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Sri Sri Tattva Medicine | Sai Krupa Ayurvedic Bhandar in Dombivali West, Maharashtra India


Areca catechu Linn with its dry ripe seeds also called Pooga has many vernacualr names such as: Adike in Kannada; Supari, Chr alia in Hindi, Gujarati; Adakku, Pakku in Malayalam; Paka chekka, Vakka in Tamil and Telugu; Supari, Pophal in Marathi; and Kramuka, Ghonaa in Sanskrit

Areca nut production in India Did you know that Areca nut production in India is the largest in the world, accounting for 54.07 % of total output, of which Karnataka state produces 45.8%? Areca nut production in India is dominant in the coastal region within 400 kilometres (250 mi) from the coast line, and also in some other non-coastal states of India. Areca nut (Areca catechu), a tropical crop, is popularly known as betel nut, as its common usage in the country is for mastication with betel leaves. It is a palm tree species under the family of Arecaceae. It is a graceful, slender, stemmed, perennial evergreen palm, trunk reaching a height of about 25 m cultivated in the coastal regions of Southern India, Bengal and Assam upto an altitude of 1000 m. It has commercial and economic importance not only in India but also in China and Southeast Asia. Areca nut production in India is the largest in the world, as per the Food and Agriculture Organization of the Unite...

Ayurvedic medicine, it is known as Raajaputrika, and in Unani as Kaknaj. In Indian vernacular languages it is known as: Dodda budde gida, Tankari in Kannada; Akarkara, Avautha in Sanskrit; Akarkara, Tankari, Tipari in HIndi; Akkarakaaram in Malyalam; Periya-takkali in Tamil; Popti in Marathi; and Moti Popti in Gujarati.

Physalis alkekengi - Bladder cherry Did you know that Physalis alkekengi, Bladder cherry, an herbaceous ornamental perennial plant is easily identified by the large, bright orange to red papery covering over its fruit, which resembles paper Chinese lanterns? Physalis alkekengi, known in English as Bladder cherry, Chinese lantern, Japanese-lantern, strawberry groundcherry, or winter cherry, with its spectaculary colourful large, bright orange to red papery covering over its fruit, which resembles paper Chinese lanterns, is native to South-east Europe and Japan, naturalized in many parts of the worlld, and grown in Indian gardens. Naturally grows wild but over the centuries has become adopted into kitchen gardens throughout the world.  Physalis alkekengi is an herbaceous, perennial ornamental plant and a herb that grows to a height of 75 to 80 cm with spirally arranged leaves. This flowering plant in the nightshade family Solanaceae, in the genus Physalis,...

What do you do to raise the level of your consciousness, which is naturally available? This needs your attention. You have to see that. Consciousness has created this creation out of itself with different qualities.

Chapter 11 - Complete Happiness Day 57  Each one is responsible for raising his own level of consciousness. Each person is responsible for either becoming happier or sadder. To the extent that one is centered and firmly established in the self, that much he will find happiness in positive situations.  You yourselves have to uplift your consciousness. What do you say? "I leave it up to God. If he wishes, if it is necessary, he will call me." But you do not say this when you go shopping for clothes or for jewelry.  For the work that you enjoy doing, you invest your full efforts and work day and night. But if you are called to do some charitable work or sadhana, you say, "If God wants, it will happen."  You put in your full effort when it comes to worldly matters, attaining righteousness, money and desire. And if it does not suit you, then you will not bother about righteousness either.  If there is a desire to do something, then you will spend all your...

All this is a part of the infinity, the Brahman. This is all made up of it, the finite is part of the infinity. The space inside a bowl is part of the entire space outside and around it. Every cell of your body is made up of God.

