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Showing posts from June 22, 2024

Stroke has a new indicator.

🍃 *Stroke has a new indicator.* *Blood Clots/Stroke - They Now Have a Fourth Indicator - the Tongue* 🍃 *Senario :- During a BBQ, a woman stumbled and took a little fall - she assured everyone that she was fine. They offered to call paramedics ... she said she had just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes.* *They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food. While she appeared a bit shaken up, Jane went about enjoying herself the rest of the evening.* 🍃 *Jane's husband called later to say that his wife had been taken to the hospital - (at 6:00 PM Jane passed away)* *She had suffered a stroke at the BBQ.*  *Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps Jane would be with us today.* 🍃 *A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can reverse the effects of a stroke .... TOTALLY.*  *He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is ...

Is Yoga all about just bending and twisting? Can you please clear this myth if I am wrong?

Question - Gurudev, Is Yoga all about just bending and twisting? Can you please clear this myth if I am wrong? Gurudev Sri Sri - Yoga is not just bending and twisting. Yoga is a lifestyle and should not be mistaken for only asanas. A disease-free body, quiver-free breath, stress-free mind, inhibition-free intellect, obsession-free memory, ego that includes all, and soul which is free from sorrow are the signs of a perfect yogi. As Krishna said in the Bhagavad Gita, “Samatvam Yoga Ucyate” – equanimity in the individual is a sign of Yoga. Patanjali has said, “Yogaha Karmasu Kaushalam”. In Gita, Lord Krishna has said, Yoga is skill in action. Yoga is not just an exercise; it is how skilfully you can communicate and how skilfully you can act in any given situation. Yoga has a secret to turn the state of mind. It empowers you to feel the way you want to feel at any time. Instead of being a victim of your own feelings. We convey a lot through our presence and our vibes. Yoga helps to improv...

You know there are ups and downs in life.

You know there are ups and downs in life. Pleasant things happen, unpleasant things happen. In all situations, keep the balance of the mind. Often what happens, when things go our way, we are so happy. But when things don’t go our way, we get depressed and angry. To maintain equanimity is the first principle of Art of Living. ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

When we came in this world as children, how were we?

When we came in this world as children, how were we? We used to smile four hundred times a day. Every kid smiles four hundred times a day. An adolescent smiles only seventeen times. An adult does not smile at all, or smiles once in a while. A smile should be our language. That something which can unite all of us is A Smile. ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Uniting people of all sex, traditions, religion, culture

Uniting people of all sex, traditions, religion, culture into one human value, one humanity, one human family is most essential. What the world needs is harmony in diversity, or celebration in diversity. This has been our dream in Art of Living since the beginning years. We wanted to see people bring down the walls that we have artificially built between us, because there is one Divinity, one God, and we are all part of that one Divinity; The children of one God. So we need to bring down the walls of differences, yet maintain our uniqueness. Everyone should keep their uniqueness. Bahrain has its uniqueness, Pakistan has its uniqueness, India has its uniqueness. We should keep all our unique differences and celebrate it, instead of making it a point of contention. What the world needs is harmony in diversity, or celebration in diversity. ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Violence is a sign of inner weakness. How this can go?

Violence is a sign of inner weakness. How this can go? When you feel healthy, and at home with everybody. When you see life from a broader perspective, then inner strength comes up. Then the violence simply drops away. So this is what we need to do today: create waves of happiness. How many of you agree with me? We all need to create waves of happiness wherever we are. Tell people, 'Hey come on, don’t worry, we are with you. There is enough humanity in the world. We are all part of one society, one world'. ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

What is your plan for Yoga Day? Do you think everyday should be a Yoga Day?

Question - Gurudev, What is your plan for Yoga Day? Do you think everyday should be a Yoga Day? Gurudev Sri Sri - Of course! Every day should be a Yoga day. But there is an occasion for everyone to collectively come together and do Yoga. United Nations has declared 21st June as a Yoga Day on all our requests. So, people can celebrate and remind those who have forgotten to do yoga. At least, one day you all come together and see if you can touch the floor and be grounded.

Technology is here to aid us.

Technology is here to aid us. There is no going back on technology, it’s about how judiciously we can use it. ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (Addressed the Digital Wellbeing: Navigating the Information Age conference at the United Nations HQ in Geneva in 2024)

Yoga is a boon to mankind

Yoga is a boon to mankind. At this time when anxiety and fear is looming over the world, Yoga can invoke much-needed inner strength and resilience in life. Yoga is a solution to come out of aggression and depression and to make one’s health robust. ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Get rid of negative karma?

Question - Gurudev, how does one get rid of negative karma?  Gurudev Sri Sri - I want to ask you a question. When the lights were not switched on in the room, there was darkness here, right? When the lights came on, where did the darkness go? Did it go to the other room? Did the darkness escape through the window? In the same way, if negative karma is there, see it as little darkness; there is no light there. Flip the light on and darkness vanishes. How to get rid of negative karma? By meditation, service and knowledge. Serve the needy. Know that it (the negative karma) does not touch you, even shadow cannot touch you.

