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Showing posts from April 24, 2024

How Yoga Can Transform Your Life

Life always moves towards perfection. Just like how water flows down and fire goes up, the nature of life is to move towards perfection, to move towards something bigger and something higher. Often people say that the mind is wavering, but the mind is not wavering. The mind is the wave. It is moving towards something. It is moving towards a higher joy. If you get a little joy, you want some more joy. This is because the mind always moves towards something bigger and something higher. Right from school days, what is it that you want? You want to get a higher grade. Which student does not want to get a higher grade? Which artist does not want to perform better? Which scientist does not want to reach the peak? Which engineer does not want to build something beautiful? So wanting perfection is in the nature of human beings. The mind wants to move towards something higher, and the way to achieve it is Yoga. Yoga Helps You Get Out Of Misery If you are miserable, yoga helps you get out of you...


You can be at ease with the uncertainty of the world when you realise the certainty of the consciousness. Often people do just the opposite. They are certain about the things in the world and uncertain about God. They rely on something that is not reliable and get upset. Uncertainty causes craving for stability and the most stable thing in the universe is our Self. The world is of change, the Self is of non-change. You have to rely on the non-change and accept the change. If you are certain that everything is uncertain, then you are liberated. When you are uncertain in ignorance then you become worried and tense. Uncertainty with awareness brings higher states of consciousness and a smile. Bharat says: A certain smile!!! Often people think that certainty is freedom. If you feel that freedom when you are not certain then that is 'real' freedom. Often your certainty or uncertainty is based on the relative world. To be certain about the uncertainty of the relative, makes you certa...

Simple technique to free your mind

Are you trying to get rid of unwanted thoughts? - Try this simple technique to free your mind   When a thought arises in the mind, it is not easy to get rid of it. The thought keeps coming back over and over again, and if you decide to do something else, you will feel uneasy until you finish with that thought. It becomes irritating like a grain of sand in the eye. Similarly, if you are unhappy about something, that sadness does not easily leave you, whatever you do to get rid of it. Even by listening to inspiring discourses that sadness does not go away. Many times you tell your mind that something is trivial and not to worry about it. But the mind or intellect does not pay any attention. So we can chant a mantra. Our mind takes the form of the mantra that we repeat.  “Manah trayate iti mantrah” – means a mantra is that which is brought to mind again and again. And to practice this mind and the mantra should not be separate. The mind should become the mantra. If the mind thin...

Everything is Karma

What is Karma? There are billions and billions of living creatures and so many kinds of feelings arise within each of them. All of these feelings propel or cause some action. That feeling is called Karma, and the (resultant) action is also called Karma. Sukshma Karma and Sthula Karma When a desire to create arises from within you, then that desire or feeling is Karma. It is Sukshma Karma(action at the subtle level). The moment a desire arises in your mind, let us say to build a new building, then that’s it – the work or the action has already happened. For example, when the architect has made the blueprint of the house, then the construction of the house has already happened. Then there is Sthula Karma (action at the material level), such as bringing the bricks, stones, mortar, and constructing the house with them. So, the subtle desires or feelings that arise beyond the realm of the five elements is also called Karma, and the action that takes place in the...

Yoga: Bending it to Infinity!

As the world celebrates the fourth International Day of Yoga, it’s time again for this ancient art of inner blossoming to be in the spotlight. Thanks to the global patronage over the last four years, the acceptance and popularity of yoga has broken many barriers. The wide array of applications, expectations and perceptions demonstrates its versatility as the super-cure for the ills of the modern world. One of the most common misconceptions about yoga is about it being just another form of physical exercise. Around the world, people have often innocently asked me the same question. While asanas, or physical postures do provide the entry point for many, the science of yoga is much vast and profound. The central teaching of yoga is maintaining an equanimous state of mind. Being able to do any action with mindfulness, being aware of what you are saying or doing makes you a yogi. Science is a systematic, logical understanding of what is. Yoga is also a science, a systematic understanding of...

Prana is present in everything

Prana is present in everything. In fact, we are floating in an ocean of prana. When the unit of expression varies, it makes a difference. Stones have got one unit of prana. Water has got two units of prana. Fire has got three units of prana. Air has got four units of prana. Plants have got five units of prana. Animals have got six units of prana. Human beings are capable of holding from seven to 16 units of prana. The expression of prana is the whole universe. When prana is lower than, that’s when you feel depressed. When prana goes further low, then you feel suicidal. When prana is normal, you feel normal. When prana is higher, you feel enthusiastic. When prana is very high, you feel energetic and blissful. That is why, when people are depressed, or feeling low just giving counselling doesn’t work, what needs to be done is to raise the level of prana. When prana is high there is joy, vibrancy and understanding. When prana is low, the mind starts complaining and then depression, lethar...

