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Weekly Knowledge 63 London 22 Aug 1996  United Kingdom SURRENDER - SHAME AND SHYNESS In surrender the head bends and meets the heart. The head that does not bend has no value, and the head that is stiff will have to bend sometime, either in surrender or in shame.  The head that bends in surrender will never have to bend in shame. Shame accompanies arrogance.  Shyness accompanies Love. See how children are endowed with shyness, that is natural. Shyness is inherent. Shame is inflicted by society and is acquired. Shame brings guilt and shyness adds to oneÒ³ beauty. Retain your shyness and drop your shame. 🌸Jai Guru Dev🌸   साप्ताहिक ज्ञानपत्र ०६३ २२ अगस्त, १९९६ अटलांटिक महासागर, के ३५००० फ़ीट ऊपर शर्म , शर्मीलापन और समर्पण समर्पण में सिर झुककर हृदय से मिलता है। जो सिर झुकता नहीं, उसका कोई मूल्य नहीं। जो सिर अकड़कर रहता है , उसको कभी-न-कभी जरूर झुकना ही पड़ता है - चाहे समर्पण में झुके या लज्जावश। और जो मस्तिष्क समर्पण में झुकता है उसे शर्म में कभी नहीं झुकना पड़ता। घमंड के साथ...

Necessity is the mother of invention | Man Behind The Miracle

  #MiracleDrinks is a unique Ayurvedic proprietary medicine for chronic health disorders,  invented by an IAS officer Dr. S. M. Raju. Manufacturing unit is located 70 kms from Bangalore and is equipped with a modern state of art facility.  Factory follows "Good Manufacturing Practices" (GMP)  and is compliant to WHO standards and is licensed under A U/S-932, Govt of Karnataka. Miracle Drinks is the brand name of a series of Herbal Dietary Health Supplements.  These supplements were created by keeping the future of Ayurveda in mind;  the age-old Vedic literature was referred to formulate the supplements  while the consumption guidelines were compiled to be at par with the 21st century. Contact Us : 📞808-69043800 For more information visit our website: Also Connect to us at: Facebook:   / miracledrinksin   Instagram:   / miracledrinksin   Twitter:   / miracledrinksin  

Anemia, Causes, Signs and Symptoms

  Anaemia is a condition in which the number of red blood cells or the haemoglobin concentration within them is lower than normal. Haemoglobin is needed to carry oxygen and if you have too few or abnormal red blood cells, or not enough haemoglobin, there will be a decreased capacity of the blood to carry oxygen to the body’s tissues. This results in symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, dizziness and shortness of breath, among others.

Importance of peanut paste

  importance of peanut paste  #MiracleDrinks -------------------------------------------------------------------- #MiracleDrinks is a unique Ayurvedic proprietary medicine for chronic health disorders,  invented by an IAS officer Dr. S. M. Raju. Manufacturing unit is located 70 kms from Bangalore and is equipped with a modern state of art facility.  Factory follows "Good Manufacturing Practices" (GMP)  and is compliant to WHO standards and is licensed under A U/S-932, Govt of Karnataka. Miracle Drinks is the brand name of a series of Herbal Dietary Health Supplements.  These supplements were created by keeping the future of Ayurveda in mind;  the age-old Vedic literature was referred to formulate the supplements  while the consumption guidelines were compiled to be at par with the 21st century. Contact Us : 📞808-69043800 For more information visit our website: Also Connect to us at: Facebook:   / miracledrinksin...

How to prepare fermented rice

  how to prepare fermented rice  #MiracleDrinks -------------------------------------------------------------------- #MiracleDrinks is a unique Ayurvedic proprietary medicine for chronic health disorders,  invented by an IAS officer Dr. S. M. Raju. Manufacturing unit is located 70 kms from Bangalore and is equipped with a modern state of art facility.  Factory follows "Good Manufacturing Practices" (GMP)  and is compliant to WHO standards and is licensed under A U/S-932, Govt of Karnataka. Miracle Drinks is the brand name of a series of Herbal Dietary Health Supplements.  These supplements were created by keeping the future of Ayurveda in mind;  the age-old Vedic literature was referred to formulate the supplements  while the consumption guidelines were compiled to be at par with the 21st century. Contact Us : 📞808-69043800 For more information visit our website: Also Connect to us at: Facebook:   / miracledrinks...

