

What you think is impossible starts happening.


Meditation matures your intellect as well as your heart.


Miracles are in abundance

Want to be calm, quiet, peaceful, patient for your own good

Without wisdom you can’t rise in love.

You are whole, holy, the Brahman, Purna Brahman, Nārāyana.

Debate, discussion and contemplation nourish the intellect



What is ‘yashti’ and ‘samashti’ ?

7 astonishing truths from Yoga Vasistha that will blow your mind

What is happening in the body, let it happen."

Surrender happens out of love, gratitude and trust

What is it that we are surrendering and to whom do we surrender when it is just One consciousness?

'Fight with equanimity'. How do we do that?

What can I do to increase my capacity to take your blessings? How can I make my cup bigger?

How to know the things that are unknown to us? There are so many things that are unknown. I’m sometimes very pained and I start crying for not knowing the unknown.

What is the significance of the wedding ceremony? If two people love and respect each other, can they just make a decision to live together?

I’m in a relationship with a person who is too calculative about his actions. He is scared of getting attached as he believes that it might affect his spiritual growth. Is this right?

How can we turn thoughts of lack into thoughts of abundance?

When have laser sharp focus, composure, drive and motivation to fulfil all my desires and intentions. But when I'm happy, comfortable and joyful, I can't seem to have that same composure and drive to motivate myself. How do I change that pattern?

With the media reporting crime and negativity around the world, what do you think is their responsibility towards this violence that is happening? What do you think we should be doing differently?

I have heard that in kaliyug, tamas will be wide spread, but for a sadhak it will be a very good time. How can a time when tamas is dominant be good for a sadhak?

When we have some problems or decisions to make and we get the answer from the voice inside us, how do we know who is speaking? Is it our mind, intuition or the Divine itself?

There is so much disturbance and problems going on in our families, how can we get over it?

Why does longing hurt so much? I am referring to the longing for the Divine and for the Infinity. Where have we come from?

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

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