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With the media reporting crime and negativity around the world, what do you think is their responsibility towards this violence that is happening? What do you think we should be doing differently?

Question - Gurudev, with the media reporting crime and negativity around the world, what do you think is their responsibility towards this violence that is happening? What do you think we should be doing differently? Gurudev Sri Sri - I think the media has two important roles to play. One is to place the facts in front of the people as they are. At the same time create hope in people for the future. You know, the present scenario can be very depressing. The media has to take responsibility not to create more depression in society. They have to give people hope. Suppose there is a riot, or a crisis, or a war, in that situation also there is hope, there are good people on the planet who are doing some very good work, this must be highlighted. Otherwise when you open the newspaper, all you see is bad news, which is depressing. The people feel that there is no hope in life because the world is so bad. The citizen of this world will not label society as bad or hopeless. This can happen only...

I have heard that in kaliyug, tamas will be wide spread, but for a sadhak it will be a very good time. How can a time when tamas is dominant be good for a sadhak?

Question - Gurudev, I have heard that in kaliyug, tamas will be wide spread, but for a sadhak it will be a very good time. How can a time when tamas is dominant be good for a sadhak? Gurudev Sri Sri - See, when you have become a Saadhak (spiritual seeker) then consider all times as auspicious and beneficial. Both happiness and sorrow have its purpose. One should consider all types of situations as conducive and think of them as ingredients contributing towards your sadhana.

When we have some problems or decisions to make and we get the answer from the voice inside us, how do we know who is speaking? Is it our mind, intuition or the Divine itself?

Question - Gurudev, when we have some problems or decisions to make and we get the answer from the voice inside us, how do we know who is speaking? Is it our mind, intuition or the Divine itself? Gurudev Sri Sri - It is all the same, don't worry about it. There is no need to analyse it too much, just be at ease. When we are at ease, the right answer comes up. Intuition cannot come by forcing ourselves. It is a natural phenomenon.

There is so much disturbance and problems going on in our families, how can we get over it?

Question - Gurudev, there is so much disturbance and problems going on in our families, how can we get over it? Gurudev Sri Sri - Like how there are waves in the ocean, how can we expect a life without problems. What you need is strength to handle problems. Aren't your problems getting solved? Problems come and go, don't fear or worry. A step in this spiritual path, is already helping you come out of problems, isn't it? Like clouds in the sky, problems in life will vanish.

Why does longing hurt so much? I am referring to the longing for the Divine and for the Infinity. Where have we come from?

Question - Gurudev, why does longing hurt so much? I am referring to the longing for the Divine and for the Infinity. Where have we come from? Gurudev Sri Sri - Love and hurt are very close and go hand in hand. When you love someone, then you do get hurt sometimes. It happens this way, and we have to live through it. So do not run away from it. Getting hurt is a part of love. Today somebody came and told me, 'My son is like this, my son is like that; he is not listening to me. See, it is only natural. The mother has done so much for the child and when the child does not listen to her at all, she feels so hurt. When there is love, it also sometimes brings pain. But to be afraid of pain and to stop loving, and shutting down completely is foolishness, which a lot of people do. To stop being in love because it hurts at times is not an intelligent decision at all. It is the most foolish thing that one can ever do. But those who sail through that little pinch and move on, will get the re...

How does one achieve and maintain inner strength?

Question - Gurudev, how does one achieve and maintain inner strength? Gurudev Sri Sri - By waking up to this knowledge. It should not be that just once a year you come, listen to some knowledge and go away. Make it part of your daily routine, so that it is maintained. Also, humility is important. Sometimes, people get so numb to knowledge. They think, 'I know it all.' One should not get into that arrogance, 'I know the knowledge, what is there to know'. The constant revival of knowledge, of the same points that you know, and reliving it is important. It is not a very tough or difficult task, and even if you lose the knowledge for a moment, it just comes back. Knowing that it comes back, you don't really lose it, it is there

Is it true that if we have less number of desires, there’s a higher chance of them getting fulfilled?

