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Snake gourd is cooling in nature

Snake gourd is cooling in nature. It pacifies Pitta Imbalance, inflammation, and high heat related health problems. In Ayurveda, snake gourd is used in the treatment of migraine, alopecia, fever, abdominal tumors, bilious disorders, boils, acute colic, diarrhea, hematuria, and skin allergy. Snake Gourd is an anthelmintic agent. That means, it is highly effective to re move worms and parasites from the stomach. Snake gourd also acts as a purgative, laxative, and a hydragogue. It helps to remove excess water from the body. Hence, it is highly effective for health disorders related to water retention, puffiness, and swelling. The gourd is also an emetic. That means, it can help to remove toxins from the digestive tract and clean it up. Snake Gourd possesses anti-diabetic activity as it improves oral glucose tolerance. It promotes glucose uptake in peripheral tissues. Also, it is low-calorie food and it can keep weight under control. So, it is beneficial for Type II Diabetes pa...

Gotukola sambolaya

Gotukola sambolaya Gotu Kola  1 Large Tomato 1 Small Green Finger Chilli (finely sliced)or green belpepper  6 s Small Red Shallots (finely sliced) fresh coconut flakes50g ½ Lime (juice only) to taste Table Salt Finely chop the gotu kola, including the stalks, and place in a large bowl. Add the tomatoes, chilli and shallots and mix together. Add 50G of coconut to the bowl, along with the lime juice and a little salt. Mix well to combine, taste and add more salt if desired. fresh coconut flakes are available from the freezer section of asian shops Alternatively, rehydrate desiccated coconut in a little water. Reference

Sweet potato leaves have antioxidant, antiseptic, anti-cancer, anti-hypertensive, anti-microbial properties.

Sweet potato leaf Sweet potato is a kind of vine that can be seen commonly in our country. Its leaves and tubers are used for various purposes.  It is also used for soothing because of its medicinal properties. Not only that, but many people do not know, sweet potato leaves are also used for various culinary purposes. Can be eaten. Moreover, sweet potato leaves can also be known as a rich source of antioxidants, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and folic acid. They also contain a lot of dietary fiber and nutrients. So here are some health benefits of using sweet potato leaves with so many properties. Reduces the risk of heart disease; sweet potato leaves contain vitamin K, which helps prevent clogged arteries, a major cause of heart attacks. It also helps reduce inflammation and maintain healthy blood pressure. It also helps reduce the risk of heart attacks. Sweet potato leaves also help. Strengthens bones; Vitamin K in sweet potato leaves helps mainta...


Gotukola  Brahmi/gotu kola is one of the most beloved mental rejuvenatives in the Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia. Best known for its long and impressive history of use for enhancing intellect and mental acuity, it also soothes the nervous system, purifies the blood, and promotes healthy skin and hair and scalp, and is said to cleanse, soften, and protect the skin. supports the body’s reaction to internal and external stressors. Thanks to these adaptogenic qualities, brahmi/gotu kola promotes energy in the daytime while supporting sound, restful sleep at night. Ayurveda teaches that brahmi/gotu kola is a tridoshic herb, meaning that it balances all three Ayurvedic doshas—vata, pitta, and kapha, though it is especially balancing for pitta. also encourages a healthy appetite, working to gently enkindle agni (the digestive fire) and promote overall digestive health. How to Take Brahmi/Gotu Kola Internally  fresh as a salad .vegitable.curry.drinkor powder,tablets,liquid. fre...

