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Showing posts from April 25, 2024

Nature of love is to share

Nature of love is to share. Those who are happy, they share. There is another category of people who seek happiness by changing cars, gadgets, jobs. There is a third category which has no hopes of happiness. Happiness cannot be conveyed in words or gestures. Happiness is something that everyone has and it is very fragile. Just one nasty phone call, are you able to keep your happiness? What is that can make our happiness strong? Wisdom. It expands our context. Anyone who is not happy, you make them see life from a different context. As the context of life expands the problems of life appears insignificant. Expand the context of life. Second is commitment. If you are committed, nothing detracts you. Third is compassion. We are more disturbed by others behavior towards you. That is why we think our happiness depends on others. I can be the source of happiness when I am compassionate to others. 1. Broaden our vision. 2. Having purpose in life. Something meaningful is to bring happine...

The biggest problem with lovers

The biggest problem with lovers is that they love each other and start demanding each other. “Look how much I love you. What did you do for me?” or, they say “Do you really love me? Prove it to me now!” Proving each other’s love becomes a burden. Many a times, couples try to play the game of not being happy and look to the other person to cajole them and make them happy. You are losing your dignity when you are making others cajole you and make you happy. You be happy! You are the source of happiness. Nobody else can make you happy other than yourself. You need to say without saying that “Hey come on. You cannot put me down and take my mood off.” This should be the message to others from you. “Kaya Indriya Siddhi Ashuddhi kshyat tapasaha’’ (II Sutra 43) Kaya = body; Indriya = senses; Siddhihi = strong; Ashuddhi = impurities; Kshayat = eliminated; Tapasaha = by penance. “By penance or purifying actions, the body and senses become strong as the impurities are eliminated.” By tapas, the b...

What is the best contribution one can make to better a society?

I was once asked by a prominent industrialist - What is the best contribution one can make to better a society? Make billions, spend billions, or give away billions? This was my answer: The best way is to do both: To make billions, spend a little less, save the rest and give it away! Twenty percent of your earnings should be earmarked for charity. However, charity should be self-sustainable. That is, it should create more wealth rather than perpetuating the cycle of poverty and dependence. In this sense, the best form of charity would be providing quality education for children and more importantly, building a good character in them.  In the 11th chapter of the Bhagawad Gita, Lord Krishna said, "Win the war with enemies and enjoy a prosperous empire." How can a businessman be altruistic and yet follow this piece of advice? Is there a way to resolve this riddle? Krishna's advice was not for a recluse, but addressed to a prince. The Gita should not be dismissed as a text fo...


1: How long should I meditate to get enlightened? There is no limit. Time will do it. Your job is to keep the window open, but time will bring the sunlight in. You can’t make sunlight come into your home just because you have opened the window. You can’t say, “I opened the window, but the sunlight has not come yet.” If you keep your shutters on, even if the sun has risen, you will remain in darkness. So your effort is needed. 2: Can married couples also attain enlightenment? See, the example of Ramakrishna Paramahamsaji. He was married, Sharada Devi was his wife. There are many such examples like this. So even couples can attain enlightenment. Enlightenment is not something that just drops from somewhere. It is present in all of us. 3: If the purpose of life is to attain liberation, is there any value for all the time we spend on our education, profession and career? Each one has its own place. You need to do both. To make a living, you need to work, and to grow on the spiritual path, ...

I would like to investigate the movement of Prana more precisely; what is the most helpful practice for this?

I would like to investigate the movement of Prana more precisely; what is the most helpful practice for this?  Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:  You should sit and watch the breath; there are so many things about it. What you do on the Advanced Program is already very helpful and useful; the Hollow and Empty Meditations are about polishing and observing the breath. The breath has been burnt down due to excess usage of our body externally; too much food, sex, sleep (even lack of it), too much watching; too much of anything burns down the Prana. And when the Prana is burnt, then you can’t find yourself; it is as though there is a crowd inside, and you feel you don’t exist there. The purpose of all these different meditations that you are doing is to help your Prana become healthier, stronger and tangible. How many of you feel that your Prana is more tangible? (Many in the audience raise their hands) . When you do a little bit of meditation, at least you can find it flowing in one line, oth...

