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Neo-Ayurveda Beyond The Science

  Miracle Drinks is a unique Ayurvedic proprietary medicine for chronic health disorders,  invented by an IAS officer Dr. S. M. Raju. Manufacturing unit is located 70 kms from Bangalore and is equipped with a modern state of art facility.  Factory follows "Good Manufacturing Practices" (GMP)  and is compliant to WHO standards and is licensed under A U/S-932, Govt of Karnataka. Miracle Drinks is the brand name of a series of Herbal Dietary Health Supplements.  These supplements were created by keeping the future of Ayurveda in mind;  the age-old Vedic literature was referred to formulate the supplements  while the consumption guidelines were compiled to be at par with the 21st century. Contact Us : 📞808-69043800 For more information visit our website: Also Connect to us at: Facebook:   / miracledrinksin   Instagram:   / miracledrinksin   Twitter:   / miracledrinksin...

There is bondage, as long as there is feeling of 'I' and 'my' and liberation is when there is no feeling of 'I' and 'my'. Knowing this stay playful neither accepting nor sacrificing anything.॥4॥

यदा नाहं तदा मोक्षो  यदाहं बन्धनं तदा। मत्वेति हेलया किंचिन्- मा गृहाण विमुंच मा॥८- ४॥ जब तक 'मैं' या 'मेरा' का भाव है तब तक बंधन है, जब 'मैं' या 'मेरा' का भाव नहीं हैतब मुक्ति है। यह जानकर न  कुछ त्याग करो और न कुछ ग्रहण ही करो ॥४॥ There is bondage, as long as there is feeling of 'I' and 'my' andliberation is when there is no feeling of 'I' and 'my'. Knowing this stay playful neither accepting nor sacrificing anything.॥4॥      Ashtavakra Gita

Liberation is when mind does not desire, does not grieve, does not sacrifice, does not accept, is not pleased or get angry.॥2॥

तदा मुक्तिर्यदा चित्तं  न वांछति न शोचति। न मुंचति न गृण्हाति  न हृष्यति न कुप्यति॥८- २॥ तब मुक्ति है जब मन इच्छा नहीं करता है, शोक नहीं करता है, त्याग नहीं करता है, ग्रहण नहीं करता है, प्रसन्न नहीं होता है या क्रोधित नहीं होता है॥२॥ Liberation is when mind does not desire, does not  grieve, does not sacrifice, does not accept, is not pleased or get angry.॥2॥ Ashtavakra Gita

There is bondage when mind is attracted towards any of the visible things and liberation is when mind is not attracted to anything visible.॥3॥

तदा बन्धो यदा चित्तं  सक्तं काश्वपि दृष्टिषु। तदा मोक्षो यदा चित्तम- सक्तं सर्वदृष्टिषु॥८- ३॥ तब बंधन है जब मन किसी भी दृश्यमान वस्तु में आसक्त है, तब मुक्ति है जब मन किसी भी दृश्यमान वस्तु में आसक्तिरहित है॥३॥ There is bondage when mind is attracted towards any of the visible things and liberation is when mind is not attracted to anything visible.॥3॥ Ashtavakra Gita

Sri Ashtavakra says: There is bondage, as long as mind desires something, grieves about something, sacrifices something, accepts something, is pleased about something or is angry about something.॥1॥

अष्टावक्र उवाच - तदा बन्धो यदा चित्तं  किन्चिद् वांछति शोचति। किंचिन् मुंचति गृण्हाति  किंचिद् हृष्यति कुप्यति॥८-१॥ श्री अष्टावक्र कहते हैं - तब बंधन है जब मन इच्छा करता है, शोक करता है, कुछ त्याग करता है, कुछ ग्रहण करता है, कभी प्रसन्न होता है या कभी क्रोधित होता है॥१॥ Sri Ashtavakra says: There is bondage, as long as mind desires something, grieves about something, sacrifices something, accepts something, is pleased about something or is angry about something.॥1॥ Ashtavakra Gita

In infinite ocean of myself,world exists like a dream. But I exist as supremely peaceful and formless.॥3॥

मय्यनंतमहांभोधौ  विश्वं नाम विकल्पना। अतिशांतो निराकार  एतदेवाहमास्थितः॥७- ३॥ मुझ अनंत महासागर में विश्व एक अवास्तविकता (स्वप्न) है, मैं अति शांत और निराकार रूप से स्थित हूँ॥३॥ In infinite ocean of myself,world exists like a dream. But I exist as supremely peaceful and formless.॥3॥ Ashtavakra Gita

