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In the yoga sutra, it is said, yoga is the restraint of the chitta (consciousness). How can restraining the mind or memory bring freedom?

Question - Gurudev, in the yoga sutra, it is said, yoga is the restraint of the chitta (consciousness). How can restraining the mind or memory bring freedom? Gurudev Sri Sri - It's the mind that causes bondage. It's the mind which clings on to things, or clings on to the dreams. Even after you wake up, the palpitation is happening in the body, because you had a nightmare. But when the mind realizes that it's a dream and it comes out of it, then there is relief. So mind is the cause for bondage and mind is the cause for liberation also.

I’m very much confused about the caste system in our country. I belong to a Brahmin family from Utter Pradesh and I am in love with a person from a different caste. My father is opposing this. What should I do?

Question - Gurudev I’m very much confused about the caste system in our country. I belong to a Brahmin family from Utter Pradesh and I am in love with a person from a different caste. My father is opposing this. What should I do? Gurudev Sri Sri - You weigh the pros and cons. If you marrying is causing a huge turmoil and disturbance in the family and people are crying, wailing, yelling and creating a huge drama, then take a call on it and decide whether it is worth all that. Or make them understand and convince them that it is okay. You have only two ways to go. Usually for the Brahmins, the main worry is about food and culture. Brahmins are vegetarians and sometimes the other castes may not be vegetarian, so that may be a big block for them. They may think that I can't go to my daughter's house and eat anything as they are not vegetarians. These sorts of barriers may arise. So you talk to them and convince them that you will keep your values and principles and you will instill...

If our consciousness is so powerful, then why doesn't it heal our body ailments and why do we need doctors and medicines. What is the role of the soul in the body.

Question - Gurudev, if our consciousness is so powerful, then why doesn't it heal our body ailments and why do we need doctors and medicines. What is the role of the soul in the body. Gurudev Sri Sri - Body heals, not just with medicine. You give someone medicine and do not let them sleep, then see if the body heals. Impossible. Deep rest is required, and meditation is one such rest. Our body is not used to meditation from the very beginning, or due the circumstances and surrounding, the conditioning of the body is such that medicines also have a role to play. That is why Ayurveda is also a part of the Vedic wisdom, and not just mantras and yoga. Yoga and Ayurveda both have an equal share in keeping the body healthy.

In Narada Bhakti Sutra, you have said that measure your mind with your heart and understand your heart with your mind. I am unable to understand this, please explain?

Question - Gurudev, in Narada Bhakti Sutra, you have said that measure your mind with your heart and understand your heart with your mind. I am unable to understand this, please explain. Gurudev Sri Sri - Just give them equal importance in life. Take both of them along with you, and remember that neither is lesser than the other.

Is it okay if I’m dependent on you, or should I be independent? I’m constantly trying to improve myself, how can I be better?

Question - Gurudev, is it okay if I’m dependent on you, or should I be independent? I’m constantly trying to improve myself, how can I be better? Gurudev Sri Sri - This is a good question to have, 'How can I be better?' But don't keep dwelling on it. If you keep thinking, 'What about me', then if you do some mistake, you will keep blaming yourself. You will swing between self-blame, self-pity and over-worthiness. All these complications comes. Just do whatever you can and relax. Needing and wanting to be needed, in both cases, you're being self-centric. Just be. A flower is fragrant and the fragrance spreads. A light does not make an effort to push its rays into our eyes. It is just there and the light spreads. Same with you, you don't need to be made to see that you are being dependent or you want to be wanted. All these complicated mind-sets, you must bundle them up and put it aside. Be available to do any good work, be creative. I need so many creative pe...

Out of the 3 Devi forms Lakshmi, Saraswati and Durga which of the 3 forms should a woman choose in today's day and age?

Question - Gurudev, out of the 3 Devi forms Lakshmi, Saraswati and Durga which of the 3 forms should a woman choose in today's day and age?  Gurudev Sri Sri - The Indian mythology gave all the power to women. All the important ministries were assigned to womenfolk. The ministry of finance, defense and education were given to women. So a woman plays all these three roles. With kids, she is playing the role of teacher. Sometimes with husband, she can play the role of Durga, or with neighbor, if the situation demands, a woman can become a defense minister. Of course, she holds the key to the wealth of the family. You know, in ancient India, they used to have what is called Stree dhan. Every woman was given a certain amount and they would not touch that amount. That was the savings. She can hand it over to her daughter, or do whatever she wants to do with it. That was the ancient system here. There are matriarchal families even today in India. Two states in India - one is in the North ...

I have been having a lot of anger rise in me since the past few days?What do I do?

