

We need to create that informal environment around us, wherever we go, for authenticity to blossom.


We need to balance the four factors given here : 1. Absorbing wisdom from our elders. 2. Maintaining our creativity. 3. Cope with uncertainty 4. Free ourselves from stress, by learning how to handle it.


Meditation is this distilled moment. It is taking attention from what I have done or what I want to do to what I am. This exercise will enhance our intelligence, our capabilities.


What can bring people to participate in social business is an inspiration, a genuineness. When a genuine spirit of caring and sharing surges in you, you will find a field created especially for you, a social field.


The first step to success is innovation Bring in team work, bring out a commitment in people, a work and life balance moderating the amount of stress in their lives so that they do not burn out. Encourage the concept of participation among people."


Gurudev, I have been a follower of the Radhaswami tradition for a very long time. In my desire to meet you, I attended the Happiness program and learnt the Sudarshan Kriya. Now I feel guilty that I am not doing something wrong. Can I follow two different spiritual traditions together?


Gurudev, would you speak about the importance of silence. How do we practice it?


Gurudev, if someone provokes us, should we keep quiet or teach them a lesson? If we keep quiet then they consider it as a weakness, and if we teach them a lesson, they say that we have not grown spiritually. What should be done in this case?


Gurudev, could you talk to me about your own problems? What are your problems?


The Sudarshan Kriya has all by itself changed my life.After doing the Kriya each and every single day, without fail, I was filled with a lot of positive energy, due to which I am still living and now I enjoy life


Gurudev did the unthinkable for me, that nobody had ever done for me-acknowledged my love. He showed me the truth that Guru is a caring essence, and that no matter how busy things around Him get, He knows. He always Knows.


I felt such happiness and bliss in that one moment that I cannot express that ecstatic feeling in words. Just one glance of your beloved Master is enough to brighten up your life

When you are in so much devotion you feel that you do not want anything; that you have no desires, that you are ready to dissolve and disappear into your object of devotion. This is what arises from within you. The 'I' dissolves and the ego dissolves. The 'I want' dissolves and because when the 'I' dissolves, how can the 'I want' remain? The want is always hanging onto the 'I'. When the 'I' itself dissolves, the want also dissolves and disappears. And the mind comes to a state of निःसंकल्पः , or thoughtlessness, the joyful state. Be in that happiness. सुखी भव । You are that happiness. So be that happiness.

Ashtavakra says, 'You are Self. You are Atma. You are part of God. You are Divinity. Why are you going like a beggar here and there asking for blessings and grace, and this and that?' What do you want? A slap? Just sit and know. Close your eyes. See you are Divine. You are part of me and I am part of you, this is enough.'

Everything has a purpose and is meaningful. Every event is life-supporting, and takes you towards evolution.

Enlightenment means that one is happiness and one is happy. Unenlightenment means that one is happiness, and is not aware of the one who is happy. You are the source of joy. You are beauty. You are joy. Beauty is not outside, in the rocks, in the sunset, in the trees, or in the moon. Beauty is inside you.

Whatever you are, good or bad, whatever qualities get manifested in your very body, the same thing is being manifested in someone else's body. You have some likes, dislikes, tastes, frustrations, anger, anguish, joy, sorrow, love, hate, etc. The same thing that Is reflected in this body, can be reflected in another. How you are special and different from the others?

"This is not me and this is me". What does it mean? It means that all is only the Self; everything is the Being. You are everything and you are nothing. You say you are not this body, but is this body not you?

There will be no 'I' - no ego and no desires. Along with being hollow and empty, along with this very experience, your ego will disappear. यत्त्वं पश्यसि तत्रैकस्त्वमेव प्रतिभाससे । Then, whatever and wherever you look, you look only in terms of your Self. "This is me. This is me. This is me". You will feel that all the names, forms and nodes of creation are all your own power and your own Self.

You want everybody to believe in you. But what is your belief? How much do you believe? And in what do you believe? You believe in all the small, petty, insignificant things; you believe in a lottery ticket; in your investment, properties and the share market.


Cyanotis axillaris (L.) D.Don ex Sweet Family - Commelinaceae Common name - Creeping cradle plant


Sesamum indicum L. Family - Pedaliaceae Common name - Sesame

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः। सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत। ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥
May all sentient beings be at peace, may no one suffer from illness, May all see what is auspicious, may no one suffer. Om peace, peace, peace.

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