Yoga Sutras ~ Patanjali: Verse 2.37 अस्तेयप्रतिष्ठायां सर्वरत्नोपस्थानम् ॥३७॥ asteya-pratiṣṭhāyāṁ sarvaratn-opasthānam ॥37॥ On being firmly established in non-stealing all wealth comes to the Yogi. Verse 2.38 ब्रह्मचर्य प्रतिष्ठायां वीर्यलाभः ॥३८॥ brahma-carya pratiṣṭhāyāṁ vīrya-lābhaḥ ॥38॥ When the sadhaka is firmly established in continence, knowledge, vigour, valour and energy flow to him. Upon the man who does not take what does not belong to him, all riches are showered. Being without desire, he effortlessly attracts what is precious, materially and figuratively, including the gem of all jewels, virtue. The celibate transforms the energy of procreation into spiritual energy (ojas) , creating lustre. Sexual energy is the most basic expression of the life force. It is immensely powerful, and it is essential to control and channel it. In no way should we despise it. The life-force which finds sexual expression also serves to find the warmth of our emotions, the passions of our intell...
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