Benefit of having a Yoga Day?

Question - Gurudev, Is there any benefit of having a Yoga Day? Gurudev Sri Sri - Yes, there is a huge benefit of having such a day. My message to United Nations on the UN Declaration of June 21st as International Day of Yoga in the year 2015 was, "It is very difficult for any philosophy, religion or culture to survive without state patronage. Yoga has existed so far almost like an orphan. Now, official recognition by the United Nations would further spread the benefit of yoga to the entire world”. I believe that yoga can make the dream of a world full of compassion and happiness, a reality. I appeal to all those who have not yet started, to adopt yoga in their lives and find health, happiness and prosperity.

When the whole world is passing through a crisis, Yoga has proven

When the whole world is passing through a crisis, Yoga has proven to be a boon for mankind. It has proven to be a precious gift to the whole world from Bharat (India). All in our country from youngsters to elders are required to do Yoga. By doing Yoga, not only we become positive, but we will also succeed in creating a positive environment all around us. Today, it has become very necessary. When people are going through pain, suffering and misery, it is very necessary to awaken confidence and courage in them. Yoga can certainly make this happen. Therefore, wherever people are going through a negative attitude, speak to them and appeal them to do Yoga. Those who are positive and enthusiastic also should do Yoga, so that their enthusiasm stays on. ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Do you love all of us equally?

Question - (Once someone asked me), Gurudev, Do you love all of us equally? Gurudev Sri Sri - I smiled and said, “No!” That came as a big shock because everyone wants to be loved equally by the Master. “I don’t love you equally because you are not equal. I love you uniquely because you all are unique and different. That doesn’t mean anyone is more or less than the other.”

Without Pranayama and Meditation, Yoga remains just a physical exercise

Without Pranayama and Meditation, Yoga remains just a physical exercise. When we apply all the 8 limbs of Yoga in life, (as demonstrated by Patanjali in Yoga Sutras) viz., Yama, Niyama, Asanas, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi, we can clearly see the fundamental changes occur in life. We can move from weakness towards strength, from misery towards happiness and towards health. So, come on, let us motivate and inspire all people in this direction. Everyone has to do Yoga. ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Should I be a practising Hindu for doing Yoga?

Question - Gurudev, should I be a practising Hindu for doing Yoga? Gurudev Sri Sri - It is not that you have to follow any particular faith for doing Yoga. It doesn't matter which belief you follow or which community you belong to. Anyone can do Yoga. It will prove to be a boon for you. When we go through a time of crisis, we need more positivity, and it is that positivity which gives us strength. And we attain this positivity through Yoga, Meditation and Pranayama. Does yoga conflict with any of our belief systems? If I believe in a particular religion, or a particular philosophy, or if I follow a particular political line of thought, does that come in conflict with yoga? I would say, "Not at all". It always promotes and encourages harmony in diversity as the word 'yoga' itself means uniting.

One of the most common misconceptions about yoga

One of the most common misconceptions about yoga is about it being just another form of physical exercise. Around the world, people have often innocently asked me the same question. While asanas, or physical postures do provide the entry point for many, the science of yoga is much vast and profound. The central teaching of yoga is maintaining an equanimous state of mind. Being able to do any action with mindfulness, being aware of what you are saying or doing makes you a yogi. ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Yoga is about bringing a rhythm in life

Yoga is about bringing a rhythm in life. It is the discipline of studying and harmonising our inner faculties. This wholesome life-skill can elevate the quality of one's life and surroundings. It improves inner strength and outer connectivity. Yoga can bring about complete balance in one's personality; it corrects extreme complexes and tendencies. It also holds out the promise of many solutions that today's behavioural sciences are looking for. For those seeking the ultimate truth, yoga is the way to realise the blossoming of human potential to its fullness, as the path of attaining the highest goal of uniting with the infinity. ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Maharshi Patanjali in Yoga Sutras

Maharshi Patanjali in Yoga Sutras has enunciated 8 limbs of yoga. Many people think that the eight limbs are eight steps, one after another. However, the limbs are not sequential; they are parts of the whole. It's like the human body. The whole body develops together. All the organs develop together, but at their own suitable pace. Patanjali also says that the purpose of yoga is to stop misery before it comes. Whether it is greed, anger, jealousy, hatred, or frustration, all these negative emotions can be healed or re-oriented through yoga. ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

When we are happy

When we are happy, we notice a sense of expansion within us. When we face failure or when someone insults us, we find that there is something in us that shrinks. Yoga is putting our attention on this something in us that seems to be expanding when we are happy and crushing or contracting when we feel unhappy. It is the consciousness that expands and contracts and it can be experienced through Yoga and Meditation. ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Today almost 1/3 rd of world population practise yoga globally

Today almost 1/3 rd of world population practise yoga globally. With the momentum of the International Day of Yoga, the rest of the population must also be encouraged to experience the positive effects of yoga. People doing yoga for whatever reason is a positive sign. It doesn't really matter where one starts. Be it the physical or mental, lofty or ordinary, the practice of one complements the other. ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

What is the meaning of Life?