Mushroom curry

mushroom curry Ingredient 6 Tbs coconut milk 50g ghee 500g mushrooms,  1 tsp fenugeek seeds some curry powder 1 tsp curry powder 1 large onion, finely chopped 4 garlic cloves, finely chopped 1 tsp ground ginger ¼ tsp ground turmeric/curkuma ½ tsp rosted curry powder ½ tsp paprika powder Heat the oil in the pan over a medium-high heat and fry the curry leaves, cumin and fenugeek seeds, stirring continuously for about 30 seconds . Stir in the onion.galic and ginger cook for 5 mins until golden. Reduce the heat to medium, then add the garlic and ginger then add curcuma, paprika.curry powder and rosted curry, Cook , uncovered, for 5-7 min. then add mashroom and salt mix it well.then add Coconut milk and cook it 3 minits Reference


Mushroom  Rasa (Taste) – Madhura (Sweet) Guna (Qualities) – Laghu (Light) Snigdha (Contain moisture), Picchila (Slimy) Vipaka – Madhura (Undergoes Sweet taste after digestion) Veerya (Potency) – Sheeta (Cold) Karma (Actions) –Vatapitta shamaka (reduces vitiated vata and pitta dosha), Kaphavardaka ( increase kapha dosha Medicinal mushrooms are nutritional powerhouses with a myriad of health benefits including the followin Provide immune support Full of antioxidants Support a healthy inflammation response Help to balance blood sugar Support brain health and cognition Support the nervous system Increase energy and stamina Always cook mushrooms Raw mushrooms are a popular salad item. However, raw mushrooms are nearly indigestible. We suggest you always cook mushrooms to avoid these digestive difficulties. Reference

Califlower mallum

califlower mallum Ingredients 1 califlower  1 teaspoon Coconut Oil ¼ teaspoon Cumin Seeds 1 onion.4 garlic ½ tsp curkuma  6 Curry Leaves ¾ teaspoon Salt or to taste 50g grated coconut  Heat oil in a pan, add curry leaves. cumin, mustard seeds and let the seeds splutter. Thrown in the Oniongalic and let brown. Add onion, , some salt and sauté on high flame until onions are soft.then add curkuma.coconut and Mix it well. Gradually add califlower add some water not too much Cover the pan and cook for a minute, then uncover and continue stir frying on high flame until cooked . Reference

Carrot curry

Carrot curry  tbsp coconut oil 8 curry leaves 1 tsp cumin seeds 1 tsp black mustard seeds 1 red onion, finely chopped thumb-sized piece ginger, finely chopped 3 cloves garlic, finely chopped 11⁄2 tsp curry powder 1⁄2tsp curkuma crushed to make 2 tsp black peppercorns 4 large carrots, cut into chunky pieces  1⁄2 cup coconut milk 1⁄2 lemon, juiced STEP 1 Heat the oil in a frying pan over a medium- high heat and add the curry leaves. Once sizzling, add the cumin and mustard seeds. Once they begin to pop, tip in the onion and cook for 10 minutes until golden. Add the ginger, garlic, Cumin.curry powder, black pepper and carrots, and cook for 5 minutes, stirring. Add water, and simmer gently for 20 minutes until the carrots have cooked through and the sauce has reduced slightly. then add coconutt milk Squeeze in the lemon juice, season lightly and sprinkle with coriander. Reference

Radish curry

Radish curry Ingredients . white radish , peeled and cut into thick julienne 1 onion , sliced 3 leaves curry , chopped ½ teaspoon ground mustard ½ teaspoon ground fenugreek ½ teaspoon turmeric 1 teaspoon curry powder 2 tablespoons Ghee 1 cup coconut milk Salt Instructions In a Pot, heat the oil over medium heat. Add the onion, curry leaves .Mustard.fenugreek and fry for 5 minutes, stirring regularly. Then add all the spices and mix well. Add the radish and mix. Cook for about 5 minutes. Finally add the coconut milk and mix. Simmer on low/medium heat for 5 minutes. Reference

Dal curry

Dal curry ¼ cup Masoor Dal ~ Red Lentils ½ cup Water 5 tablespoon Coconut Milk  3-4 Curry Leaves 2-3 Green Chilies cut in half 1 sliced Onion Salt to taste ½ teaspoon curkuma Garlic optional Instructions Wash masoor dal and cook with ½ cup of water .curkuma.onion.chili.galic.curry leaves and cook until dal is cooked but firm. This takes about 10-15 minutes. Add coconut milk and continue cooking for another 3-5 minutes. Serve hot with rice .Roti.bread Reference