Question - Gurudev, is it true that if we have less number of desires, there’s a higher chance of them getting fulfilled?  Gurudev Sri Sri - Yes. When you have less things to do, you will do it really attentively. You put your 100% energy, focus into it when there are less things to do. If you have many things to do, you need to have that much energy, broad awareness and consciousness. If you’re enlightened, you can do a million things without getting bogged down by anything.

How can I have faith that God will take me out of this maya?

Question - Gurudev, how can I have faith that God will take me out of this maya?  Gurudev Sri Sri - Only one who has created maya can take you out of it. From time to time, observe three things within : 1. Desires - Desires come one after another, one gets fulfilled and another comes. Some desires don't get fulfilled yet more desires come. Let them come, don't fight with them, just observe that the desires are coming. 2. Intellect - Likes, dislikes and judgements arise from your intellect, just recognize them. 3. Ego - I’m happy, I’m unhappy, I’m miserable, I’m too good, I’m not so good. All that 'me', to which you attach many other adjectives, that 'me' is the ego.  Sometimes you should say, "For some time, let me freeze all three things". When you do this, then something happens. That magical moment when something happens, you say, "Wow, this is the deep rest that I have always desired. I did all that I could do, all my life, for this joy that i...

Urtica dioica , Stinging Nettle

Urtica dioica (Stinging Nettle) – Urticaceae,   an herbaceous perennial monoecious plant spread in temperate and sub-tropical zones. Nettle has a long medicinal history. In medieval Europe, it was used as a diuretic and to treat joint pain. In addition, it has been used for hundreds of years to treat anemia, eczema, arthritis, and gout. Other folk medicine applications are wound healing and treatment of scalp seborrhea. Modern clinical application of nettle is in the management of symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), cardiovascular symptoms, diabetes, arthritis, and allergic rhinitis. Reference  Surendra Parihar Ex.Professor and Head. Deptt. of Seed , Science and Technology. Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa,  New Delhi,  India 110012

Celosia argentea Syn.: Celosia japonica, Celosia stricta, Celosia plumose , Silver Cockscomb, White Cockscomb, Flamingo Feathers, Wheat Celosia

Medicinal_Plants Celosia argentea Syn.: Celosia japonica, Celosia stricta, Celosia plumose (Common name: Silver Cockscomb, White Cockscomb, Flamingo Feathers, Wheat Celosia) – Amaranthaceae,  an erect branching plant with narrow-elliptic or lance-shaped leaves with hundreds of tiny flowers packed in dense spikes of silver-white flowers which usually stand above the foliage. This species also found in the Himalayas and Western Ghats and also used in folk medicine as the seeds are hypotensive and ophthalmic and used in the treatment of diarrhoea, bloodshot eyes, blurring of vision, cataracts and hypertension. The seeds are widely used in India for the treatment of diabetes mellitus).  Reference  Surendra Parihar Ex.Professor and Head. Deptt. of Seed , Science and Technology. Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa,  New Delhi,  India 110012

Scoparia dulcis , licorice weed, goatweed, scoparia-weed, and sweet-broom

Scoparia dulcis (commonly known as licorice weed, goatweed, scoparia-weed, and sweet-broom) – Plantiginaceae,  a native to the Neotropics but can be found throughout the tropical and subtropical world. Considered a weed, it has been used in traditional medicine for various purposes. For instance, it has been used for diabetes in India and hypertension in Taiwan. In Siddha medicine, it is used for the treatment of kidney stones. Chemicals that have been isolated from Scoparia dulcis include scoparinol and epinephrine.  Reference  Surendra Parihar Ex.Professor and Head. Deptt. of Seed , Science and Technology. Indian Agricultural Research Institute, Pusa,  New Delhi,  India 110012

Does success have to be measured materially?