In that infinite and stainless state, there remains no feeling of 'I' or any other feeling. Like this I exist, unattached, devoid of desires and at peace.॥4॥

नात्मा भावेषु नो भावस्- तत्रानन्ते निरंजने। इत्यसक्तोऽस्पृहः शान्त एतदेवाहमास्थितः॥७- ४॥ उस अनंत और निरंजन अवस्था में न 'मैं' का भाव है और न कोई अन्य भाव ही, इस प्रकार असक्त, बिना किसी इच्छा के और शांत रूप से मैं स्थित हूँ॥४॥ In that infinite and stainless state, there remains no feeling of 'I' or any other feeling. Like this I exist, unattached, devoid of desires and at peace.॥4॥ Ashtavakra Gita

Surprise, I am pure consciousness and the world is like a magic. How can there be thoughts of useful and useless in me?॥5॥

अहो चिन्मात्रमेवाहं  इन्द्रजालोपमं जगत्। अतो मम कथं कुत्र हेयोपादेयकल्पना॥७- ५॥ आश्चर्य मैं शुद्ध चैतन्य हूँ और यह जगत असत्य जादू के समान है, इस प्रकार मुझमें कहाँ और कैसे अच्छे (उपयोगी) और बुरे (अनुपयोगी) की कल्पना॥५॥ Surprise, I am pure consciousness and the world is like a magic. How can there be thoughts of useful and useless in me?॥5॥ Ashtavakra Gita

I exist in everyone like everyone is in me. This is Knowledge. This is neither to be renounced nor to be accepted but to be one with it.॥4॥

अहं वा सर्वभूतेषु सर्वभूतान्यथो मयि। इति ज्ञानं तथैतस्य न त्यागो न ग्रहो लयः॥६- ४॥ मैं समस्त प्राणियों में हूँ जैसे सभी प्राणी मुझमें हैं। यह ज्ञान है, इसका न त्याग करना है और न ग्रहण बस इसके साथ एकरूप होना है॥४॥ I exist in everyone like everyone is in me. This is Knowledge. This is neither to be renounced nor to be accepted but to be one with it.॥4॥ Ashtavakra Gita

King Janaka says: In infinite ocean of myself, world wanders here and there like a ship driven by its own wind. But it does not create turbulence in me.॥1॥

जनक उवाच - मय्यनंतमहांभोधौ  विश्वपोत इतस्ततः। भ्रमति स्वांतवातेन न  ममास्त्यसहिष्णुता॥७- १॥ राजा जनक कहते हैं - मुझ अनंत महासागर में विश्व रूपी जहाज अपनी अन्तः वायु से इधर - उधर घूमता है पर इससे मुझमें विक्षोभ नहीं होता है॥१॥ King Janaka says: In infinite ocean of myself, world wanders here and there like a ship driven by its own wind. But it does not create turbulence in me.॥1॥ Ashtavakra Gita

In infinite ocean of myself, world rises and vanishes naturally like a wave by 'Maya'. But it does not cause any growth or damage to me.॥2॥

मय्यनंतमहांभोधौ जगद्वीचिः स्वभावतः। उदेतु वास्तमायातु न मे वृद्धिर्न च क्षतिः॥७- २॥ मुझ अनंत महासागर में विश्व रूपी लहरें माया से स्वयं ही उदित और अस्त होती रहती हैं, इससे मुझमें वृद्धि या क्षति नहीं होती है॥२॥ In infinite ocean of myself, world rises and vanishes naturally like a wave by 'Maya'. But it does not cause any growth or damage to me.॥2॥ Ashtavakra Gita

Ashtavakra says - I am infinite like space, and this world is unimportant like a jar. This is Knowledge. This is neither to be renounced nor to be accepted but to be one with it.॥1॥

अष्टावक्र उवाच - आकाशवदनन्तोऽहं घटवत् प्राकृतं जगत्। इति ज्ञानं तथैतस्य न त्यागो न ग्रहो लयः॥६- १॥ अष्टावक्र कहते हैं - आकाश के समान मैं अनंत हूँ और यह जगत घड़े के समान महत्त्वहीन है, यह ज्ञान है। इसका न त्याग करना है और न ग्रहण, बस इसके साथ एकरूप होना है॥१॥ Ashtavakra says - I am infinite like space, and this world is unimportant like a jar. This is Knowledge. This is neither to be renounced nor to be accepted but to be one with it.॥1॥ Ashtavakra Gita

I am like a vast ocean and the visible world is like its waves. This is Knowledge. This is neither to be renounced nor to be accepted but to be one with it.॥2॥

