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He blessed me, and I could almost hear His unsaid words that were telling me that happiness is on my way and that He is here for me. I came back miraculously healed, without any weakness, and the bleeding just vanished, as if it never existed.

If I say that I am grateful, I am thankful or anything else for that matter, it does not suffice. Nothing that I say can ever express the love that I feel for Gurudev. I was suffering for 2 long years with bleeding in my intestines. Surgery did not help, and neither did the various medicines that I kept trying. I ate healthy and worked out, but all in vain. On the outside I was a fit young lady, but inside I was broken. The breaking point came when one day, in January 2013, I suddenly could not breathe. As my husband rushed me to the hospital, my breathing became very laborious and my body became paralyzed. But through my struggle to breathe, I kept hearing a voice telling me not to worry as I had experienced something similar (fast breathing) in the Sudershan Kriya. It kept getting tougher and tougher to breathe, with each breath. In a matter of minutes, I could see my world crashing and I quickly started bidding goodbye to my husband and my young children. In my mind, I s...

Gurudev, how can one experience the mind, intellect, memory and the self as separate from each other?

Question - Gurudev, how can one experience the mind, intellect, memory and the self as separate from each other? Gurudev Sri Sri - When you are listening to whatever I am saying, your mind is the one that is listening through your ears. When you listen to music, you hear it through your mind. But when you ask questions about something, you do so through the intellect. So it is the mind that is responsible for listening to the music that is playing, it is the mind that experiences the hotness or coldness of touch. But the faculty, or the level of existence that tries to understand what you experience (through the mind), is the intellect. Then, when you feel, 'I want this', or, 'I don't want this', then that 'I' reflects the ego. Remembering this entire experience is the function of the memory. These are really four different functions of one consciousness.

Gurudev, when I do my Sudarshan Kriya in the morning, I feel very sleepy after that. Please advice what do I do?

Question - Gurudev, when I do my Sudarshan Kriya in the morning, I feel very sleepy after that. Please advice what do I do? Gurudev Sri Sri - See, if you are not sleeping well at night, then this could be a possible reason. If you have time, then after Sudarshan Kriya just lie down. You may take a short nap of 10-15 minutes, or you must meditate. If you don't do this, then it could happen that you feel sleepy. After Sudarshan Kriya just sit and meditate for some time. Sudarshan Kriya should always be followed by meditation. When you come back home in the evening, do your Sudarshan Kriya then, if feeling sleepy is bothering you at work. If you don't do this, then it could happen that you feel sleepy.

Gurudev, in one of the meditations you say, "The nose is hollow and empty, the throat is hollow and empty'. When everything already is hollow and empty, then what is the use of taking our attention there during meditation? Should we not meditate upon God instead?

Question - Gurudev, in one of the meditations you say, "The nose is hollow and empty, the throat is hollow and empty'. When everything already is hollow and empty, then what is the use of taking our attention there during meditation? Should we not meditate upon God instead? Gurudev Sri Sri - To get there, at least make yourself hollow and empty first. First you must become hollow and empty like a flute. Then you will see that the harmony of the Divine will flow through you. This is why in the great tradition of our Masters, it is said, 'Neti Neti' (not this, not this). It means, 'It (Divinity) is not this, and it is not that also'. So in this way, they went on negating and rejecting every limited understanding of God, until they finally realised that everything is one Consciousness, and there is nothing beyond it. God is not a person or some limited form, He is the Supreme power behind everything in this creation. God is the melodious harmony playin...

The Master makes sure that Fun and Chaos go hand in hand

The Master makes sure that Fun and Chaos go hand in hand. Just fun is like the plain vanilla version – which He does not like serving His devotees with and chaos devoid of fun is not in His nature. Guru Stories are ongoing sagas and sharing them each time fills my heart with gratitude. My marriage to Vivek is also His story and even post-marriage, He did not stop, instead the Guru Stories are increasing more and more. So here it goes – straight from the heart! After the beautiful trip at Kashmir, we had our flight back to Delhi from Jammu ( nearest city from kashmir that has an airport ) on the 10th of June at 8am. Luckily, we happened to scroll through our mailbox on the 9th night at our cousin’s place and realized that our flight had been rescheduled to 12 noon on 10th June. Our travel agent had dropped a mail 3 days back for the same. We were grateful for the suddenly peeping our mailbox else the following day would have come into trouble. So we got ready the next day to...

GURUDEV is with me moment to moment. I feel HIS profound Presence every moment of my life and the miracles in my life all I can truly say is. I AM THE MIRACLE. Strip His Grace off me and I wouldn’t even exist.