Question - Gurudev, What is the meaning of Life? Gurudev Sri Sri - One who knows will not tell, and one who tells does not know! This is because the very question is like a vehicle for you to travel on. When you have to traverse the journey of your life, the wise man will not take your vehicle away from you, and say, ‘Now you go'. This question, ‘What is the meaning of life’, is very important and very valuable. You should keep asking it again and again. Then all that is trivial, irrelevant, and unnecessary will simply fall away from life.

It’s time for this ancient art of inner blossoming

It’s time for this ancient art of inner blossoming to be in the spotlight. Yoga has proved to be a boon for humankind. We have seen, that it helps heal illnesses, resolve problems, increase resilience, make the mind happy and sharpen the intellect. Yoga should be done along with pranayamas and meditation, without which Yoga Asanas remain just physical exercises. ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar  (Keynote address at the United Nations 2024 on 10th International Yoga Day)

The knowledge that unites love

The knowledge that unites love and wisdom and uplifts the spirit is Spirituality. Knowledge gives you a broad vision and a big heart. It gives you the strength to overcome the difficulties life throws at you. Knowledge is eternal. ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Love cannot be attained by

Love cannot be attained by asking for it or doing something to achieve it. It can only be attained by letting go and being open to receiving. Similarly, you cannot make devotion happen, only centeredness and feeling of oneness with divinity can make one feel devotion - the highest form of Love.  ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Humour is not just words

Humour is not just words, it is the lightness of our Being. We do not have to read and repeat jokes - just being cordial and light-hearted brings out authentic humour. Taking life itself not too seriously! Have a sense of belongingness with everybody, including those who are not friendly. Practise yoga and meditation. Have unshakable faith in the Divine and the laws of karma. Being in the company of those who live in the knowledge and are humorous. A willingness to be a clown.  ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Does numerology have an effect?

Question - Gurudev, Does numerology have an effect? There is a number which I consider lucky for me, and there are certain numbers which are not so lucky. Is this just a notion in mind or the effect actually exists?   Gurudev Sri Sri - That has some effect but the power of chanting ‘Om Namah Shivaye’ mantra is much more. The power of mantras can nullify the effect of any unlucky numbers, and then all the numbers will be lucky for you.

What happens to the consciousness of a person when it dies? Does it enter another body or get dissolved in the universal consciousness?

Question - Gurudev, What happens to the consciousness of a person when it dies? Does it enter another body or get dissolved in the universal consciousness? Gurudev Sri Sri - It is both. A part of the consciousness is all pervading and a part remains. It is like the air in the balloon, it is trapped in the impressions, and then it comes back.

Guru Gobind Singh made warriors, each one of which was capable of handling many negative powers. What is your vision for the warriors that you are polishing?

Question - Gurudev, Guru Gobind Singh made warriors, each one of which was capable of handling many negative powers. What is your vision for the warriors that you are polishing?   Gurudev Sri Sri - First, we are to fight against the evil of ignorance. There are so many problems in the society today – corruption, exploitation of environment, starvation, powers opposing spirituality, and anti humanity powers. These all have to be defeated. Our Meditations, Satsang and service help a lot in spreading the positivity in the environment and people around us.

I know habits like Meditation are good to follow but I find it difficult to bring them into my daily practise. Please guide what to do?

Question - Gurudev, I know habits like Meditation are good to follow but I find it difficult to bring them into my daily practise. Please guide what to do Gurudev Sri Sri - There are three things to start a good habit: greed, fear or love. First, if someone says they will give you a million dollars for not missing your practice, will you do it? You would say “I will do for five more days, just to be safe.” If you have promised your loved one you will not smoke, you will keep the promise. If your doctor says you will die if you do it, then also you will quit smoking. I prefer love over greed and fear. A Guru is a symbol of love and commitment.

How do I go beyond karma? When did it start and when will it end?

Question - Gurudev, How do I go beyond karma? When did it start and when will it end?  Gurudev Sri Sri - When did the world begin? Audience: I don't know! Gurudev Sri Sri - When will the world end? Audience: I don't know! Gurudev Sri Sri - This question is also like that. We don’t know when the cycle of karma started. We don’t know the beginning but the seeds of karma can be burnt in the fire of knowledge.

If we are all born yogis, then why do we have to learn and practice Yoga?