महोदधिरिवाहं स प्रपंचो वीचिसऽन्निभः। इति ज्ञानं तथैतस्य न त्यागो न ग्रहो लयः॥६- २॥ मैं महासागर के समान हूँ और यह दृश्यमान संसार लहरों के समान। यह ज्ञान है, इसका न त्याग करना है और न ग्रहण बस इसके साथ एकरूप  होना है॥२॥ I am like a vast ocean and the visible world is like its waves. This is Knowledge. This is neither to be renounced nor to be accepted but to be one with it.॥2॥ Ashtavakra Gita

This world is imagined in me like silver in a sea-shell. This is Knowledge. This is neither to be renounced nor to be accepted but to be one with it.॥3॥

अहं स शुक्तिसङ्काशो रूप्यवद् विश्वकल्पना। इति ज्ञानं तथैतस्य न त्यागो न ग्रहो लयः॥६- ३॥ यह विश्व मुझमें वैसे ही कल्पित है जैसे कि सीप में चाँदी। यह ज्ञान है, इसका न त्याग करना है और न ग्रहण बस इसके साथ एकरूप होना है॥३॥ This world is imagined in me like silver in a sea-shell. This is Knowledge. This is neither to be renounced nor to be accepted but to be one with it.॥3॥ Ashtavakra Gita

In spite of being visible from eyes, this world is unreal. You are immaculate and this world does not exist in you like an imagined snake in a rope. Know this and be one with Self.॥3॥

प्रत्यक्षमप्यवस्तुत्वाद्  विश्वं नास्त्यमले त्वयि। रज्जुसर्प इव व्यक्तं  एवमेव लयं व्रज॥५- ३॥ यद्यपि यह विश्व आँखों से दिखाई देता है परन्तु अवास्तविक है। विशुद्ध तुम में इस विश्व का अस्तित्व उसी प्रकार नहीं है जिस प्रकार कल्पित सर्प का रस्सी में। यह जानकर ब्रह्म से योग (एकरूपता) को प्राप्त करो ॥३॥ In spite of being visible from eyes, this world is unreal. You are immaculate and this world does not exist in you like an imagined snake in a rope. Know this and be one with Self.॥3॥ Ashtavakra Gita

Know yourself equal in pleasure and pain, complete, equal in hope and disappointment, equal in life and death and eternal and be one with Self.॥4॥

समदुःखसुखः पूर्ण आशानैराश्ययोः समः। समजीवितमृत्युः सन्- नेवमेव लयं व्रज॥५- ४॥  स्वयं को सुख और दुःख में समान, पूर्ण, आशा और निराशा में समान, जीवन और मृत्यु में समान, सत्य जानकर ब्रह्म से योग (एकरूपता) को प्राप्त करो ॥४॥ Know yourself equal in pleasure and pain, complete, equal in hope and disappointment, equal in life and death and eternal and be one with Self.॥4॥ Ashtavakra Gita

It is very rare to know Self as One and Lord of the world, and he who knows this does not fear anyone or anything.॥6॥

5॥आत्मानमद्वयं कश्चिज्- जानाति जगदीश्वरं। यद् वेत्ति तत्स कुरुते  न भयं तस्य कुत्रचित्॥४- ६॥ आत्मा को एक और जगत का ईश्वर कोई कोई ही जानता है, जो ऐसा जान जाता है उसको किसी से भी किसी प्रकार का भय नहीं है॥६॥ It is very rare to know Self as One and Lord of the world, and he who knows this does not fear anyone or anything.॥6॥ Ashtavakra Gita

You are not connected with anything. You are pure. What do you want to renounce? Dissolve this unreal connection and be one with Self.॥1॥

अष्टावक्र उवाच - न ते संगोऽस्ति केनापि किं शुद्धस्त्यक्तुमिच्छसि। संघातविलयं कुर्वन्- नेवमेव लयं व्रज॥५- १॥  अष्टावक्र कहते हैं - तुम्हारा किसी से भी संयोग नहीं है, तुम शुद्ध हो, तुम क्या त्यागना चाहते हो, इस (अवास्तविक) सम्मिलन को समाप्त कर के ब्रह्म से योग (एकरूपता) को प्राप्त करो॥१॥ Ashtavakra says: You are not connected with anything. You are pure. What do you want to renounce? Dissolve this unreal connection and be one with Self.॥1॥ Ashtavakra Gita

As bubbles rise in the sea, the world originates from non-dual Self. Know this and be one with Self.॥2॥