*Chapter 1 - Introduction* *Day 4* Now the real peace starts. There may be external peace, you may be in a quiet and peaceful state, but if your mind is boiling with hatred, there is no peace. The external peace means nothing. That is why internal peace has to be there. Unless you get a spiritual path to walk on, the Soul is restless. The Spirit is restless. Ambitions burn inside you when there is no inner peace in the spirit, in the soul.  When that confidence is there that, I am in the right train and the train is going to take me to my destination, there is no point in running from coach to coach with your luggage. You are not going to reach any faster. This sort of inner restlessness kills one. That's why he said, "Peace," Om Shanti, Shanti, Shantihi. You have boarded the plane, you are on the path, now relax.  Take your seat, keep your luggage and now relax. There is no need to run inside the flight. You are not going to reach any faster. For many seekers...

Q : What is your plan for the future ? Gurudev Sri Sri :To make everybody live in the present !

Nature is intelligent. The divine is intelligent.

If you get what you want, there is a reason. If you don't get what you want, there is a reason. Nature is intelligent. The divine is intelligent. - Gurudev Sri Sri ..

When you attain Self-knowledge, you feel that both your birth and your deeds are divine.

जब तुम्हें आत्मज्ञान प्राप्त होता है, तो यह अनुभूति होती है कि तुम्हारा जन्म और कर्म दोनों दिव्य हैं।  एक भी अपशब्द तुम्हारे मुख से नहीं निकलता | किसी के प्रति कोई दुर्भावना नहीं होती।  ऐसा हो ही नहीं सकता क्योंकि सभी अपने लगते हैं ।यह प्रेम की पराकाष्ठा है । - गुरुदेव श्री श्री || When you attain Self-knowledge, you feel that both your birth and your deeds are divine. Not a single abusive word comes out of your mouth. There is no ill-will towards anyone. It’s impossible because everyone seems to be your own. This is the culmination of love.  - Gurudev Sri Sri ..

To purify your intellect, you need knowledge; to purify your heart, you need love;

To purify your intellect, you need knowledge;  to purify your heart, you need love;  to purify your karma, you need seva;  All three should go together. - Gurudev Sri Sri ..

If any one of these aims are not achieved then we have failed religion; religion has not failed us.

The purpose of religion is to unite people and unite towards God . Horizontal unity towards people and vertical unity to the universal spirit, to god . If any one of these aims are not achieved then we have failed religion; religion has not failed us. - Gurudev Sri Sri ..

Mahalaya Amavasya, what is the significance of this day Gurudev ?

Q : Mahalaya Amavasya, what is the significance of this day Gurudev ? Guruji Sri Sri : The amavasya, that is the new moon, is a day when you show your gratitude to the ancestors; all those who lived before us, who are responsible for our being here on the earth.        So this entire fortnight, fifteen days, we remember those who have crossed over to the other side, who once upon a time lived on this planet. Everyone has to move on and those who have moved on, they also have power to bless us, so we seek their blessings.        These are the fifteen days of remembering them, showing them our gratitude and asking for their blessings. Because they have contributed in some way for your being on the planet. Right? Yes. Because of them only you are existing today.

When you are free from stress and when you are content, then you are automatically sensitive.

You cannot exercise sensitivity; either it is there, or it is not there.           Because sensitivity is beyond thoughts. It is on the level of a feeling. You cannot create sensitivity in you.         When you are free from stress and when you are content, then you are automatically sensitive. - Gurudev Sri Sri ..

How can you be afraid of politics when you are on this planet? Never complain about people playing politics – that is what they have been doing and will continue to do.

When you live on this planet, people will give you compliments and people will give you derogatory remarks – they will create politics.               How can you be afraid of politics when you are on this planet? Never complain about people playing politics – that is what they have been doing and will continue to do.            Lord Krishna never complained to anyone about the politics played by the families. He didn’t say, “Don’t play politics, I will not come to you.” No! He was right there! Even during the time of Jesus and Buddha, there was politics. - Gurudev Sri Sri ..

Gurudev how do we free ourselves from the pain we have received till now and what to do so that we do not receive the pain in the future?