Raita for summer

Raita for summer raitas help in digesting the meal. raitas can be of varied types depending on the vegetable used as main ingredient. raitas are made of yogurt and Ayurveda never suggests eating a lot of raita and therefore it should be taken in small quantities.also works as a tonic. The spices and the other ingredients used in raita help yogurt to make it more easily digestible. It works as an appetizer. It is good for people who are suffering from excessive sweating and diabetes patients who complain of dryness of mouth.It helps in eliminating toxins and keeps the stomach cool during summer. According to Ayurveda curd.Yougart is known to cause Kapha. Kapha is the reason behind mucus generation which is predominant in the night time. So as per Ayurveda, curd.yougart should be avoided at night. ‘It doesn’t apply to everyone and people who are prone to severe cold and cough should avoid eating curd at night.’ Reference

Beet root rait

Beet root rait Ingredients of Beet Raita One cup of raw beets peeled and grated Half teaspoon of black mustard seed Half teaspoon of cumin seeds A pinch of hing A tablespoon of chopped cilantro Half green chilli Without seed chopped One cup of plain yogurt One-fourth teaspoon of salt Five fresh curry leaves Ghee for frying Method of Preparing Beet Raita To prepare the beet raita, add the beet to the yogurt and stir gently. On the other side, heat the ghee on medium heat in a saucepan. Add the mustard seeds, cumin seeds followed by hing. Wait till seeds pop up. Add the coriander leaves curry leaves and chilli. Mix quickly and put off the fire. Cool little and add this to the yogurt and beet. Mix it well and serve it. It should be taken in small quantities. Benefits of Ayurvedic Beet Raita Ayurvedic beet raita has immense health benefits as the main ingredient beet is equipped with innumerable nutritional values. Beet is a rich source of betaine, a nutrient, which is import...

Meditation brings peace and joy

Do you know what happens when you meditate? You are creating a rapport with the other realms of reality.When your mind is still, when meditation is happening, you are not only purifying every cell of your own body, but you are spreading positive energy all around you. Your meditation brings peace and joy to people who have already passed and gone to the other side, which is very, very important. When you are silent, you are not putting things into the mind from the world; you are letting yourself free, cleansing the body, and cleansing the mind. During this time, some thoughts may bombard your mind. Some old things may just come and bother you. Never mind, don’t be scared. The fact you are sitting is good enough. Whatever happens is all for good. If old thoughts are coming and bothering you, never mind, they just come and they go. Nevertheless, keeping silent is very, very precious, not just for you, but also for the subtle creation. For the world also, because you are creating such po...

Ranawara gold health benefits for diabetes.

Ranawara gold health benefits for diabetes. Ranawara is a well-known herb found in Sri Lanka and India. Ranawara is the Sinhalese (Sri Lankan) name for that herb. . Mature tea tree is the widely used English name for it.  Key Benefits Purifies Blood, and Detoxifies the body Ranawara flower tea is useful in sugar disorders Promotes mild diuretic actions Prevents disurea and renal calculi formation Promotes clear complexion and restore skin to its natural glow Regular use reduces body heat Other Benefits Eliminate bad body odors Control. Recipe:  Ranawara Tea (Herbal Tea from Sri Lanka) Wash and clean dried Ranawara flowers. In a pot add water together with Ranawara flowers. Boil in low flame until the water boils and liquid gets dark in colour. Serve this herbal tea as a hot drink with a piece of juggery. Reference

Not Lost, Only Found

My whole family and I were returning from the Bangalore Ashram after an Advance Course during Navratri in 2007. We got HIS darshan peacefully. We even visited Mysore during that trip. Before leaving for Ashram, I was still working with The Oberoi’s and was saving money to buy my first mobile phone with all features (like music, camera, GPRS).  After a few months, I managed to save up Rs.10000/- and went to shop for the mobile. I bought a handset of Rs.8500/- which was like the most expensive set in our whole dynasty. And I was on cloud 9, the proud owner of my multi featured handset. I kept flaunting it everywhere; at workplace, in satsangs, to my relatives, just everywhere. So at last after being Antarmukhi for 10 blissful days we left for Bangalore Airport. The flight was two hours late. Even though we had an extra heavy lunch in Ashram, we were still quite hungry so we had some patties. Then went for the security check and waited again in the lounge. The lounge was f...