When situations are adverse.

“A few years ago when I was staying on the 14th floor in Hawaii, I looked outside my window. It was pitch dark but there were so many lights shimmering in the city of Honolulu. The thought came that these city lights were fighting with the darkness of the new moon. But, they could not vanquish the night; the night was so deep and dark. On the other side, it also seemed like the night is giving a chance to all these millions of lights to shine. It is the night which is enabling the stars to exhibit their glory. One way to look at it was that the lights are fighting the night and from another angle the night was glorifying the lights. Similarly, in life, any situation can be viewed from two points. The wise way is to see how adverse situations glorify your qualities and bring out your beautiful qualities. You cannot fully exhibit your goodness in a very pleasant atmosphere. Goodness does have value when things are good, but it shines forth prominently in situations when things are not so...

Do Bhastrika and Kriya

“Mind wanders because of too many desires, too many things to do. If your mind is focused on just one thing, then the mind doesn't wander. But if you have 100 things to do, it gets scattered. At this time, you simply have to prioritize what is it that you need to do. Take a look at what your priorities are. Then things will fall into place, which were scattered all of a sudden. They come into place. That's one thing. Second is meditation. When the mind is all over the place, then do Bhastrika and Kriya. At that time, you see, after that, the mind settles down. And then there's dispassion. Every night when you go to bed, willingly or unwillingly, you have some dispassion. Otherwise, you can never sleep. If you are obsessed with any passion, you will suffer from insomnia. So, a degree of dispassion helps you to just let go of everything and go to sleep, right? So, unconsciously we do this sometimes, but when we consciously understand that the curtain is going to come down, th...

Today 5th March is Sudarshan Kriya Day

Today 5th March is Sudarshan Kriya Day  On this day in 1982, the world renowned corner stone of every single Happiness Programme, Sudarshan Kriya was born in Shimoga, India. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji, founded this technique as he sat for a period of 10 days in silence on the banks of the Bhandra River. With only a few participants at the time Gurudev Sri Sri taught this technique to them - and the rest is history. Now, 42 years later, Sudarshan Kriya has transformed the lives of millions in 180 countries, from people in rural areas, to city workers, students to housewives/husbands and even to nearly half a million prison inmates - all who have been.  Upon visiting Shimoga in 2004 Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji shares why he introduced Sudarshan Kriya to the world - “I had already travelled around the world. I taught Yoga, Asanas, Meditation. But still I was concerned about how to make people live a happy life. After being in silence for 10 days, knowledge of Sudarshan K...

Unique power awakens within us

When we do not want anything for ourselves, a unique power awakens within us. We become capable of giving blessings. Only those who are themselves content are capable of giving blessings. If they say, ‘Let your will be done’, it will definitely happen. The blessings of an individual who is content, will manifest. This is the secret behind blessing.

What to do to become natural?

Question - Gurudev, sometimes the expectations of people around me and my own expectations from myself don't let me be natural. What to do to become natural? Gurudev Sri Sri - Only sometimes, not all the time, isn't it? If it is all the time then I will give you a solution. Sometimes it is okay. As you grow more in wisdom, as you see the dream nature of the world - that everything is like a dream, everything is passing, everything is changing, then events will bother you lesser and lesser. The only way to be untouched by events is to see the whole phenomenon as a dream which is passing.

How to improve my memory?

Question - Gurudev, I forget very easily, how to improve my memory? Gurudev Sri Sri - It is good to take some Ayurvedic supplements like Shankhpushpi, Brahmi Rasayan, Medhya Rasayan. These are very good, and they do help the memory. Do not spend too many hours on YouTube or watching television. You can spend some time on them but not too many hours, and that too not in one stretch. Sometimes you sit on the internet and you go on for 5-6 hours. 4-5 hours, you keep watching movies one after another. Do not do those things.

How to overcome a long withstanding habit of drugs?

Question - Gurudev, how to overcome a long withstanding habit of drugs? Gurudev Sri Sri - Just make a promise before you leave from here that you will never touch it and if it is someone else that you are talking about, bring them here and let them do several Sudarshan Kriyas and it will be gone. Hundreds and thousands of people have left drugs when they started doing Pranayama, Sudarshan Kriya and Sahaj Samadhi Meditation.