Expression of Shiva.

The auspicious night of Shivaratri represents the enlivening of the Shiva tattva – the most beautiful aspect of Consciousness. Lord Shiva is not a person or a figure. Shiva is the eternal tattva (principle) that is the essence of everything. It is the principle from which everything has come, which sustains everything and in which everything dissolves. How does one capture and express this tattva that is so subtle yet palpable? One of the expressions that encapsulates this most exquisite and unfathomable substratum of existence in its near totality, is the depiction of Shiva as Nataraja or the Cosmic Dancer. Nataraja is a fascinating symbol of the interplay between the material and the spiritual realms of creation. Of the 108 postures of the Nataraja the most adored and beautiful is the Ananda Tandava – the dance of bliss. The beauty, elegance and grace with which the Shiva Tandava is represented here is unparalleled. When one has access to mystical realms through deep sadhana and deta...

You don’t have to be very rich to feel the abundance

What are you struggling for? Is it Money? You are struggling for money, then don’t sit and day dream, do hard work. If one business does not work, choose another business and do it.  Don’t sit and day dream and only think about miracles to happen. Miracles do happen, but if you crave for miracles then they will take a back seat. Nature wants you to be dynamic. There are people who have asked me, ‘Guruji, please give me some numbers for my lottery ticket. I just want to win a lottery so that I don’t have to do anything. Just do sadhana all the time and some seva(service).’ No way! First of all, decide what it is that you want from life. You know money is something that you will always find people short of. Always! You can see for example, the richest country, the only super power on this planet is USA and it is under heavy debt; trillions of dollars of debt. You take big companies; many of them are in debt. The richer a person gets, the more expenses he has. At the same time, there ...

The 8 types of Wealth

One of the greatest illusions created in the world is wealth. There is so much disparity in the world. There is no logical reasoning or explanation as to why someone is born in Africa and suffers for a piece of bread, while there is surplus bread elsewhere which is often wasted. Why some dogs enjoy the comfort of a home while others are strays in the streets. Wealth is something that is bestowed on you. There are eight types of wealth: 1. Wealth as material comfort: The first type of wealth is what we commonly understand as the material wealth. Just being born in Ford’s home, somebody acquired so much wealth without any effort. Some inherit wealth, while some have to toil all his life to make money. 2. Wealth as health: Just having money is not sufficient. Some people have a lot of money but they cannot eat well because of some disease. In this such a situation material wealth is nothing. Some people do not have money, but they have enough to eat and they are healthy. Like man...

Yogi is a like a Baby - Patanjali Yoga Sutra

The different positions of your eyes indicate the state of your mind. Different body postures also indicate what you are feeling. This is called body language. It shows what you are within you. So, stiffer you are, stiffer the body, stiffer the mind. To loosen up your mind, to loosen up your ego, to expand yourself, you need to do certain exercises, certain postures. These postures are called asanas. You are not just the mind; you are not just the body; you are the combination. You are not just the body! You are the combination of body and the mind. On one hand, when you work on your mind, you cannot ignore your body too. So asanas are training the body for the comfort zone that it really deserves, that it has come to this planet with. When a baby is born, it comes with adimudra and then chinmudra and then chinmayamudra. If you see a baby, you will never see the legs flat on the floor. Their legs are always above the floor. Have you observed this? They do Shalabhasana. After Shalabhasa...

Going Bananas

I will share with you something very interesting. Human beings and bananas share 50% of the same DNA. How many of you didn’t know this? (Many raise their hands). A banana is 50% human. I don’t know why people use the term, ‘Gone bananas’ when someone has gone cuckoo. Maybe because the person is using only half of their DNA. (Laughter). There is a beautiful human being inside everyone. What makes one different is the stress that covers the beauty. When the stress is gone, we become our original selves. Every child which came into this world came as a pure, beautiful, innocent and intelligent child. But then, somehow, we tend to lose that innocence. The intelligence which has no innocence does not have much value and innocence which is not intelligent has no value. What is needed? The combination of intelligence and innocence. That which gives us this innocence and intelligence, which gives us sensibility and sensitivity, that which makes our heart blossom and keeps our intellect sharp i...