Hodgsonia heteroclita , Chinese Lard Seed ,Tattar(Nyishi)

Hodgsonia heteroclita Family:- Cucurbitaceae  Common Name:- Chinese Lard Seed Vernacular name:- Tattar(Nyishi) General_Information            Chinese lard seed or Tattar(nyishi) is a fast growing, very vigorous,large & climbing plant that can be upto 30m long & supporting itself on other plants by means of tendrils. The plant produces large edible seeds that are very rich in oil. Tribals of Arunachal Pradesh widely used this seeds as food in their traditional methods. It's mostly found in China & Chinese are very fond of it. The non-drying seed oil was previously obtained from wild-growing plants and has long been known in Europe as kadam oil or kayapang oil. edible_uses            Seeds are eaten by roasted or baked. It isvery pleasant and wholesome. They are often crushed and cooked with vegetables. The seeds are produced in a gourd-like fibrous fruit about the size of a coconut. The seed is up to...

Rhododendron ferrugineum , Rhododendron, Snow rose , Tongrong Apong (Nyishi)

Rhododendron ferrugineum  Common Name:- Rhododendron, Snow rose etc Family:- Ericaceae  Vernacular Name:- Tongrong Apong(Nyishi) description            Rhododendron ferrugineum is an evergreen shrub that grows up to 1m tall and produces clusters of pinkish-red, bell-shaped flowers throughout the summer. The undersides of the leaves are covered in rust-brown spots, which give the species its scientific name. It can be widely seen over the high altitude of Arunachal Pradesh. Arunachal Pradesh has the highest number of Rhododendron species among all the states of North East. Highest number of the species can be seen at Tawang district of Arunachal Pradesh.  #medicinal_value            Despite serious safety concerns, rusty-leaved rhododendron is used in combination with other herbs for painful conditions such as gout, muscle and joint pain (rheumatism), nerve pain (neuralgia), sciatica, face pain (trigem...

Dendrocnide sinuata , Stinging tree, Nettle tree , Pud-Rungtey

Dendrocnide sinuata  Family:- Urticaceae  Common Name:- Stinging tree, Nettle tree etc. Vernacular name:- Pud-Rungtey  General_Information            Dendrocnide sinuata is an evergreen shrub or a tree, usually growing up to 10 metres tall, but occasionally reaching up to 26 metres. The plant is harvested from the wild for local use as a medicine and hair wash. The bark is white and smooth with lenticellate blaze. Whitish. branchlets are terete (cylindrical and circular in cross section) with glandular stinging hairs. harmful_fact           Upon contact with skin the nettle causes a painful itch, hives, fever and chills, skin depressions and clamminess. Due to presence of formic acid, oxalic acid & tartaric acid. Medicinal_value            A decoction of the roots, combined with the leaves of a Schizostachyum species, is drunk as a remedy for swollen limbs. The leaves are ...

Red onion

Red onion Ayurveda acharyas recommend onion in men’s health for erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and to increase sperm count and motility.  Reduce joint pain, acne, pimple, hair loss, and Dental caries This herb is known as Vajikarana Herb or best aphrodisiac. It helps to overcome erectile dysfunction, low sperm count, and motility. It is also useful in premature ejaculation and low libido. Eat raw onions regularly with dinner and drink a glass of hot water. This helps in the reduction of Medha dhatu or body fat. This wonder vegetable helps in the management of obesity. Ayurveda vaidya also opines that this wonder herb helps to reduce cholesterol. This wonder bulb also helps to rejuvenate the liver, normalize digestion, relieve constipation, and increase appetite. Hence it is very beneficial in piles (hemorrhoids), constipation, jaundice, and indigestion  its use in sciatica, arthritis, and other diseases which involve bones, joints, and the peripheral ...