 Question - Gurudev, why doesn't success bring satisfaction? Does success have to be measured materially? Gurudev Sri Sri - It depends on your definition of success. To me, success is the smile that doesn't die out. It is the confidence that doesn't wither away. It is the confidence that one can maintain in any situation in life, even when situations are tough, this indicates success. You need four things for success - shakti, yukti, bhakti, and mukti, skill, devotion or dedication, and a sense of freedom from within you.

We don't feel comfortable doing?

 Question - Gurudev, can you tell us why it's good to come out of the comfort zone in which we feel safe and secure, and do things that we don't like doing, or which we don't feel comfortable doing? Gurudev Sri Sri - Coming out of your comfort zone time and again will expand your ability and your strength, you become stronger. You are so caught up in your comfort zone. That is the cause of your fear, your anxiety, and your bondage. Your comfort zone is your bondage. Sometimes when you wake up and say, 'I am going to get out of this', it brings that strength back to you.

Knowledge of sleep brings freedom. What does this mean?

 Question - Gurudev, you said that the knowledge of sleep brings freedom. What does this mean? Gurudev Sri Sri - Knowledge of sleep and dreams can take you into a different state of samadhi. It is one of the techniques mentioned in the Yoga Sutras by Rishi Patanjali. Maharishi Patanjali has said the sutra, 'Swapnanidrajnanalambanam va' This is one of the samadhis that he mentions while describing the different types of samadhis. If you are aware of how sleep is dawning on the mind, in between the sleep and waking state, there is a spark of total stillness. I’m saying only spark of stillness because stillness is so dynamic, so alive. That is what he is talking about. So if you notice, just before falling asleep, or as soon as you wake up, you are neither fully asleep nor fully awake, in that gap, there is certain peace, a certain quality of consciousness which is so beautiful, so soothing and so healing. That is what is mentioned there.

Don't I have to go beyond the mind?

 Question - Gurudev, I recently heard you mention that, 'You own mind is responsible for your bondage and your liberation.' I’m confused, how is the mind responsible for liberation? Don't I have to go beyond the mind? Gurudev Sri Sri - Yes, the cause of bondage is the mind, isn't it? It is the disturbances in the mind which takes away the peace from you. Whenever you are happy and peaceful, your mind is in touch with your being. When you are disturbed because of thoughts and emotions, then you are unable to see the peace which is always there.

How to feel grateful and be aware of your grace when things are not going well?

 Question - Gurudev, it is very easy to be grateful when things are going well. How to feel grateful and be aware of your grace when things are not going well? Gurudev Sri Sri - Remember how in the past tough times have become easier. You sailed through the tough times. That will give you the confidence and instill stronger faith in you.

What should one do when one experiences sorrow and suffering?

 Question - Gurudev, what should one do when one experiences sorrow and suffering? Gurudev Sri Sri - Have patience. When you have come here to the Ashram, drop all your sorrow and miseries here, and just walk ahead. There is no misery or suffering that cannot be gotten rid of. Have you ever seen a cloud that never moves and stays in one place permanently? It is impossible. In the same way, your misery and suffering are like clouds. Some clouds disappear in an instant, while some take a little longer to go away. But they do pass away and that is inevitable.

What is the truth of relationships, after being bitten once I am now twice shy. How do I overcome this fear?

 Question - Gurudev, what is the truth of relationships, after being bitten once I am now twice shy. How do I overcome this fear? Gurudev Sri Sri - You are asking this question that means you have already overcome the fear. If you had not, you wouldn't even ask this question. You would just say, 'Relationships, I am not going to go into it', and you would have run away. Since you don't have that much fear and only a little bit, and the mind is tempted to go that way, you just want a confirmation seal of mine. You know, in life, everything is a risk. Your own mind is uncertain. You cannot rely even on your own mind. Relying on somebody else is another thing. Can you rely on your own mind? I have seen so many people go for shopping and they say, 'Can I come back and exchange it, or return it?' People buy something, they come back home and they don't like it, and they go back and say that they want to exchange this. Especially ladies, A lady used to come and as...

How should one keep awareness and alertness and not become angry when things go wrong?