What does it mean to live in the moment?

Q. What is the nature of the mind? Why is it so prone to restlessness? Sri Sri: It’s like the river that wants to reach the ocean or the lake. So till it reaches it’s goal, it remains restless, it’s quite natural. Nature of mind is going towards something higher, something more and more charming, something more beautiful, something more interesting. Mind always longs for something new while heart takes pride in the old. You never say it’s my new friend. Do you say ‘Oh, this is my new friend? You take pride in having an old friend. So, heart longs for the old, mind goes for the latest and life is a combination of both. Q. How do we achieve serenity of the mind in the midst of the dynamism of the world? Sri Sri: That technique is called meditation. The technique to attain serenity in midst of chaos is called meditation. Q. How to deal with the competitiveness and worldly demands that constantly assail us? Sri Sri: Don’t take competitiveness as a burden but take it as a catalyst for you, ...

Meditation is superior than Seva

Q: Gurudev, you said Meditation is superior than Seva, I am regular in Meditation and Sadhana, is it still needed to do Seva to reach you? Sri Sri: Definitely. Meditation and Seva are together, they have to be done together like watching television and listening to it. Otherwise you are watching a television muting it. That’s no good. Q: Gurudev, when things are so easy, why does Spirituality seem a little difficult initially? Sri Sri: You have said it correctly, it just seems, but it is not so. It is just in your mind. Spirituality is not difficult. Spirituality is very easy, it’s absolute comfort. What you may find difficult is your let go of those habits which you anyway want to let go. Got it? Smoking, difficult to leave, drinking, difficult to leave and junk food and all those food which are not good for you, difficult to leave. That difficulty you think ‘Oh, you are going away from spirituality.’ Spirituality is not at all difficult. Q: Gurudev, is giving charity or money to a be...

The Yoga of Devotion

Having spoken to Arjuna on different aspects of life, Lord Krishna talks about the importance of bhakti (devotion) in Chapter 12 of the Bhagavad Gita - The Yoga of Devotion | Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar throws light on the Chapter 12 of Bhagavad Gita (Day 1): A sense of awe is the foundation for both yoga and devotion. Devotion also fills one with a sense of ‘wow’, where even the minutest of things appear exceedingly charming. Such is the nature of love.  In this chapter, Lord Krishna urges Arjuna to be centered in Him. To worship the unmanifest is very difficult as love needs support; one can love a person, but to love an empty space is difficult. The best Yogi is one who has unshakeable faith in the Divine. If life’s situations shake one’s faith, then it isn’t true faith at all. Despite being shaken, if the faith continues to grow strong then one is on  the right track. One who lets go of all karmas, offering it to Me while being completely centered, goes into deep Bhakti. ...

Why is life so complicated? Why can’t I accept situations more easily?

Q:Why is life so complicated? Why can’t I accept situations more easily?  HH Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:  Why should life be simple? Life is complicated and that is what makes it fun. There is beauty, there is thrill in life. It is when you feel very tired that you feel “Oh, it is all so complicated. Let me get away from it all”. When you are bubbling with energy, then you do not feel this way. You feel tired from the complications when you lack energy. When you are tired, you want everything to be simple. . Got it? That is what it is. See, is eating a banana simple or complicated? When you take a bite of the banana, then the starch gets mixed with the saliva. Then it goes into the stomach where the digestive acid digests it. Then it has to give a signal to the brain to release the enzymes for digestion. It is all so complicated. The liver, the pancreas and other organs secrete juices and it gets mixed in the duodenum of the intestine. Then it goes in the big intestine and finally g...

