tantra - Branch of Ayurveda

Agada Tantra ( Toxicology ) is fifth branch of Ashtang Ayurveda. Agada Tantra study of Poisons in Ayurveda. Gada  means a disease and A gada  means any agent which makes the body free from disease. The term A gada  is used specifically for the branch of medicine dealing with  toxicology ,  the description of the different types of  poisons , and their antidotes that is science of poisons. Agada Tantra   is defined as a section of toxicology that deals with food poisoning, snakebites, dog bites, insect bites, etc. Kashyapa the great saint and medical practitioner is the father of Agada Tantra. He founded school of Toxicology from which students later become Royal Vaidyas ( Doctors) in various kingdoms to protect Royal families from being  poisoned. Even they administer poison to king’s enemy. There are two types of poisons that described in Agada Tantra. The Natural poisons and artificial poisons.The naural poisons are clas...

Kaumarbhritya Tantra - Branch of Ayurveda

Kaumarbhritya Tantra is fourth branch of Ashtang Ayurveda. Kaumarbhritya Tantra is most important branch of Ayurveda which dealing with the care of the child from conception to till the maturity. Kaumarbhritya Tantra also called Bala Chikitsa this is a comprehensive study about the prenatal,postnatal baby care as well as different ailments under  gynecology.Thus  Kaumarbhritya Tantra is not only concerned about the  physical health of mother and child also deals with the mental and psychological requirements of a mother and her new born child. The procedures and methods of  Kaumarbhritya Tantra can be found in ancient  scriptures of Vagbhata,Ashtanga Samgraha,Ashtanga Hridaya , Charak Samhita and Sushruta Samhita. Kaumarbhritya Tantra as a science of pediatrics includes minute details of various disorders related to child’s health such as gastrointestinal diseases, teething disorder,rickets.It also deals with the art of nursing and health...

Shalakya Tantra - Branch of Ayurveda

Shalakya Tantra ( for disease of Eye,Ear,Nose and Throat) is the third branch of Asthang Ayurveda. The father of Shalakya Tantra was Nimi RajaThe king of Videha.  He got this knowledge from Lord Sun.He name it Shalakya Tantra. Shalakya means probe.In Shalakya Tantra there are different types of probe. Like Probe of eye is called Netra Shalaka. Probe of the ear is called Karna Shalaka. Probe of the nose is called Nasa Shalaka. Probe of throat is called Mukh  Shalaka.and Probe of the lips is called Oshta Shalaka  etc. According to modern medical science the branches of Shalakya Tantra  is classified as 1 Netrachikitsa ( Ophthalmology) 2 Karnachikitsa ( Otology ) 3 Nasachikitsa ( Rhino logy ) 4 Mukharogyachikitsa ( Oral hygiene,Dentistry and Laryngeal) 5 Shiroarogyachikitsa ( Head,brain ) So it is clear that Shalakya Tantra deals with the etiology,diagnosis,prognosis,prevention and treatment of diseases that are located above th...

Shalya Tantra - Branch of Ayurveda

Shalya Tantra is the second branch of Ayurveda that is  Ashtang Ayurveda. Shalya Tantra is a branch of Ayurveda that deals with surgical and  para surgical procedures. Shalya Tantra is well described in Sushruta  Samhita written by Acharya  Shushruta. According to Acharya Shushruta it is best to use Shalya Tantra when the problem with the body is beyond merely medicinal repair. In cases like Abscesses,Cysts,Enlarged lymph nodes, trauma injuries, non healing wounds,Hemorrhoids,kidney and bladder stones,Urinary retention and breast related diseases Acharya Shushrut advised to apply the techniques of Shalya Tantra. Shalya Tantra Treatment not only gives faster relief from suffering but also beneficial in circumstances where  internal medicine fails to cure. The surgical instruments used in Shalya Tantra were made from natural substance like Stone, branches of trees and broad leaves. Shalya Tantra was popular because this could give fast re...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

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