Question - Gurudev how do we free ourselves from the pain we have received till now and what to do so that we do not receive the pain in the future? Gurudev Sri Sri - Yoga and meditation is the only way. Here everything is painful. Even an overdose of anything pleasant becomes painful. Wanting something pleasant causes pain. After having gotten what you want, then also there is pain because there is a fear of losing it. And when it is gone, the memory of it gives pain. Something unpleasant anyways gives pain right away. But the pleasant also gives pain because wanting or craving for something pleasant, is painful. This is what happens many times. Someone wants to get into a ministerial post. Before getting into it, there is so much pain to get into the post. Once they get into the post, then maintaining it is painful. And then when they leave the post, then also there is pain, because no one respects them. But when you feel completely unattached to it, that is when the pain...

Calotropis procera, Ekkada gida in Kannada, or Arka Tree or Giant Milk Weed, is one of the 21 leaves offered to Lord Ganesha during Patra Puja ritual and the hymn chanted on this occasion is "Om Siddhaya Namaha , Arka Pushapam samarpayami"?

Calotropis procera (Ekkada gida) Did you know that Calotropis procera, Ekkada gida in Kannada, or Arka Tree or Giant Milk Weed, is one of the 21 leaves offered to Lord Ganesha during Patra Puja ritual and the hymn chanted on this occasion is "Om Siddhaya Namaha , Arka Pushapam samarpayami"?  Calotropis procera, known as Arka Tree or Giant Milk Weed, is called Ekkada gida (ಯಕದ ಗಿಡ), found throughout India at drier locations up to elevation 500 m, is healing herb in Indian Ayurveda, grows world wide and also known from Biblical times. is a species of flowering plant in the family Apocynaceae, which oozes toxic milky sap when cut and which is extremly bitter and turns into a gluey coating which is resistant to soap.  In Hindu religiuos worship, Arka flower is considered a form of goddess Parvati, who took refuge in her Lord Shiva when she was pursued by Andhaka, the malevolent Asura. It is a belief that it emerged from the abode of Rudra, a form of S...

Brahmi | As an Ayurvedic herbal plant, its aerial leaves are made into a decoction and used as brain tonic. The leaf is also extracted as a medicinal oil to treat bone fracture. Fresh tender leaves are administered to treat leprosy. It has also been used to treat other various disorders such as Hysteria, Dysuria, Insomnia, Swelling, Chronic ulcers, Cold, Cough, Diarrhea, and Asthma, and to treat minor wounds.

Centella asiatica - Mandooka Parni Did you know that Mandooka Parni (Centella asiatica), a herbal plant, native to the wetlands in India, with a vernacular name Brahmi soppu (ಬ್ರಾಹ್ಮಿ ಸೊಪ್ಪು), is used in decoction form as a brain tonic and its tender leaves used to treat leprosy? Mandooka Parni with the botanical name Centella asiatica, also known as Indian pennywort, is a common herbal plant which grows widely in wetlands (aquatic) of India, Asia. and also in temperate and tropical swampy areas in many regions of the world. It is a small, herbaceous, frost-tender perennial flowering plant in the family of Apiaceae. It is a creeping herb with shovel shaped leaves emerging alternately in clusters at the stem nodes. It is not only a medicinal herb but its aerial part is used as a a vegetable in many Asian countries.  The Plant, indigenous to the Indian subcontinet, has many Indian vernacular language names such as: Mandooka parni, Bhandiri in Sanskrit; Brah...

Jyotishmati | Celastrus Paniculatus is native to India, and called “the intellect tree”⁣ as people using this plant would be able to learn new information more quickly, and more accurately and efficiently?