Question - Gurudev, I have been having a lot of anger rise in me since the past few days?What do I do? Gurudev Sri Sri - You are at the right place. Somewhere, there is some deep stress, there are certain things which you have put under the carpet that are causing the anger to come. You know, the main cause of anger is that you want perfection. We get angry over imperfections, but the world does have levels of perfection. Give a little space for imperfection. When you give some space for imperfection, the patience in you increases. At home we keep a garbage can, isn't it. You cannot say, 'I won't keep a garbage can at home'. Then there would be garbage all over the place. Anger is that garbage all over the house. When you give space for imperfection, you will put all the garbage in a can and let it be. Then you will see how you can manage your anger. Have patience over imperfections. It takes time for imperfection to become perfection. How can you give that time? When y...

Lord Krishna played the role of a Guru to Arjuna. In Lord Krishna's life, what role did Arjuna play? What role can a disciple play in Guru's life?

Question - Gurudev, Lord Krishna played the role of a Guru to Arjuna. In Lord Krishna's life, what role did Arjuna play? What role can a disciple play in Guru's life? Gurudev Sri Sri - There can be only two types of disciples : the easy disciple, and the tough disciple. The tough ones are hard nuts to crack. It will take a long time for the tough ones to get the point. The easy ones are those who know, who become sensitive, and who get it. You can say, like a buffalo or a cow. If you just shout 'Aye' to a cow, it understands and moves forward. But for a buffalo, you have to take a big bamboo stick and hit it lightly to really get it to move, only then it will move. Or you have to literally come and push it with your hands. So these are the two types of disciples. Ones who listens easily and gets it, and who is sensitive, The other doesn't listen, and takes a long time to get the point.

You have spoken much about food and the breath. Would you like to say something about clothes as well? Should we only wear traditional clothes?

Question - Gurudev, you have spoken much about food and the breath. Would you like to say something about clothes as well? Should we only wear traditional clothes? Gurudev Sri Sri - Wear comfortable clothes, but I do not prefer wearing those torn clothes and jeans for which you pay so much money. It looks so shabby. I have heard that if there are holes in the jeans, you have to pay more money for that! This you should not do. Cotton is the best fabric. If it is mixed with a little bit of polyester, it is also okay, But only polyester should be avoided. I would prefer that people avoid leather. Do you know just for leather, so many animals are slaughtered? All this should be done away with. It is said, ‘Ahimsa paramo-dharma’, (Non-violence in all action is the supreme duty or Dharma). Everyone should walk the path of non-violence and be a vegetarian. This is very necessary. Only then will you be able to meditate well.

With the media reporting crime and negativity around the world, what do you think is their responsibility towards this violence that is happening? What do you think we should be doing differently?

Question - Gurudev, with the media reporting crime and negativity around the world, what do you think is their responsibility towards this violence that is happening? What do you think we should be doing differently? Gurudev Sri Sri - I think the media has two important roles to play. One is to place the facts in front of the people as they are. At the same time create hope in people for the future. You know, the present scenario can be very depressing. The media has to take responsibility not to create more depression in society. They have to give people hope. Suppose there is a riot, or a crisis, or a war, in that situation also there is hope, there are good people on the planet who are doing some very good work, this must be highlighted. Otherwise when you open the newspaper, all you see is bad news, which is depressing. The people feel that there is no hope in life because the world is so bad. The citizen of this world will not label society as bad or hopeless. This can happen only...

What should we do for the mentally retarded people? Can healing be given to them?

Question - Gurudev, what should we do for the mentally retarded people? Can healing be given to them? Gurudev Sri Sri - Some remand home should be made for them. There are mentally retarded homes owned by the government. They should be kept there. Don't encourage the practice of giving them food on the roads. We should not make them beggars on the roads. Don't give healing. These people have come to receive service from you. So even after giving healing they will remain the same, and then you might start doubting the healing. You might think, 'Oh, I am giving healing to him every day and nothing is happening'. So instead of healing, do service to them.

What is the best and easy way to please God and be closer to Him?

Question - Gurudev, what is the best and easy way to please God and be closer to Him? Gurudev Sri Sri - If a baby asks, 'What can I do to please my mother?' The mother is already pleased with the baby. Whatever the baby does, the mother is happy. My dear, God is already pleased with you. Just keep your heart clean, mind focused and put your 100% in any work that you do. When you are sincere, smiling and serving, God is pleased with you. Remember 3S - sincerity, smile and service.

As you are very much aware of this fact that people in relationships do get into conflicts at times. How can one bring peace to such a relationship with a lot of conflicts and arguments? Should we move away from such a relationship or stay put in that relationship?