The Divine can come to you in any form at any time. Gurudev came to my rescue in the form of that labourer at a crucial time. About a decade ago, I went to Jaipur to teach a few Art of Living courses. On reaching my host family’s home, I left my suitcases in the room and rushed to the building across the road where lunch had been organised by some teachers.  I had barely reached the building, and slipped and fell on a small slope at the entrance. To my utter dismay, what i thought was a slight sprain, was actually a broken ankle - broken into two pieces. My left foot was kind of dangling on the side and here i was in a blanked out mindless state, making desperate attempts to straighten my foot. Some labourers from an adjacent construction saw me do that. One of them came running, sat down next to me and stopped me from trying to straighten my foot. He had a look of such concern and compassion on his face and it was his loving expression that pulled me out of my d...

I did the Sahaj Samadhi course which taught me the simplest way of going deep into meditation. And it’s been such a blissful journey since then; complete joy and happiness! I cannot express my gratitude in words for my beloved Guruji

Four years back I had a severe viral attack. I was taking treatment but there was no improvement in my condition. To my utter dismay, the situation worsened to herpes attack. One of my facial nerve could not be diagnosed in time and this led to a facial paralysis attack. These were very tough times of my life. I had almost lost all hope of proper recovery. Because of late diagnosis, the neurologist believed that only 60-70% of the face could be restored back to its normal condition. Waves of depression had started to grip my mind. One day, Guruji came in my dream and said, “Don’t worry, everything will be all right.” I hadn’t done any AOL courses back then, and neither did I know Him personally. I had only seen His talks on Shradha and Sanskar channel. I was mighty impressed by His conduct and way of answering questions, but nothing more than that. Little did I know that Guruji’s magic wand had already started having it’s effect on me. After 60 days of treatment, I got cured fully! I f...

If you're just enthusiastic, then it can be directed to anything, in any way and in any direction. This is how multi-dimensional growth takes place. The fullness of consciousness blossoms in all aspects. स्फूर्तिमात्रो । You are just enthusiasm!

💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐         🌺 ASHTAVAKRA GITA🌺                      🌿Chapter - 28🌿  ~ Seva And The Art Of Enthusiasm ~                   🌱 Day - 165 🌱 💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐 It's not the object of the enthusiasm that is important. However, we link our enthusiasm to this object and this leads apathy. But if you're just enthusiastic, then it can be directed to anything, in any way and in any direction. This is how multi-dimensional growth takes place. The fullness of consciousness blossoms in all aspects. स्फूर्तिमात्रो । You are just enthusiasm! It does not matter whether you are enthusiastic about food, a picnic, knowledge, singing, dancing, music, gardening or anything else. The source is there. You can direct it in any direction. That is when you are free from likes and dislikes. If you feel that you only like something and do not like something els...

You could be enthusiastic no matter what the object is; no matter what come or does not come. People wonder how somebody can be enthusiastic about everything.

💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐         🌺 ASHTAVAKRA GITA🌺                      🌿Chapter - 28🌿  ~ Seva And The Art Of Enthusiasm ~                   🌱 Day - 164 🌱 💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐 It is a futile exercise! So what if somebody recognizes you? In that person's mind that thought came and went, finished. That mind has gone. Maybe they have an attraction for you for some days, some months, so what? That also diminishes with time. What is there if you charm somebody? So what? Have you gained something then? Your hands still remain empty. You waste much energy in trying to charm others. And in wanting to charm others, just the opposite happens. People get into fights and conflicts. In most relationships, you want to keep your charm. But the closer you get, somehow the charm is lost somewhere on the way. You may want to maintain the charm and make it more vibrant. I...

Spirituality is a celebration - a continuous celebration; a celebrations without vasanas

💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐         🌺 ASHTAVAKRA GITA🌺                      🌿Chapter - 28🌿  ~ Seva And The Art Of Enthusiasm ~                   🌱 Day - 163 🌱 💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐 स्फूर्तिमात्रो । Just be enthusiastic! Like small children, you should become the embodiment of bubbling enthusiasm when you do something without a vasana, a latent impression of 'I' or 'mine'. Have you seen how enthusiastic small children are? Their enthusiasm comes out of every cell of their body. They jump and bounce on their feet. Do you remember being children? You hold them and they don't stand still. They bump and jump around, laughing all the time. They laugh looking at nothing! They don't need to look at something amusing to laugh! They don't need your silly jokes to laugh! They don't need to read cartoons to laugh! Just being is sufficient for them to be filled with enth...