How do I know if I am in a right relationship or the person is right for me?

You are right for your partner when you can adjust. Relationship means adjustment, it is giving. You give what you can to your partner and wait for them to give back to you. If you are demanding from the others, the relationship is not going to last long. Demand destroys love.  Love is always about giving. Know that you have come here (on the planet) to only give love and not demand love from anybody. Demand and blame destroy relationships. Just imagine yourself in their situation. How would you feel if someone doubts your love for them, and you have to make an extra effort to make them believe that you love them? Is it not a burden? Learn to praise your partner and uplift a situation instead of blaming and finding fault. Uplifting your partner should be your commitment . Then you are the right person for anybody, and everybody will love you when you don’t hurt them intentionally.  Be open to correction and changes, and have the patience to listen to criticism. You have to be ...

Why do we become sick?

Q: Why do we become sick? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:  Sickness happens because of three reasons. One is when we violate the laws of nature, and the second is a carryover of karma. The third thing is, it is genetic. If you want to add the fourth, it could also be because of the environment. Now if we violate the laws of nature, and not just you, even if others violate the laws of nature, it affects your body. And the nature of the body is such, it has some resistance power but sometimes it gets sick. Not everything comes only because of lack of spirituality, or in spite of spirituality. Even if a person is very spiritual, if he overeats, he will get sick; tummy will ache. If he fasts for too many days he will also get sick. So we should not violate laws of nature. The candle is burning, it doesn’t say, ‘Okay, he’s a nice person I will not burn him and he’s a bad person, I’ll burn him.’ Anybody who puts their hand in the fire, will get burnt. Sometimes spiritual teachers also get it becau...

How to get rid of Suffering?

There are 2 reasons behind your suffering: 1. Ignorance – we are miserable due to our own ignorance 2. Old karmas – we are experiencing something now to pay off some old karmas. These are the only two reasons. It is okay to have some challenges in life. You should have that confidence within you that, you can overcome the challenge. Earlier also challenges have come in your life and you have overcome them; you have gone beyond them. Learn from that. Look back at your own life and see how many challenges you have had and how you have sailed through them and come out of them. This will give you confidence. The other option is to realize that you have to pay some debt so you are undergoing what you are undergoing. Further, don’t compare yourself with others. You think other people who don’t do anything in spirituality are rising up? What do you know about them? They may have a lot of money but may not have good sleep. You don’t know their suffering. People by hook ...

Happy - At All Times

Each one of you should feel that you are very special. Don't think 'Oh, Gurudev is for the crowd and not for me'. This you have to fix. I will tell you an incident. In Paris there was a big program that had been organized, in which around 200 people were to attend satsang. At the same time, there was another program which was announced by someone else, and there was only one person to attend that program. When the time came, I attended the program which had only one person attending it, and sent two of my teachers to Paris to that 200 peoples' satsang. Do you know who is that one person? Marcel! (A devotee). Actually, I planned to stay here, but I have promised one person that I will come for his wedding and his wedding is tomorrow morning. Since I have promised him, I will go for his wedding which is in the Ashram. Otherwise I had told the Bangalore Ashram that I am not coming for the birthday celebrations, and I will be in Germany itself. But now I have to go because ...

Can Grace change destiny ?

Q: Can Grace change destiny ? Sri Sri: Yes, ONLY THEN It Is Grace. Whether you accept it or not, life is an act of letting go. It started the moment you were born. You let go of the womb and came into this world. As soon as you came here, you started breathing in and breathing out and you are taking food in and letting it out.  If trust, this one thing, happens in us, our life will completely be transformed. It'll be very, very different. You won't sit & worry what will happen to you, what about tomorrow- this will not happen. You will smile through life. Our whole life revolves around four things- money, relationships, reputation and health. Instead, let your life revolve around- celebration, commitment, wisdom and service. When life revolves around these four then money comes,reputation comes,relationships improve and health remains robust. You get everything that you want when you don't focus on the wants and when you make life a celebration, uplift the spirit of oth...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

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