Question - Gurudev, as you are very much aware of this fact that people in relationships do get into conflicts at times. How can one bring peace to such a relationship with a lot of conflicts and arguments? Should we move away from such a relationship or stay put in that relationship?  Gurudev Sri Sri - There are 3 ways to handle such situations :  1. Move away from that place at that time - because when everybody is angry, things are heating up, everyone goes deaf. Angry people do not listen to anyone. The best thing is move away a little bit and wait for things to cool down and then resolve the differences. 2. Be there, with patience - First, agree with the person, say, 'Yes, I agree with you. Suppose your husband or wife is arguing with you, don't say, 'No', instead say, 'Yes, you are right, I agree with you. The moment you agree, the temperature comes down. Then in a little gap, as the temperature comes down, say, 'But, this is the secret. Sometimes people c...

What is the best and easy way to please God and be closer to Him?

Question - Gurudev, what is the best and easy way to please God and be closer to Him? Gurudev Sri Sri - If a baby asks, 'What can I do to please my mother?' The mother is already pleased with the baby. Whatever the baby does, the mother is happy. My dear, God is already pleased with you. Just keep your heart clean, mind focused and put your 100% in any work that you do. When you are sincere, smiling and serving, God is pleased with you. Remember 3S - sincerity, smile and service.

I’m a web engineer. I want to ask, what is the connection between spirituality and internet technology? How can spirituality use this web?

Question - Gurudev, I’m a web engineer. I want to ask, what is the connection between spirituality and internet technology? How can spirituality use this web? Gurudev Sri Sri - Yesterday you saw that we had a webcast of our satsang, and so many people connected to us from around the world. We had people connect from more than seventy countries. You should definitely use the internet, write blogs, and make people aware of it. Today because of internet you can get any information. If you want to know a verse from Rig-Veda, you don't have to go to the library and look for it. Just go to the internet and you can download it from there. So the internet has made knowledge available at the tip of your fingers. It should be used. We are all linked through one net from inside, that is inter-net.

How to love someone who I do not understand?

Question - Gurudev, how to love someone who I do not understand? Gurudev Sri Sri - As a baby is born, it looks into its mother's eyes, and starts loving the mother. The baby does not know anything about the mother. It does not know the name of the mother, or the school she went to, what subjects she studied, or how old she is. The baby does not even care, it does not even know. In the same way, the puppy or the dog in your house does not know you. If the dog knew you, perhaps it would not love you.

I think I am addicted to meditation. Is it bad to be addicted to something awesome like meditation ?

Question - Gurudev, I think I am addicted to meditation. Is it bad to be addicted to something awesome like meditation? Gurudev Sri Sri - You can't say that you are addicted to compassion, it is a wrong word to use since it is an integral part of your life. Similarly, you can't say that I am so addicted to being clean, I am addicted to brushing my teeth. Just like brushing is dental hygiene, meditation is mental hygiene. Yes, you should not be obsessed with it. Suppose you could not meditate for one day, do not make a big issue out of it by getting upset or angry, never mind. Once in a while, like once in two years, it is okay. You should not feel guilty about it. However, missing meditation should not become a regular thing. Missing it three times a week is not very advisable.

They say marriages are made in heaven, but why after this heavenly arrangement, does hell start on earth?

Question - Gurudev, they say marriages are made in heaven, but why after this heavenly arrangement, does hell start on earth? Gurudev Sri Sri - Contrast. Knowledge comes in opposition. Just like a baby cannot be created by one person, hell also cannot be created by one person. Whether heaven or hell, it needs two to create it.

Out of 20 minutes of meditation, I can meditate only for 1 minute

Question - Gurudev, out of 20 minutes of meditation, I can meditate only for 1 minute, the rest of the time I feel I am talking to you. Am I dreaming or are you really talking to me at that time? Sometimes I open my eyes slightly to see if there is someone. Gurudev Sri Sri - It's okay, you can do the 2% meditation. Look, sometimes, with eyes closed, we start dreaming and get transported into the fantasy world of our mind, which is called the Manorajya. With eyes open, we are in the outside world. In between the two is silence. Not too much of the outer world and not too much of fantasising also. We need to meditate in between these two.

If peace is our nature then what makes violence arise?