In seva there is no 'I'. You do it because it has to be done. You do it for someone else. You do it because it needs to be done at that time. There is no vasana behind seva.

💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐         🌺 ASHTAVAKRA GITA🌺                      🌿Chapter - 28🌿  ~ Seva And The Art Of Enthusiasm ~                   🌱 Day - 162 🌱 💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐 भ्रान्तिमात्रमिदं विश्वं न किञ्चिदिति निश्चयी । निर्वासनः स्फूर्तिमात्रो न किञ्चिदिव शाम्यति ॥ Seva is the only work done without vasana (latent tendencies), without the selfish wanting or craving. Everything else you do for yourself out of selfishness. Even when you meditate, you are doing it for yourself. You are meditating because you want to be enlightened and want joy. Meditation itself is a selfish act. You do sadhana because you want to end your misery; you want something! Behind every act there is "I want something". We do things through the vasana. You smile at somebody because you want something from that person. If they are looking good, you give a bigger smile. Notice ...

When you are with nature, with the earth,with the trees, or around people, it stirs something deep inside you, making you very natural, simple, and innocent

💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐         🌺 ASHTAVAKRA GITA🌺                      🌿Chapter - 28🌿  ~ Seva And The Art Of Enthusiasm ~                   🌱 Day - 161 🌱 💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐 There is another instance from the life of Buddha. The rule for every meditator (a householder) was that he should do some seva, contribution or service. Otherwise, the meditation would not be fruitful. There was a very rich merchant during Buddha's time and he was very miserable. It is usual for a merchant's life to become very miserable and uncertain, as there is no security in their lives. Someone took him to Buddha. He learnt and meditated. He felt so wonderful. Then he thought how wonderful it would be if this knowledge could reach many people! Many people would be relieved of their misery and suffering. So he started looking for a place for Buddha. It needed to be near a tow...

Seva is an attitude coming from the Self, of being available, of being here for everybody and everything, in all situations and circumstances.

💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐         🌺 ASHTAVAKRA GITA🌺                      🌿Chapter - 28🌿  ~ Seva And The Art Of Enthusiasm ~                   🌱 Day - 160 🌱 💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐 A beggar bothers you. So you throw five rupees at him and tell him to get lost. You think you have done some charity! It's not charity. You have lost five rupees and also have gained that garbage of anger and frustration in your mind; in your consciousness. There was an instance in the life of one of Buddha's disciples. This lady started meditating at the age of ten. She got married and had a household which she managed skillfully. One day a beggar came along when her father-in-law was having his food. The dharma of a householder is that when they are having food and someone comes along, they have to share it with them. That is the dharma. But the father-in-law said he would not s...

The job or work done without any desires, hankering, or craving i.e. without a small mind, that is seva,that is real work - the essential work that everyone has to do

💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐         🌺 ASHTAVAKRA GITA🌺                      🌿Chapter - 28🌿  ~ Seva And The Art Of Enthusiasm ~                   🌱 Day - 159 🌱 💐☘🌾☘🍀🍁🍀☘🌾☘💐 In your life, each one of you has uttered a few words to somebody at some time or the other. What are those words? You have told people with whom you have come in close contact with, " If you need me, I am here." If these words have not come out from your mouth then you have been living in fear and distrust. But if you have uttered these words, " If you need me I am here for you. I'll do whatever I can for you", have you observed your state of mind in those moments? To your very dear and loved ones when you say, " If you need me I am here for you. I am here to make you comfortable", those are the moments when you have really lived your life. Otherwise, it is just "I", "I", "I" and...

An individual sense of commitment to contributing to society is essential to combat corruption. When a person has a goal and a commitment to a higher cause in life, then there is a shift from receiving to giving.

Chapter 9 - Combating Corruption Day 18  The big °C' of corruption can be countered by five other C's. Let us look at these other C's. 1. Connectedness - A lack of connectedness or sense of belonging breeds corruption in the society. That is why people often look to form connections, to avoid corruption.  That explains why corruption is at its lowest in the villages and much greater in the cities where there is, at best, a poor sense of community and minimal interaction between people.  Creating this sense of belonging is one of the greatest ethical challenges we face as a society. Corruption cannot be rooted out without this bonding. Today, we do not believe in investing in friendship. We only believe in investing in currency notes. Our security has shifted from friendship to currency.  Half a century ago, a person would feel very secure when he had a lot of friends. Friends were his constant social support system, so he was not easily corruptible.  He did not...

