Soybean medicinal uses are reported in preventing: Cancer of breast, gastrointestinal and colorectal cancer, and prostrate; against Alzheimer’s disease because of its Vitamin K content; reduces skin blemishes, acne scarring, and promote healing and prevents sunburn; and encourages healthier vision by acting as antioxidants and neutralizing free radicals that can cause macular degeneration and cataracts.
Soybeans Did you know that Soybean, late entrant food crop into the Indian subcontinent from China, is not used in any of the indigenous systems of medicine nor in any religious ceremonies of the major religions of India? Soybean (ಸೋಯಾಬೀನ್), with botanical or Latin name of Glycine max in the Family Fabaceae, called the golden bean, is also popular as the miracle crop as it is the principal food crop grown for both oil and protein. Soybean is one of the first plants to be domesticated and cultivated in China (During Zhou dynasty 1125 to 256 BC) and then disseminated throughout the world, but a very late entrant into Indian subcontinent around the 16th century AD. However, there is also evidence for soybean domestication between 7000 and 6600 BC in China, between 5000 and 3000 BC in Japan and 1000 BC in Korea. The soybean grown in Northern part of Indian subcontinent came from Central China, whil...