
What is the best way to introduce them to a spiritual course without having this fear?

In pain and problem which is why he is not able to communicate with me or anyone. What do I do?

What to do when our mind plays tricks. Please guide us?

What is heaven and what is enlightenment?

How can I get more happiness and joy from everywhere?

What is your biggest wish? What can I do to get closer to your heart?

I’m not sure about what I want to do in life. I want to ask you but I don't even know what to ask and what exactly I want. I get bored doing anything in very little time. I find myself being very moody. I’m not satisfied or happy doing anything. How can I live my life with this kind of mental state?

How do we experience fullness?

How to deal with my child asking too many questions?

How to recognise that we are all unique and valuable?

We read in the puranas committing some sin. We never read of agni, varuna, vayu, or any of the other Gods committing sin. There must be some significance or some learning from this as well, just like the story of Ganesha. Could you please explain the spiritual meaning of this?

Why do you have 2 Sris in your name?

Gurudev, what is your message for everyone?

All the knowledge that I have listened to, seems to vanish out of my being when my mother in law comes to visit. How can one forget and forgive someone who is constantly behaving in a harsh manner? Please give the advice to the mother in law.

How to handle so much competition around us that brings jealousy sometimes?

How can I build trust again when I only see things are not going my way?

For a yogi this world is a penance, and for a bhogi being alone is a penance. Can there be life beyond penance?


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What happens when someone falls in love?

The Bhagavad Gita says that we are not the doer. Somebody else is acting through us, we are the medium. We say that the future is free will and the past is destiny. I feel this is a little contradictory. Can you please clarity?

How do I satisfy my loved ones that are very demanding?

I don't speak out my problems to you knowing that you already know what is going on in my mind. I read a book where you said that a devotee must speak out his or her mind to the master without any hesitation regardless of how trivial the matter might be. Does this mean that I should be more vocal than I am at the moment or do silent prayers have effect?

Why is it necessary to do sadhana daily?

The way I feel so connected to you, do you feel the same?

What are the methodologies that I need to use to overcome inefficiency at my workplace? I have many people who are unable to cope up with the client's expectation. This sometimes makes me really angry.

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

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