Jyotishmati (Celastrus Paniculatus)  Did you know that Jyotishmati with the botanical name Celastrus Paniculatus is native to India, and called “the intellect tree”⁣ as people using this plant would be able to learn new information more quickly, and more accurately and efficiently? Jyotishmati with the botanical name Celastrus Paniculatus in the Family Celastraceae, a deciduous climbing medicinal herb, grows throughout India at elevations up to 1,800 m (5,900 ft). It is called “the intellect tree”⁣ as people using this plant would be able to learn new information more quickly, and more accurately and efficiently. It is also known as black oil plant, or malkanguni, native to India but also grows in Taiwan, and Southeast Asia. While it is known as black oil plant or bitter sweet in English, its Indian vernacular names are: Agnibhasa, Jyotishmati, Jyotishlata, Supingala, Swarna lata in Sanskrit; Bhavanga beeja, Gangunde kaayi, Gangunga hambu, Maala kanguni in...

Did you know that Commiphora mukul called Guggul or Guggal in Sanskrit is a flowering plant, and 'Guggul' means "one that protects against diseases"?

Commiphora mukul (Guggul or Guggal) Did you know that Commiphora mukul called Guggul or Guggal in Sanskrit is a flowering plant, and 'Guggul' means "one that protects against diseases"? The Commiphora mukul, also Commiphora wightii, both botanical names in the family of Burseraceae, with the Sanskrit name Guggul or Guggal, is a flowering plant which may be a shrub or small tree. It is native to India (mostly to Western India in Rajasthan and Gujarat), Pakistan and Bangladesh, Asia and Africa, found seasonally in dry tropical areas. Its other common names are Indian bdellium-tree, gugal, and mukul myrrh tree. In fact, Guggulu is an oleo-gum resin (fragrant resin) exudate obtained from the stem (sap or bark) of the plant. In Sanskrit 'guggulu' means "one that protects against diseases". Guggulu, a niryasa (natural exudation), has been used in Indian Ayurvedic medicine since 600 BC. It is listed now as an important endangered...

Jojoba oil is a nutritious oil containing vitamin E, minerals and proteins which are absorbed into the skin

Simmondsia chinensis (Jojoba) Did you know that the Simmondsia chinensis, popularly known as Jojoba, an evergreen, dioecious desert shrub, native to Mexico , Arizona and California, was introduced in India from Israel in 1965 at the Central Arid Zone Research Institute (CAZRI), Jodhpur? Simmondsia chinensis (chinensis means "of Chinese origin but not grown in China) , popularly known world wide as Jojoba, pronounced 'ho - ho - ba', and also known as goat nut, deer nut, pignut, wild hazel, quinine nut, coffeeberry, and gray box bush, is an evergreen shrub that grows in deserts and is native to Mexico , Arizona and California. It was introduced in India from Israel in 1965 at the Central Arid Zone Research Institute (CAZRI), Jodhpur. Since then over 70 collections have been introduced in India from USA and a productive clone has evolved with wide ecological amplitude. It is grown without irrigation under natural conditions.  Jojoba is the only spec...

The entire Tilak ceremony in Hinduism is developed around the tiny Til or Sesame, which symbolizes the pores of Vishnu. Garuda Purana says that Til originated from the pores of the Lord Vishnu and is sacred to Him. It is beleived that sesame has been one of the oldest plants to be cultivated, a Divine gift given by god.

Sesame  Did you know that Sesame, one of India's oldest and most precious plant in Hinduism, is considered to be the oldest known crop to humanity in the form of oil seed (Ellu)? Sesame, with botanical name Sesamum indicuma, a flowering plant in the genus Sesamum, also called benne in English since 1769, is one of India's oldest and most precious crops considered a Divine gift given by God, growing for more than 5000 years and it now accounts for about a quarter of sesame production worldwide.  Sesame plant is a variable, erect, annual plant that can grow from 1 - 3 metres tall. Plants can be branched or unbranched. The root system has a strongly tapering taproot up to 90cm long. Its Leaf arrangement is Alternate-spiral. Its bell shaped flowers, white to pale-rose in colour, ffowering from April to September develop in the leaf axils 6 to 8 weeks after planting and this continues for several weeks. Its fruitrs in the form of deeply goved capsules, of ...

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