If we can reassure people in society that we are here to support them, to help them live by their value. I think we will have a more beautiful world, a more free world, and not just a free world, but a fair world

Chapter 8 - Ethics & Business  Day 17 Now in an NGO, this is even more difficult. Do you know why? Because you do not pay them but you expect them to do the work. When you are not paying and they have to work, they are their own bosses.  Nobody can tell them what they should be doing or how they should go about achieving their goals. You can only give broad guidelines. But what really makes a person work?  Whether it has been a flood or a tsunami situation, I only get the reports later. I do not even have to tell them that they have to go and work there.  People come with such a high level of motivation. They get together and say, "Hey there has been a disaster, we have to immediately rush to help out."  And so when there was a disaster in Surat, about 5 lakh people volunteered just like that. No governmental machinery could match the work that these volunteers did together.  And what makes all these good people come together and work so har...

We need to promote this mantra of being stress-free as much as we can, so that the workplace becomes more a place of celebration, a place of joy and happiness, with a feeling of commitment rather than tension, stress, mistrust among colleagues.

Chapter 8 Ethics & Business Day 16 To follow ethics in business, we need to be free from stress. Let us now examine ethics and business. Think about why people generally pay attention to ethics. People follow ethics out of fear - fear of losing their job, or fear of starvation, or fear of prosecution. People also behave ethically out of a natural sense of commitment to their work.  Sometimes they may be tempted to resort to unethical means in the false belief that they will benefit more or gain favour with others.  But that is not the case really, when we see the broader picture. It is short term benefits and long term problems that we get every time we follow unethical means.  It is best to always act on the right side of ethics. Though it may feel tough initially or though you may find it difficult keeping up your efforts in the long run, rest assured that it keeps up your spirit, that it keeps you happy and healthy always.  When people realise the ...

Spirituality is common to all religions. It is what keeps the enthusiasm, courage, confidence and the smile alive in our hearts.

Chapter 7 - Environmental Management  Day 15 All things that make up our environment, the plants and the animals are sacred. Everything that exists on the planet is valuable. It is not just the spirit, but also the instrument through which the spirit manifests itself, that is important.  Knowledge and money are sacred too. It is human beings alone who pollute this planet. In a forest, there is no pollution. No animal ever causes pollution.  No animal uses plastic. Birds know how to take care of the environment. Cats know how to keep their surroundings clean and pollution-free. We have forgotten how to be this way because we have moved away from nature.  We live in a mechanical, conceptual world rather than in the real world. When we are tense and agitated, we pollute the environment by emitting vibrations which are not harmonious.  Environmental damage is not caused by external objects alone, it is also a product of subtle factors within human natu...

Yoga means taking responsibility for your feelings, for your health, for the way things are in your life, and thereon, for the whole world.

Chapter 6 - Social Partnerships Make Business Sense Day 14 We need to give people a vision. Those who have a vision or a dream can go ahead and develop society. The health of a society today seems to be determined by the number of beds and cells available in hospitals and prisons.  The prisons are filled and overflowing in many of the developed countries prison occupancy today stands at 160%. They have to build new prisons in the so-called 'developed' countries.  This does not denote a healthy society. A society where a significant percentage of the student population is jailed at least once, where one in five children consults a psychiatrist, is not a developed society. So, the health of a society depends on the smooth functioning and availability of space in hospitals and prisons. We do not need to build more hospitals or prisons.  We need to teach people how to be healthy. Charity does not seem to be a part of the language of today. We have to build the sel...

Pergularia daemia (Forssk.) Chiov. Family - Apocynaceae Common name - Brushagandha(odia), dholi dudhi (hindi).

Pergularia daemia (Forssk.) Chiov. Family - Apocynaceae Common name - Brushagandha(odia), dholi dudhi (hindi).   💉 Medicinal uses - 🌸 Dried leaf used as bronchitis, dysmenorrheal, asthma, healing cuts & wounds. 🌸 Fresh leaf is used as juice to cure catarrhal infections, infantile diarrhea. 🌸 Latex of this plant used for toothache, boils & sores. 🌸 Stem bark is used for cold, fever, malaria & twig used as an antipyretic. 🌸 Aerial part is used as hepatoprotective, antifertility, anti-diabetic, analgesic antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, snake bite. 🌸 Root is used as bronchitis, constipation & gonorrhea. 🌸 Whole plant is used as anthelmintic, emmenagogue(increase menstrual flow), parturition(childbirth), delayed childbirth, amenorrhea(the absence of monthly menstrual periods). Sugimani Marndi Biodiversity and Conservation Lab.  Ambika Prasad Research Foundation Cuttack, Odisha

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