GALIC The garlic we eat is a medicinal and nutritious food. Garlic, especially used to flavor food, is a medicine according to Ayurvedic medicine. Ancient greeks used to place this bulb on stones at crossroads as a supper for Hecate (Greek goddess of the three paths, guardian of the household, protector of everything newly born, and the goddess of witchcraft ). According to Pliny, garlic and onion were invoked as deities by the Egyptians while taking oaths. Garlic has been mentioned as a precious medicine in indigenous medicine and Ayurveda. For thousands of years, garlic has been used in the home of man as a medicine for many ailments. This can be used as food. So its benefits are even more. Garlic has been used for treatment especially in cases of heart attacks in the past. This is a pain reliever. Garlic is mentioned in Ayurveda as a medicine with elixir-like properties. All the tubers, leaves, flowers, stalks and seeds of garlic are taken for medicinal purposes. Accordi...

Forgetting Medicine

I had a drugstore and the shop was very crowded that day. I was giving medicines to the customers, when I saw an old lady standing under a tree at a little distance from the shop. When my eyes fell on that woman two to three times, I noticed she was continuously looking towards my shop. I kept giving medicines to the customers but I was also curious about the elderly lady, that why was she standing there and what was she looking at. When the customers were few, I handed over the shop counter to the boy working in my shop and went to the lady. I asked her, "What happened mother, do you want something? I have been seeing you standing here for a long time and it’s quite hot too, so I thought I should ask if you need something." The old lady was a littlehesitant to speak. Then she gathered some courage and started speaking, “Son, I have two sons. Both live in another city. Every summer vacation, they come with their kids to meet us.  But this time they have decided to take a vaca...

Real Wealth

Real Wealth This is a Sufi Story. There was a Fakir who would sit under a tree and meditate. Every day, he used to watch a woodcutter come there, cut some wood and take it with him. One day he said to him, "Brother, you cut and collect wood all day long, and still it's not enough to earn two meals a day. Why don't you go a little further... There is a sandalwood forest ahead. If you cut wood one day, it will earn you enough for seven days." The poor woodcutter could not believe it because he thought no one else knew the forest as well as he did. He had spent his whole life chopping wood in the forest. Whereas this mystic kept sitting under the tree, what did he know? At first, he wasn't willing to accept, but then he came to the conclusion that what's the harm in checking? Who knows, he might be right! Then again, why would he even lie? He seemed like a calm and quiet man, happy in his own world. He had never even said anything before. So he decided to go and ...

Joy of Life

Joy of Life Once, an emperor became very intrigued by a sage. The emperor used to ride around the kingdom on horseback at night, and would notice that sage every night. That sage used to sit under a tree and would be lost in his own world, sometimes playing the flute, sometimes dancing, sometimes humming a song, and sometimes, he would sit quietly and watch the stars in the sky. When the emperor rode out on horseback, he used to stop there to watch him. He would watch the sage enjoying himself for some time and then leave quietly. Gradually, he started getting so engrossed in watching that sage, that he would not even realize how much time had passed looking at him. The emperor would stand behind a bush and watch the sage having fun in silence. He was so lost in watching this fun, that he would himself return home entertained and refreshed. This had become a daily routine. One day, the emperor got overwhelmed to the point that he fell at the feet of the sage and said, "O Dear Sage...

Special Swarna Prashna Camp March 23

Beauty is an inner phenomenon

When you look at the moon, or a colorful scene, or a waterfall, you say, “Oh, so beautiful”. There is a different sense of beauty. But if you look at something smaller, something you think you can possess, something you can take control over, a friend or a painting, or some other thing, your mind says, “I want to have it.”  In that beauty, there is feverishness, then the innocence dies and beauty doesn’t stay for very long. Why do children look so beautiful? From any country, anywhere on the planet, they are fresh as flowers. It is because their minds are clear like crystals, there is innocence in them.  Everyone appreciates the smile that comes from that innocence. There is beauty in it. You can become innocent only when you go inwards. Beauty is an inner phenomenon. Beauty is not in objects or people, not even in the eyes of the beholder. It lies in the heart of every person. - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji "Health is not a mere absence of disease. It is a dyna...

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