उदेति भवतो विश्वं  वारिधेरिव बुद्बुदः। इति ज्ञात्वैकमात्मानं  एवमेव लयं व्रज॥५- २॥ जिस प्रकार समुद्र से बुलबुले उत्पन्न होते हैं, उसी प्रकार विश्व एक आत्मा से ही उत्पन्न होता है। यह जानकर ब्रह्म से योग (एकरूपता) को प्राप्त करो॥२॥ As bubbles rise in the sea, the world originates from non-dual Self. Know this and be one with Self.॥2॥ Ashtavakra Gita

He who has self-knowledge remains untouched by good and bad even internally, as the sky cannot be contaminated by the presence of smoke in it.॥3॥

तज्ज्ञस्य पुण्यपापाभ्यां  स्पर्शो ह्यन्तर्न जायते। न ह्याकाशस्य धूमेन  दृश्यमानापि सङ्गतिः॥४- ३॥ उस (ब्रह्म) को जानने वाले के अन्तःकरण से पुण्य और पाप का स्पर्श नहीं होता है जिस प्रकार आकाश में दिखने वाले धुएँ से आकाश का संयोग नहीं होता है॥३॥ He who has self-knowledge remains untouched by good and bad even internally, as the sky cannot be contaminated by the presence of smoke in it.॥3॥ Ashtavakra Gita

Who can prevent a great man from living in the present as per his wish as he knows himself as this whole world.॥4॥

आत्मैवेदं जगत्सर्वं  ज्ञातं येन महात्मना। यदृच्छया वर्तमानं  तं निषेद्धुं क्षमेत कः॥४- ४॥ जिस महापुरुष ने स्वयं को ही इस समस्त जगत के रूप में जान लिया है, उसके स्वेच्छा से वर्तमान में रहने को रोकने की सामर्थ्य किसमें है॥४॥ Who can prevent a great man from living in the present as per his wish as he knows himself as this whole world.॥4॥ Ashtavakra Gita

From Brahma down to the grass, in all four categories of living creatures, who else can give up desire and aversion except an enlightened man.॥5॥

आब्रह्मस्तंबपर्यन्ते  भूतग्रामे चतुर्विधे। विज्ञस्यैव हि सामर्थ्य- मिच्छानिच्छाविवर्जने॥४- ५॥ ब्रह्मा से तृण तक, चारों प्रकार के प्राणियों में केवल आत्मज्ञानी ही इच्छा और अनिच्छा का परित्याग करने में समर्थ है॥५॥ From Brahma down to the grass, in all four categories of living creatures, who else can give up desire and aversion except an enlightened man.॥5॥ Ashtavakra Gita

The Self - aware wise man takes the worldly matter sportively, he just cannot be compared to a deluded person taking burdens of the situations.॥1॥

अष्टावक्र उवाच -  हन्तात्मज्ञस्य धीरस्य  खेलतो भोगलीलया। न हि संसारवाहीकै- र्मूढैः सह समानता॥४- १॥ अष्टावक्र कहते हैं - स्वयं को जानने वाला बुद्धिमान व्यक्ति इस संसार की परिस्थितियों को खेल की तरह लेता है,  उसकी सांसारिक परिस्थितियों का बोझ (दबाव)  लेने वाले मोहित व्यक्ति के साथ बिलकुल भी समानता नहीं है॥१॥ Ashtavakra says: The Self - aware wise man takes the worldly matter sportively, he just cannot be compared to a deluded person taking burdens of the situations.॥1॥ Ashtavakra Gita

A yogi feels no joy even after attaining a state for which Indra and all other demi-gods yearn for.॥2॥

यत् पदं प्रेप्सवो दीनाः  शक्राद्याः सर्वदेवताः। अहो तत्र स्थितो योगी न  हर्षमुपगच्छति॥४- २॥ जिस पद की इन्द्र आदि सभी देवता इच्छा रखते हैं, उस पद में स्थित होकर भी योगी हर्ष नहीं करता है॥२॥  A yogi feels no joy even after attaining a state for which Indra and all other demi-gods yearn for.॥2॥ Ashtavakra Gita


Miracles  What do you mean by a miracle? What people call a miracle is only something done in a striking way by a process unknown to them which their minds cannot follow. I have explained that there is no such thing as a miracle. If a higher consciousness opens a higher power in him, the sadhak has to use it as part of the new consciousness but in the right way, without egoism, selfishness, vanity or pride. Ref Narendra Thakker 🌷 Sri Aurobindo (Letters on Yoga -1, page-580)

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