Rose Gulkand, a sweet preserve, is a bye-product of the Rose industry. It is a preparation, medicinal in property, made from petals of fresh rose flowers and sugar.
Rose Gulkand Did you know that Roses believed to be more than 30 million years old with scores of species and innumerable cultivars and hybrids, are made into a preserve from its sweet scented petals with sugar, known popularly as Rose Gulkand? Rose Gulkand, a sweet preserve, is a bye-product of the Rose industry. It is a preparation, medicinal in property, made from petals of fresh rose flowers and sugar. Gulab is a Hindi name for rose. Gulkand is jam. Rose flowers of the autumnal crop are preferably converted into Gulkand. Roses, coined the “King of Flowers,” is believed to be more than 30 million years old. However, historically, it is believed to be from ancient Indo-Persia territory and originated around 900 BC. The word Gulkand is derived from the words; 'Gul' meaning "flower" in Persian and 'Kand' or 'Qand' meaning "flower"in Arabic. So, Gulkand simply means “sweet flower.” Scores of species and ...