

Gurudev now in Nanded


Mahasatsang with Gurudev at Nanded

Gurudev in Kolhapur

Satsang with Gurudev at Kolhapur

Gurudev’s message from satsang now in Kolhapur

If everything is done by God

Who serves the Enlightened

Ashwagandhadi Lehyam – Uses, Side Effects, Dose And How To Prepare

Why should one not give so much importance to words?

Avipattikar Churna – Benefits, Ingredients, Dose, Side Effects

Hingwastak Churna

Talisadi Churna

Chandraprabha Vati

Gokshuradi Guggulu

Kanchnar Guggulu


Mahalaxmi Vilas Ras

Brihat Vatchintamani Ras

Hingwastak Churna – Uses, Ingredients, Dose, Side Effects

Moving Past Unpleasant Events

What is the nectar of life?

You just said that we should not consider anyone as bad. If others treat us badly, how do we react to that?

Upcoming Vigyan Bhairav’s in India




Dimension, which is beyond good and bad, right and wrong

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

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