
Devoid of any questions, seeing this world as imagined in Maya, how can one with resolute intelligence be fearful of even the incident death?॥11॥

Who can be compared to the saint, free from desires even in disappointment and satisfied with the knowledge of self?॥12॥

Suprise, unattached to this and the other world, those who can discriminate between the permanent and the impermanent, and wish to liberate are afraid of liberation.॥8॥

The wise who always see self only, are neither pleased nor get angry whether they are feted or tormented.

How can noble men be perturbed by praise or blame who see their bodies alike to others.॥10॥

For the one aspiring for highest non-dual Lord and fully aware of the meaning of liberation, subjugation to desires is surprising.॥6॥

For a person having reached his last time, incapable of enjoying and knowing it to be enemy of the gained knowledge, it is surprising to be after sexual desires.॥7॥

This world originates from self like waves from the sea. Recognizing, "I am That", why run like poor?॥3॥

After hearing self to be pure, conscious and very beautiful, how can you be attracted to sexual objects and get impure?॥4॥

For a sage who knows himself to be is in all beings and all beings in him, retaining attachment is surprising!॥5॥

Ashtavakra says - Know self as indestructible and one. How could a wise man having self-knowledge can like acquiring wealth?॥1॥

Not knowing self leads to attachment in false sense objects just as mistakenly understanding mother of pearl as silver invokes greed.॥2॥

As soon as these mental winds subside in the infinite ocean of myself, the world boat of trader-like 'jeeva' gets destroyed as if by misfortune.॥24॥

Amazingly, in the infinite ocean of myself, the waves of life arise, meet, play and disappear naturally.॥25॥

I am not the body, nor is the body mine. I am consciousness. My only bondage is the thirst for life.॥22॥

Amazingly, as soon as the mental winds arise in the infinite ocean of myself, many waves of surprising worlds come into existence.॥23॥

Amazingly, I do not see duality in a crowd, it also appear desolate. Now who is there to have an attachment with.॥21॥

Why should one have only one Guru in life?

When we are children, we complain to our parents. When we go to school, we complain about our teachers and our friends. When we start working, we complain about our boss or our colleagues at work. How does we get free from this habit of complaining all the time?

My Transformation With Art Of Living And Gurudev

Definitely this world along with this body is non-existent. Only pure, conscious self exists. What else is there to be imagined now?॥19॥

The body, heaven and hell, bondage and liberation, and fear, these are all unreal. What is my relation with these when I am consciousness.

Definitely, duality (distinction) is the fundamental reason of suffering. There is no other remedy for it other than knowing that all that is visible, is unreal, and that I am one, pure consciousness.॥16॥

I am of the nature of light only, due to ignorance I have imagined other attributes in me. By reasoning thus, I exist eternally and without cause.॥17॥

For me there is neither bondage nor liberation. I am peaceful and without support. This world though imagined in me, does not exist in me in reality.॥18॥

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