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Showing posts with the label Castor Oil

Castor Oil Plant, Ricinus communis, the most imporatnt non-edible oil seed crop that belongs to Euphorbicea family, a native of India but now grown throughout the world with India producing and accounting for over three-quarters of the global yield?

Castor Oil Plant - Part 2, Botanical facts and its uses Did you know that Castor Oil Plant, Ricinus communis, the most imporatnt non-edible oil seed crop that belongs to Euphorbicea family, a native of India but now grown throughout the world with India producing and accounting for over three-quarters of the global yield? The Castor oil plant with the Sanskrit eranda, also held to be ancient , probably pre - Aryan , in India, is not only a widely cultivated plant but is also seen growing in roadsides, vacant plots, and wastelands. It is perennial flowering plant in the spurge family, Euphorbiaceae. and is the sole species in the monotypic genus, Ricinus, and subtribe, Ricininae. Ricinus communis is the vegetable oil , the natural purgative, obtained by pressing the seeds of the castor oil plant. Castor oil plant is a drought resistant plant that survives in adverse growing conditions, grows to a height of a tree 30 to...

Castor Oil Plant or Ricinus communis or the castor bean of Euphorbiaceae family is one of the most ancient, non-edible, medicinal and industrial oilseed crop of India, known as 'Eranda' in Sanskrit

Castor Oil Plant - Part 1, History Castor Oil Plant or Ricinus communis or the castor bean of Euphorbiaceae family is one of the most ancient, non-edible, medicinal and industrial oilseed crop of India, known as 'Eranda' in Sanskrit which name has passed into several other Indian languages? Castor Oil Plant or Ricinus communis or the castor bean of Euphorbiaceae family, a botanical plant native to India bears several ancient Sanskrit names such as 'Eranda'. It is written in much of the ancient Indian medicinal text Susruta Ayurveda, which was compiled arounnd 2000 BCE. The plant has been distributed through all the tropical and many of the temparate countries of the world. In the regions most favourable to its growth as in India, it attains a height of 40 feet and mostyl commercially grown as herb. Castor Oil, a product of the castor seeds is mentioned within these Sanskrit wrtings for its use as stimulant laxative to...

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