Notable insights on yoga

1. Yoga is a means to fight aggression and depression Our world is stressed, and all of us swing between the extremes of aggression and depression. To maintain sanity and progress, it is important to adopt a means to fight these two extremes. Yoga is one of the most effective means to do so. 2. Yoga has more than one goal Yoga is not just physical exercise that only offers a fit body. It is something which uplifts the spirit and sharpens the intellect. Its purpose is to create a disease-free body, confusion-free mind, inhibition-free intellect, trauma-free memory and a sorrow-free soul – all of which is every human’s birthright. 3. Every school of yoga is special Every school of yoga has contributed significantly to establish peace at an individual level. As yoga continues to touch people from all walks of lives and across borders, it has contributed to collective peace. 4. Yoga helps maintain the calm no matter what Yoga brings equanimity in our approach and maintains inner calmness ...

The two type of people who are not good communicators

The insecure and the obstinate are two types of people who are not good communicators. The insecure do not believe in the love and compassion of the world or of divinity. They do not feel connected to divinity or to people, so they make an extra effort to make a connection, which usually goes wrong. They neither realize the power within them nor do they trust others. They see ulterior motives behind the words and actions of others and are haunted by imaginary ghosts, thus they end up creating chaos and misery for themselves and others. On the other hand, obstinate people are closed to others points of view and they don’t move with the times. Hence they often get a beating by time. You can not argue with obstinate people, for they have their own logic and reasoning. Making them see reason is a futile exercise. Their circle of communication is very small and they have an open mind to the views of very few people. There is a combination of planets that can create obstinacy in people. To d...

Is There One God Or Many?

All religions say that there is only one God. Judaism says there is only one God. Christianity speaks of only one God. Hinduism speaks of only one God. It is said, ‘Ekam Sat Vipra’, there is only one God but manifested in many forms. You can adore him in whatever form you want. There is only one light, but light has seven colors. In the same way, Islam says that there is only one God, but 99 names. Hinduism speaks of the 108 names and 108 forms of God, because all forms belong to one God only. The same God is in every form. God is space, he is not a person – he is not an object, it is energy. And what is that energy? Jesus called it love. Love is God. And that is what is said in the Upanishads, and in the ancient Vedic Scriptures – God is love, God is energy, He is in you as you, and He is in everybody. Somewhere He shines more, somewhere He is shining less. In Spain, the sun shines more, and in Berlin it shines a little less. Like that, in some places he i...

When you feel lonely, sit and meditate

Sometimes I feel very lonely. I really don’t know what to do to get rid of this. I need someone to support me and someone on whom I can rely on. But no one is ready for 100% commitment. What to do?  Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:  Any companionship when it goes from a place of wanting or lack, to contributing, it is long lasting. You came into this world all alone. Even if you are born twins, you are alone. When you go from here, you are going to go alone. Do not try to run away from loneliness. It is a blessing in disguise. This is the time for you to be centered. Push away everything around you. You will find that you are the scintillating energy of the universe. You are the centre of the consciousness. You are the ultimate truth. And this loneliness is only one step away from realizing that. Loneliness exists because you want to grab something from outside. Lord Krishna in Gita has said, 'Anityam asukham lokam imam prapya bhajasva mam'. He is saying, 'This world is impermanent an...

Did you know that every finger in your hand is connected to a planet?

Every finger in your hand is connected to a planet. The thumb is connected to Mars. Mars stays alone. Index finger is connected to Jupiter (Jupiter shows the path, it is the teacher). When you want to show something, you show using the index finger, this is Jupiter. The middle finger is connected to Saturn; Saturn is the servant. The ring finger is connected to the Sun; the Sun is the king. And who owns the jewels? The king, and so you put rings only on the ring finger. That’s why it’s called the ring finger. The little finger is connected to Mercury. So when you do chin mudra, what is happening? The index finger (Jupiter) and the thumb (Mars) are coming together, that is wisdom and power. Why is the thumb connected to Mars? It is because whenever you win, what do you do? You put your thumbs up. Thumbs up is a sign of victory. When you lose what do you do? You put your thumbs down. So these gestures are so inbuilt in us. Different planets affect different parts of your bo...

True Seeker Needs To First Respect Nature

Rivers have been the lifeline of all civilisations; no wonder they are considered sacred across cultures. In India, the Ganga symbolises knowledge, Yamuna was known for love stories, Narmada stood for bhakti, knowledge and logic, Saraswati for brilliance and architecture, and India got its name from the Sindhu.Sanskrit has a beautiful word for water, apa and the word aptha means ‘that which is born out of water’. Aptha also means ‘the dearest one’. So it’s the same word for both ‘the dear one’ and ‘water.’ Sixty to 70 per cent of our body is made up of the water element. You need water vapour in the atmosphere; you need certain amount of humidity in the atmosphere. And you need water to drink as a fluid. Whether you dig deep into the Earth or you look above the Earth, there is groundwater and water contained in rain clouds. Just imagine a world bereft of clouds. There needs to be no reiteration of the fact that life will not survive.In a land where water was recognised as the basis of ...

