Worry Less, Live More.
Relax, Meditate, and Let Go.
What worries weigh upon your mind?
Money, opinion, prestige, or health left behind?
These four fears that trouble and await,
Will vanish one day, so why worry and hesitate?
Look back, dear one, to ten years past,
Didn't you worry, and yet, you're still here to last?
Five years ago, didn't fear creep in?
Yet, here you stand, alive and breathing within.
Three years back, worries swirled, a toxic storm,
But did they serve you? Or did they leave you torn?
Life moves on, regardless, don't you see?
So let go, dear heart, and be free.
Be Relaxed. Do Meditation. Let go of the stress,
And find your inner peace, where happiness rests.
Worry Less,Live More is a reminder to you,
To see life's bigger picture, and let worries flee anew.
Question-and Answer
Q: What are the four main things that people worry about?
A: The four main things that people worry about are money, relationships, prestige, and health.
Q: Is worrying about these things necessary?
A: No, worrying about these things is not necessary because
they are all temporary and will eventually go away.
Q: What can we learn from looking back at our past worries?
A: Looking back at our past worries can teach us that worrying
did not accomplish anything and only created more stress and toxins in our bodies.
Q: How can we cultivate a healthier mindset?
A: We can cultivate a healthier mindset by seeing life from a bigger context,
being relaxed, and practicing meditation.
Q: What is the ultimate reminder from Worry Less , Live More?
A: The ultimate reminder from the infinity thoughts is that life goes on regardless of our worries, so we should focus on being present and at peace.