Question - Gurudev, if peace is our nature then what makes violence arise? Gurudev Sri Sri - Weakness or fear is the root of violence. The fear of extinction or rejection causes violence. Stress causes violence. Stress is also a kind of weakness. Stress or tiredness and no strength is weakness and causes violence. Lack of of one's strength causes violence. You can think about what are the things that cause violence and you can make a list. Attachment also causes violence. Extreme passion without wisdom can cause violence. You hear all these stories in the newspaper. Two people who initially love each other and they later become so violent to each other, that they kill each other. Haven't you heard of these things? All over the world, you hear of people who have fallen in love and then later stabbed each other. It's unbelievable. So wisdom is essential. Just love or passion is not enough. Love without wisdom is misery. If you don't have wisdom and are not balanced, then ...

It has been said in the Yoga sutra 'Tivra samveganam asannaha' (Those who seek liberation wholeheartedly without feverishness attain liberation quickly).

Question - Gurudev, it has been said in the Yoga sutra 'Tivra samveganam asannaha' (Those who seek liberation wholeheartedly without feverishness attain liberation quickly). For liberation does one need speed or peace? Gurudev Sri Sri - Yes, you need a quick pace. Often when we need to do something good, we say 'Inshaallah!' (an Urdu wish meaning 'May God will it so'), and we often say that if God thinks it best it will happen, etc. When it is for ourselves, if we want a car or a job, we put in our full effort to get it. However, for other things, we say, if God wishes it will happen. If it is about coming to the Ashram, you conveniently say, when Gurudev wishes, he will call me there. When have ever told you not to come, or not to meditate, but you say, when the calling comes, I will be there. If you have to go out for a movie or to a restaurant, then you don't say that only when God calls you will go. For your own entertainment, you do things at your own w...

There are so many people who come on the path and then leave. Why does that happen? They are so involved and suddenly they stop coming.

Question - Gurudev, there are so many people who come on the path and then leave. Why does that happen? They are so involved and suddenly they stop coming. Gurudev Sri Sri - How many people have done that? There would be just a few, and there could be various reasons. Some people come on the path like going to a restaurant. After you eat in a restaurant, you don't think about the restaurant for many hours, right? So they are fulfilled and they don't come back. There are other people who might be going through a difficult time and they walk off the path maybe due to their bad habits. But then they do come back also. I have seen people come back to the path after 15, 20 or even 25 years. We don't have to worry about it. Your job is to throw the seeds out on the field. Wherever it grows, it grows. You can't be watching out for every seed to see whether it has grown or not.

I feel frustrated in my life. I don't wish to live anymore. Please help me come out of these suicidal tendencies.

Question - Gurudev, I feel frustrated in my life. I don't wish to live anymore. Please help me come out of these suicidal tendencies. Gurudev Sri Sri - Be of my use, you are here for me, do my work, until I stamp you can't sign off. Desires are endless, Don't make desires your aim. I am always with you. If you get thoughts of committing suicide, know that it is just your prana which is low, so do more pranayama and meditation. A deep desire to live without problems makes one commit suicide. When life is just a game, and you have really lived life, then you embrace death naturally when it comes. When you feel sad, depressed, suicidal or unhappy, at that moment you should say, ‘Let me stop thinking about myself. Let me see what I can do here. Anyway, one day I must go. Before I go, let me do something good here. Who needs me? Where can I help?’ You should do more courses and spend more time in Satsang. Also should keep themselves busy and engage in some seva (service) activit...

Even after death, a man in the form of a soul keeps on looking for a body. Why there is so much attachment to the body?

Question - Gurudev, even after death, a man in the form of a soul keeps on looking for a body. Why there is so much attachment to the body? Gurudev Sri Sri - This is because the body is the instrument of carrying out one's Dharma (one's duties or karma). It is said, 'Sharira madhyam Dharma-khalu sadhanam. It means that if one has to carry out one's duties or one's karma, it can only be done through the means of the physical body. Those who are Asariri - meaning without the physical body - cannot do it. That is the reason even the Demigods (Devas) have to take a human form to carry out their Dharma for attaining liberation.

Sometimes I feel guilty for not feeling guilty. If I don't feel guilty will the law of karma have any effect?

Question - Gurudev, sometimes I feel guilty for not feeling guilty. If I don't feel guilty will the law of karma have any effect? Gurudev Sri Sri - You don't need to worry about it. You don't have to force guilt on yourself. Actually the case is, deep inside you are feeling guilty. But you are trying to brush it off, and this is what the problem is. If you really don't feel guilty, you will not feel guilty about not feeling guilty at all. It is because you are feeling a little guilty, and you are trying to push it away, which is creating a conflict in you. So what you need to do is, simply accept it. Accept the mistake and whatever you need to do for remedial measures, you do it. Once you accept the mistake and want to do some remedial measures, then you will find peace within yourself. But if you brush off the mistake and act as if it never happened, or you didn't do it, it is then that the prick starts from within. So the first step is to accept, and then to do so...

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