 Question - Gurudev, how should one keep awareness and alertness and not become angry when things go wrong? Gurudev Sri Sri - Listen, sometimes if you do become angry, never mind. Just be angry. But it should not stay in your head for long. It should just come and go. Anger is necessary and essential also at times. So let it be. If it is for a good cause, and your anger does something good to people, then it is okay. But if your anger is cutting your own head, your own finger, and if it is bothering you, then it is not good and you should take a look at it. Do you know why you get angry? It is because, either you find others are wrong, or you find you are wrong and you are angry at yourself. That is why this wisdom is good for you as it helps tame your mind. If you are pampered too much then you do not realise what you have, and you do not see what you are. So nature gives you the right lesson at the right time and makes you wake up to the reality.

You say that we are here to serve other people, then what are other people here for?

Question - Gurudev, you say that we are here to serve other people, then what are other people here for? Gurudev Sri Sri - Certainly not to create trouble for you. Other people are here to teach you some lesson. Everyone teaches you some lesson or other, learn from everybody. The world is filled with teachers, you only have to be a good student. There is an ancient proverb in Sanskrit that says, 'First salute the wicked, and then the good. For the wicked is teaching you a lesson at his own cost, and the good walks his own path and teaches you a lesson. The good is just pointing out, but the wicked is teaching you a lesson at his own cost. He is falling in a pit and telling you, 'Hey, look what has happened to me. You better don't do it. So, it is a costlier lesson that he is teaching you. In Srimad Bhagavatam there is a chapter by Dattatreya, where we see how he learns from a crow, to a swan, to a mouse. He says, 'Every animal is giving me some message, everything is gi...

I heard from one teacher that in order to live life 100%, you have to have clarity in your mind. How to eliminate confusion?

 Question- Gurudev, I heard from one teacher that in order to live life 100%, you have to have clarity in your mind. How to eliminate confusion? Gurudev Sri Sri - Are you still confused? Every confusion is a step towards growth. What is confusion? Some old concept just broke apart. Old ideas simply vanished and new ideas started coming up. You couldn't grasp the new and the old is gone, that is confusion, and it is a good transition, be in it. It won't last for too long I tell you.

The journey is from form to formless, then how important is it to be with a Guru? We see even very senior people running after the Guru. So should we just be with knowledge, or feel the presence, or run behind you?

 Question - Gurudev, the journey is from form to formless, then how important is it to be with a Guru? We see even very senior people running after the Guru. So should we just be with knowledge, or feel the presence, or run behind you? Gurudev Sri Sri - See there is nobody behind me. Everybody is in front of me. Do whatever you want to do. I have no wants. If you stay in a place and be contented, it is fine. And don't get in to a guilt trip. I don't want to put you in to more problems. When your heart says run and your mind says don't run, you are already in a conflict. So, I’m not going to take either your mind's side or your heart's side, because both are important. You decide what you want to do. Make one win sometimes and the other win sometimes. Sometimes your head should win and sometimes your heart should win, that is life. It is all about compromise. Just know this that there is a power and know that miracles happen. Give some space for miracles to happen.

How do I know if I’m deeply in love with a person or if it is just an attachment?

 Question - Gurudev, how do I know if I’m deeply in love with a person or if it is just an attachment? Gurudev Sri Sri - Time will tell (Laughter). Always know that there is a sense of sacrifice in love, while attachment only brings misery. In the name of love, if you fall in an infatuation or attachment, then you will only get misery. But in true love, even sacrifice brings contentment. Love brings sacrifice and contentment, while attachment and feverishness can only bring misery.

Is it true that if we have less number of desires, there’s a higher chance of them getting fulfilled?

 Question - Gurudev, is it true that if we have less number of desires, there’s a higher chance of them getting fulfilled?  Gurudev Sri Sri - Yes. When you have less things to do, you will do it really attentively. You put your 100% energy, focus into it when there are less things to do. If you have many things to do, you need to have that much energy, broad awareness and consciousness. If you’re enlightened, you can do a million things without getting bogged down by anything.

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