What is your message to all the devotees around the world on your birthday?

*Question - Gurudev, What is your message to all the devotees around the world on your birthday?* Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji - In temples, deities are covered with so many garlands (that people offer), but all that the divine really wants is a smile from you; that should be the flower you offer. Today, you are celebrating my birthday. So, as the birthday boy, I have the right to ask for a gift from you. I can ask, right? (Everyone is the audience cheers and says ‘Yes’). If you don’t give me a gift, then there is no point in you celebrating my birthday. Celebrations have to go with gifts. So, will you all give me a gift? If you hate anybody, drop that today. Do not hate anybody. Even if you have the slightest hatred against anybody in your mind, or any type of prejudice, you should leave it today. Don’t think bad about anyone or for anyone. All this (events and situations) is the play of one consciousness. We will be able to have a broad vision only when there is no feeling of bitt...

When it comes to parenting, which is more important, ensuring my children have all the comforts money can provide, or my time?

Question - Gurudev, when it comes to parenting, which is more important, ensuring my children have all the comforts money can provide, or my time? Gurudev Sri Sri - Listen, there is a conflict going on in your mind because you are working and you are not able to give time to your children. It is okay, whatever time you are giving, ensure it is quality time. That is important.

Is it necessary to follow a Guru?

Question: Gurudev, is it necessary to follow a Guru? Gurudev Sri Sri - Why this question? Asking this question you put yourself into a trap. When I give you an answer and you take it, that means you are already following. If I say, 'No, no need to follow', and you say, 'Okay, I won't follow', then you have followed.If I say, 'Yes', and you follow, that means you have followed. So better I say, 'No' It is a very interesting question, right. See, you need a coach to play football right. Every soccer plaver needs a coach. You need a coach for any games, for any music. When you go to school and you are weak in some topic then you need a coach. Similarly, a little bit of guidance in the beginning for meditation and for learning any spirituality is essential, isn't it and that is why it is necessary and if you feel it is not necessary then that is up to you.

What are the causes of bondage?

Question - Gurudev, can you please speak about bondage? Why does the soul feel trapped, and what are the causes of bondage? Gurudev Sri Sri - Ignorance is the cause of bondage. And why there is ignorance? There is no answer to that. Why has the Divine first created this ignorance and then the means to get out of it? That is why it is called Leela (a game or play of the Divine). It is like asking, 'Why do we have a football match? Why are there two courts with some coaches and some players on one side, and some on the other side, pushing the ball from this side to that side? Why do they not have their own balls and stay in their own courts?' Then there is no play. So because of ignorance there is a play, there is the game. That is why the whole world is called the Leela of the Parampurusha (the Supreme Divinity).

Sound vibrations and how do they operate through thoughts?

Question - Gurudev, please talk about the sound vibrations and how do they operate through thoughts? Like how in meditation we take our Mantra. Gurudev Sri Sri - It works. That is it. How it works, we do not know. See, nowadays there are sensors on different objects, and when you touch them, the light comes on. Just your touch can open the locks. Your telephone works by a simple touch of yours. Your laptop and iPad works this way as well. All this happens just with a touch, isn't that so? So, all the five senses - touch, smell, taste, sight, and sound, they are nothing but electromagnetic vibrations. Science can explain this very well.

Significance of Mother Divine in the form of Chinnamasta?

Question - Gurudev, could you please tell us the significance of Mother Divine in the form of Chinnamasta? Gurudev Sri Sri - You may have seen Mother Divine holding her own severed head in her hand and you might have felt scared. Do you know what is the meaning of this depiction? From morning till night we are stuck in our head. When the head is not there then there are no worries, no problems, and no fights. Then it is only the heart that works and from this heart springs the fountains of love, happiness, joy and simplicity. All differences arise in the head, not from the heart. Differences of caste, creed, status, etc, all come from the head. Arrogance starts in the head, wrong acts start in the head, violence also starts in the head. No one has ever been violent from the heart, it all comes from the head. So Chinnamasta means that Devi (Mother Divine) has cut the head from the body. When the head is removed, all that remains in the pure consciousness, the heart. And when only the he...

When we chant mantras, how do they affect the surroundings, people and the whole world?

