

Datura metel , Devil's Trumpet, Horn of plenty, downy thorn apple, Safed dhatura etc


Polygonum plebeium Syn.: Polygonum plebejum , Small Knotweed, chimati saag, Lal buti


Fumaria indica Syn.: F. parviflora var. indica, F. vaillantii var. indica , Indian Fumitory, Pit-papra, Papara


Oxalis debilis Syn.: O. corymbosa, O. grandifolia, O. umbrosa , Large-Flowered Pink Sorrel, lilac oxalis, pink wood sorrel


Cullen corylifolium, syn. Psoralea corylifolia , Purple Fleabane, Babchi, Bavchi, Bakuchi


Medicago polymorpha ,Bur Clover, bur medic, toothed medic, Chandausi, Churgali, Maina

I’m going through a lot of problems. Can you please tell the formula for happiness?

How spirituality can be the one answer to all the problems in the world?

Knowledge is bringing me more confusion. What should I do?

What is the power of the subconscious mind and how do I utilise it?

What should one do when one experiences sorrow and suffering?

It is said that meditation is a practice of Satyug, while remembering and chanting the name of the Lord is emphasized more in the Kalyug. Could you please shed more light on this?

Being cynical makes me more pragmatic and helps me deal with the worst situations. Is this wrong?

How to get a faith that never shakes?

Is there any relationship between ego and possessiveness? Please suggest ways on how to get out of both these tendencies.

How can I find my inner destination, my real passion? Or should I just stop searching?

What to do, is it my ignorance?

How important is having faith in life?

What is the difference between Spirituality and Astrology?

We are on the path we should just relax as you are doing all the work. What does this mean?

Divine takes care of everyone, then why is there poverty, why there are floods?

How to accept a person or a spouse as they are?

It’s said that getting a human birth is fortune. However, some people live very comfortable lives while others live miserably. Why this discrimination?

When love turns into bitterness, what to do?

For the past 9 months, I have been feeling spiritually disconnected. There is no interest, no practice, no seva, and no longing. This has become quite painful. Any advice?

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