Question - Gurudev, if we are all born yogis, then why do we have to learn and practice Yoga? Gurudev Sri Sri - Well, that is because you lost touch with it somewhere along the way. Yes, everyone is a born yogi, but if you had retained that same child-like innocence as you grew up, then there would have been no need to learn and practice Yoga again. We have moved away from that child-like innocent nature and have collected so many impressions (samskaras) along the way. We have spoiled our balance and peace of mind. This is why we need to do Yoga and sadhana in order to keep our body, intellect, mind and emotions healthy and in balance.

Absolute Self See within his own Self, he will enjoy in higher state.

Meditation Yoga Chapter 6, Verse 41 prāpya puṇya-kṛtāṁ lokān uṣitvā śāśvatīḥ samāḥ śucināṁ śrīmatāṁ gehe yoga-bhraṣṭo ‘bhijāyate Having attained the realms of the righteous and dwelt there for many long years, one who has fallen from yoga is born again in the house of the pure and prosperous. The devotees, the bhaktas who received the Grace to follow the path of devotion, meditation, and Atma Kriya Yoga, but whose minds are still restless, go away. What will happen to them? Here again Lord Krishna says that if people have received the Grace and have let go of that Grace, if they have let go of their spiritual path for any reason and have fallen, they will incarnate many times into this plane so that they can cleanse themselves. Many people who start on the spiritual path are still so attached to the outside world, that they find it difficult to follow a Guru. At the beginning they say, “Yes, yes, yes!” Later, they run away, quietly, they leave and then it’s finished! Or eve...

Dr Tejas More Thane

Interesting Take on Yoga we all might not know

Gurudev @SriSri Talks about Beyond The Mat: Discovering Yoga's True Essence  Today, the popular perception of yoga is limited to just physical postures. But do you know there are only three sutras dedicated to physical asanas in the Patanjali Yoga Sutras, one of the foremost treatises on the science of yoga? Yoga is much more than a set of physical asanas or exercises. Among the definitions of yoga by Maharishi Patanjali, he defines yoga as the act of restraining or freeing the mind from its own modulations. He further elaborates, "There are five types of modulations of the mind — wanting proof for everything, incorrect understanding of reality, imagination, sleep, and memory." Throughout the day, your mind is engaged in any one or more of these modulations. But if there are moments in the day when you are not asleep or reminiscing or feeling angry about the past, not imagining, or looking for proof, then in that moment yoga has happened. These moments are considered prec...

Why are parents neglected by their own children?

Question - Gurudev, Why are parents neglected by their own children? Brothers are being murdered by their own brothers.  Gurudev Sri Sri - Parents are being neglected because they didn’t spend enough time with their children, and didn’t imbibe spiritual education in them. They made the children too materialistic and selfish. This is because you gave them food, clothes and a roof over their heads but not knowledge.

Is it wrong to have modulations of the mind?

But some of the experiences you are unable to let go of from your mind remain as memories that create either cravings or aversions. Unpleasant experiences create fear and trauma in the mind. Is it wrong to have modulations of the mind? People usually say these five vrittis, or modulations, should be done away with. That is not right. For example, some people try to stay awake the whole night. That is not what Maharishi Patanjali is talking about here. These vrittis are said to be clista or aclista; that is, some are difficult and painful, and some are not. For example, if you don't get enough sleep, it is painful. At the same time, if you sleep too much, there is lethargy and discomfort. Similarly, if you forget everything, it is painful, and if you cannot forget anything, that is painful too. The same applies to wanting proof. Perhaps that is why there is the proverb 'Ignorance is bliss'. You are blissful when you don't know something, but when you get the proof, the t...

Is there any benefit of having a Yoga Day?

Question - Gurudev, Is there any benefit of having a Yoga Day? Gurudev Sri Sri - Yes, there is a huge benefit of having such a day. My message to United Nations on the UN Declaration of June 21st as International Day of Yoga in the year 2015 was, "It is very difficult for any philosophy, religion or culture to survive without state patronage. Yoga has existed so far almost like an orphan. Now, official recognition by the United Nations would further spread the benefit of yoga to the entire world”.

Three essential things everyone must do, to be happy

Three essential things everyone must do, to be happy 1. Look back in the past and see that it was futile feeling insecure. This gives you strength. 2. Know that there are good people on this planet. They will always come to your help. There is a power which is going to guide you and help you out. With this wisdom and understanding, get over insecurity. 3. Third is to get rid of prejudice. There are many types of prejudice. There is prejudice between generations where young people will not sit and share with senior citizens. There is a generation gap. There is prejudice about class, about gender, about religion, culture, language, and so on in many parts of the world, so many types of prejudices. Wisdom is to rise above prejudice and see the whole world as one family.  If everyone has this idea of a "one world family", there will be no war, no crime and none of the problems that we are facing in the world today. See how many people are being killed. There is so much violence i...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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