Meditation Yoga Chapter 6, Verse 40 śrī bhagavān uvāca pārtha naiveha nāmutra vināśas tasya vidyate na hi kalyāṇa-kṛt kaścid durgatim tāta gacchati The Lord says: O Arjuna, neither in this life nor hereafter is there destruction for him; never does anyone who practises good, O beloved, come to woe. The merciful Lord, the Lord of the universe answers Arjuna, “O Arjuna, neither in this life nor hereafter is there destruction for him”. Can you see, how wonderful and merciful He is? “Never does anyone who practises good, O beloved, come to woe, or meet any evil destiny.” Arjuna is worrying, “If I don’t do my duty, will I lose all my good punya or the opportunity to advance?” Bhagavan Krishna replies that one doesn’t fall: no matter to which heavens or lokas one goes, one never falls. One always move forward. Such is the state of a bhakta who always continues on his spiritual journey. Wherever one abides, wherever one is after death, one continues to steadily advance towards Go...
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