Question - Gurudev, when we chant mantras, how do they affect the surroundings, people and the whole world? Gurudev Sri Sri - Everything in the universe affects everything else. So, when you chant, when you do havan, the impact of that is very positive on the surrounding. It also brings good vibrations to you and it also enhances positive ions in the whole atmosphere.

What do we do to enhance our intuition?

Question - Gurudev, many times the mind suppresses the voice of intuition. What do we do to enhance our intuition? Gurudev Sri Sri - There are three types of knowledge that we acquire. The first type of knowledge is called Indriya Janya Gyan. This is the knowledge that comes from the five senses, which is seeing from the eyes, hearing from the ears, smelling by the nose, tasting by the tongue and touch. This is the most basic or fundamental knowledge. Higher that this is the knowledge that is acquired through the intellect - this is called Buddhi Jana Gyan - the intellectual knowledge. And even more superior that this is the knowledge that comes from within, through effortless Intuition, i.e., without the help of our five senses. This knowledge blossoms from deep within ourselves. So these are the three levels of knowledge. Knowledge gained through the intellect is superior to that received through the senses. And even more superior to that is the knowledge gained by intuition. As we g...

Why in every scripture the Phalashruti (the benefit of the scripture) is so elaborately explained?

Question - Gurudev, our scriptures are supposed to take us beyond the 'What am I going to get' type of thinking? Then why is it that in every scripture the Phalashruti (the benefit of the scripture) is so elaborately explained? Gurudev Sri Sri - Just to tempt you to do them (Laughter) It is a marketing strategy. You know, there is a saying, 'Without getting any benefit, nobody will do anything. A dull person will not do anything unless he thinks he is going to get something out of it. So the Rishis of the ancient days knew this and that is why they added the Phalashruti to tell you that by doing this, you will get so-and-so benefits. That is why it is called Apara. Apara Vidya is one in which you always attach some benefit to the practice. Subtler than that is Para-para, and ultimately there is Para Vidya where none of this matters at all. There is no means to attain Para Vidya.

Various vehicles of the Shiv Parivar, ie., the family of Shiva are mortal enemies - like the Lion and the Bull, the Snake and the Mouse, etc. What is the secret behind this?

Question - Gurudev, the various vehicles of the Shiv Parivar, ie., the family of Shiva are mortal enemies - like the Lion and the Bull, the Snake and the Mouse, etc. What is the secret behind this? Gurudev Sri Sri - Opposite values are complementary. Everyone is united wherever Shiva is present. Wherever spirituality grows, all different kinds of people come together. Wherever there is Shiva-tattva or Guru-tattva there will not be just one kind of people, but various kinds of people will be found there living together in harmony. This is the specialty.

How to find a purpose larger than yourself to live by? Is there a discovery process, or the purpose finds you?

Question - Gurudev, how to find a purpose larger than yourself to live by? Is there a discovery process, or the purpose finds you? Gurudev Sri Sri - You have to have a goal, a vision of what you want to be and what is it that you want to do - this you must have. One is your personal goal - I want to achieve this, and this, and this, in life. The other should is a goal for the planet - What do I want to give? Usually, when you think about a goal, you want to see what is it that you want to get. That is why I say you should have two goals - one is what you want to get, the other is what you want to give. If both become the same, it is even better.

Choice you make, you grow.

Question - Gurudev, you tell us “choice is yours and blessing is mine”. What if what we choose for ourself does not fall in line with your broad vision, how do we get to know and how can we rectify that? Will you take the responsibility of bringing us back to your line? Gurudev Sri Sri - (Laughs) Every line is my line only. I wish the best for you and I would like for you to choose. It is not that I decide for you. I want you to choose because with every choice you make, you grow.

I worry too much about failure

Question - Gurudev, I worry too much about failure, especially when I am doing something important. It decreases my efficiency. How to overcome this? Gurudev Sri Sri - A new beginning. That was the past - drop it. Have faith that there are many more new things to come into your life. One thing that you should know is that you don't know yourself. When you look at what you did in the past or your weaknesses, the first step to gain confidence is to know that you don't know yourself. When you think that you know yourself, only then do you attach yourself with all these negative events and qualities. But when you wake up and see that, 'Hey, I don't know myself', then it is a new beginning. Then you will discover that there are so many strengths within you that you were not aware of.

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