Hi friends, Welcome to the first episode of GARDENING ALONG THE COMMON CORRIDOR - Gardening, as a popular hobby, is catching on with city dwellers residing in high rise buildings – Singapore. The hobby caught on with many especially during COVID’s lockdown, when going “outdoors” is an offense, talking to another person not in the same household is a potential risk, talking to plants poses no risk, (haha. Perhaps we became the “risk” when plants die on us despite our “TLC”, yes some of us are Plant Killers). Honestly speaking, who or which "Green Finger" person has never killed a plant? In fact, we are persistent plant killers to begin with. I have killed countless to learn how I dont "accidentally" kill them. The Plant Lover gene in those of us who love gardening might think, “Gardening is my personal interest; I do quietly don’t bother others” - this mentality as we all know is not quite the case where we live in skyrise buildings especially HDB. There are severa...
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