Whenever you have some difficulties you try to eternalize it or generalize it. Suppose in a group of 80 people, if 10 people get cold, you know what you will say? Everybody is having a cold. But among 80 people only 10 people would have got cold. But generally what you would say? In the town, if some people are sick, what you say. Oh in that town everybody is falling sick. Is it not? So we generalize it. When you have some problem, you are like, “Oh! I am always like this”. If you get angry several times, you say “I always get angry, I always get difficulty”. It is not really the case. If some people have not cooperated with you, you say “Nobody is cooperating with me”. Suddenly the whole world is bad. It is not so. But the mind always does that. Generalizes, eternalizes, it is not so. Look into your life. How many wonderful moments you have had. You have had heights of joy and of course, you had to face some problems. And it has made your life more interesting. Because you could over...