
Atma chittam

Union with the Divine

The greatest fortune in this world

The Power of Surrender

Shivaratri is when you repose in your being

Remedy the effects of planets by going beyond time!

Leadership traits to learn from Women

Laughter is true prayer

Love is your very nature

Mediation on full Moon night

Secrets to a Successful Relationship

The Three Shaktis (Powers)

Blessing Day....


Want to keep your heart healthy? These lifestyle changes can make a big difference! From daily exercise to mindful eating, prioritize your heart health today

How to rise above negativity

Divine is your child

That state, called Yoga, which is free from the contact of sorrow (in the form of transmigration), should be known. Nay, this Yoga should be resolutely practised with an unwearied mind.

And having obtained which he does not reckon any other gain as greater than that, and established in which he is not shaken even by the heaviest of sorrows;

Nay, in which the soul experiences the eternaland super-sensuous joy which can be intuited onlythrough the subtle and purified intellect, andwherein established the said Yogi moves not fromTruth on any account;

The state in which, the Citta (mind-stuff) subdued through the practice of Yoga, becomes passive, and in which realizing God through subtle reasoning purified by meditation on God; the soul rejoices only in God

As a flame does not flicker in a windless place, such is stated to be the picture of the disciplined mind of the Yogi practising meditationon God.

When the mind which is thoroughly disciplined gets riveted on God alone, then the person who is free from yearning for all enjoyments is said tobe established in Yoga.

Yoga, which rids one of woe, is accomplished only by one who is regulated in diet and recreation, regulated in performing actions, andregulated in sleep and wakefulness.


ऐसे सांगतां असे वाड । परी जेथील तेथेंचि गोड । तैसी ज्ञानीयांस चाड । अद्वैत ग्रंथाची ।।


श्रवणें सद् बुद्धि लागे । श्रवणें विवेक जागे । श्रवणे मन हे मागे । भगवंतासी ।।

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