
Amazing! Salutations to me who is one,who appears with body, neither goes nor come anywhere and pervades all the world.॥12॥

Amazingly, this imagined world appears in me due to ignorance, as silver in sea-shell, a snake in the rope, water in the sunlight.॥9॥

Amazing! Salutations to me who is indestructible and remains even after the destruction of the whole world from Brahma down to the grass.॥11॥

Just as the sugar made from sugarcane juice has the same flavor, similarly this world is made out from me and is constantly pervaded by me.॥6॥

Due to ignorance, self appears as the world; on realizing self it disappears. Due to oversight a rope appears as a snake and on correcting it, snake does not appear any longer.॥7॥

Light is my very nature and I am nothing else besides that. That light illumines the ego as it illumines the world.॥8॥

Just as waves, foam and bubbles are not different from water, similarly all this world which has emanated from self, is not different from self.॥4॥

On reasoning, cloth is known to be just thread, similarly all this world is self only.॥5॥

Now abandoning this world along with the body, Lord is seen through some skill.॥3॥

As I illumine this body, so I illumine the world. Therefore, either the whole world is me or nothing is.॥2॥

King Janaka says: Amazingly, I am flawless, peaceful, beyond nature and of the form of knowledge. It is ironical to be deluded all this time.॥1॥

Just as the same space exists both inside and outside a jar, the eternal, continuous God exists in all.॥20॥

Just as form exists inside a mirror and outside it, Supreme Self exists both within and outside the body.॥19॥

Know that form is unreal and only the formless is permanent. Once you know this, you will not take birth again

You are desire-less, changeless, solid and abode to calmness, unfathomable intelligent. Be peaceful and desire nothing but consciousness.॥17॥

You have pervaded this entire universe; really, you have pervaded it all. You are pure knowledge, don't get disheartened.॥16॥

You are free, still, self-luminous, stainless.Trying to keep yourself peaceful by meditation is your bondage.॥15॥

O son, you have become habitual of thinking- “I am body” since long. Experience the Self and by this sword of knowledge cut that bondage and be happy.॥14॥

Meditate on unchanging, conscious and non-dual Self. Be free from the illusion of 'I' and think this external world as part of you.॥13॥

The soul is witness, all-pervading, infinite, one, free, inert, neutral, desire-less and peaceful. Only due to illusion it appears worldly.॥12॥

If you think you are free you are free. If you think you are bound you are bound. It is rightly said: You become what you think.॥11॥

Feel the ecstasy, the supreme bliss where this world appears unreal like a snake in a rope, know this and move happily.॥10॥

The resolution "I am single, pure knowledge” consumes even the dense ignorance like fire. Be beyond disappointments and be happy.॥9॥

Ego poisons you to believe: “I am the doer”. Believe “I am not the doer”. Drink this nectar and be happy.॥8॥

You are the solitary witness of all this universe and always free. Your only bondage is thinking that someone else is the seer.॥7॥

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