A simple technique to deal with your emotions and moods

See this whole world as bubbles rising in water. See people as bubbles on the surface of the Brahman (Infinite Consciousness). You know how water bubbles up? Like that, everybody is rising, playing their own games and dissolving back into the Infinite. It is the same in your own life. Your mind is a bubble on the surface of the Brahman, Infinity. See how many changes happen in your mind during the course of the day. How many changes are happening in you? Just sit, and think about one person for a whole day. You will see all types of emotion come and go. Anger, frustration, dejection, doubt, etc. You like them and dislike them and you feel all this is nothing, and would like to run away. All these bubbles rise and fall in your mind. Your mind is such a wave of bubble in the Self. Look at your moods! They are bubbles on the surface of your mind. It’s no secret that a mood remains not more than two-and-a-quarter days, pleasant or unpleasant. Many times when people meet their very...

The simple secret to deal with "Feelings"

We can transcend feelings easily when we know that there is something which is much more basic to life than feelings, and that is the self; the life force, which is not changing at all. We have 1,72,000 nadis in the body. Sometimes the knowledge nadi opens up; sometimes the music nadi opens up. Different nadis open up and you experience different things. So, don’t be so obsessed with your feelings. Don’t focus on that which is happening. Instead, focus on what you can do and what you have to. Often, we don’t concentrate on what we have to do but we sit and ponder over that which is happening. We put so much attention on what is happening rather than on what we are doing. Put attention on what you are doing and leave whatever is happening to Nature. Nature will take you through whatever is happening. I tell you, whether it is thoughts or emotions or feelings, it is not an isolated incidence. It is a global phenomenon. Suppose you go to a place where there is an Independence Day celebrat...

If you are willing to look beyond what is already known...

The mature intellect brings forth devotion that is always in awe of creation. When something is unfathomable, the intellect is in awe. When the mind takes rest in the vastness of consciousness, only then can it know the Truth. This can only happen through Shraddha. Shraddha is not just faith, it is to love something that is beyond the purview of knowing. And if one is willing to look beyond what is already known, then the vast wealth of knowledge embraces them. The mind keeps wandering from one sense to another in search of satisfaction. It is only when you realize that this joy is caused by something greater, you can be centered. There is a saying that when one appreciates a flower, the flower feels sad as the creator of the flower is not being appreciated. In Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna declares himself as the cause of all the joy of the senses. The intellect keeps getting stuck in the senses but when the mind, intellect and Chitta get fixed on the Divine, the highest can be attained...


Often you do not have reverence for that which you own. Whatever you revere becomes bigger than you. When you have reverence in all your relationships then your own consciousness expands. Then even small things appear to be significant and big. Every little creature appears to be dignified. It is the reverence in every relationship that saves the relationship. Often you lose reverence for that which you own, and this happens unconsciously. When you have reverence for the whole universe, you are in harmony with the while universe. Then, you do not need to reject or renounce anything of this universe. Reverence in ownership frees you from greed, jealousy and lust. Cultivate the skill of having reverence every moment in your life. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji 


Man has a tendency to own things. When he owns something small his mind stays small, his life gets stifled and his whole consciousness is immersed in his house, car, spouse, children and such. A recluse leaves his home and goes far away. There also he starts owning his asana, rosary, books, concepts and his knowledge. The owning has simply shifted from objects and people to ideas and practices. But a wise one knows that he owns the sun, the moon, the stars, the air, all of space and the Divine in its entirety. When you own something big then your consciousness also expands, and when you own something small then all the small negative emotions start coming up such as anger, greed, etc. I wonder why people do not feel connected to the sun? The very existence of life depends upon the sun. Perhaps it is the lack of awareness that one refuses to acknowledge and own one’s connectedness to the macro-cosmic universe. The Rishis in ancient India, the Native Americans and the aboriginals from al...

Rudram is a very complex chanting

Q. Gurudev, in the Rudram it is chanted ‘namaste astväyudhäyänätatäya drshnave’. Why do they worship the weapons and the weaponless? Sri Sri: Rudram is a very complex chanting and a complete chanting. It doesn’t leave anything, any aspect of the existence. It says one who is stable and one who is moving, changing, all the opposites are counted in it; ‘Namotisthadbhyo dhavadbhyascha vo namo namah’; one who is running and one who is stationary, both I adore. So it’s something so unique, the chanting of Rudram. It comprises of all the opposites. And so it’s something that represents the totality. Anything that is under the Sun or above the Sun is all recognized and that’s how Rudram is considered as one of the most sacred of the chants. Q. Gurudev, I had a great yearning to know everything earlier, it’s not that it has vanished, but I can now live without knowing everything. How can I tell if this is contentment or laziness? Sri Sri: When the life force in you is awakened, certain content...

What are the different types of Karma?

There are so many types of Karma and we can broadly classify them as 1. Collective karma 2. Karma of the time 3. Karma of a place 4. Karma of a family 5. Karma of an individual There is individual karma, then you have family karma – what you call DNA. Then comes the karma of a region, state and country. Then there is karma of the time. During the time of World War II, all the people had similar karma and so all over the world there was war. Some karmas yield their fruits immediately, and some take time. For example, if you place your hand in a fire, you will immediately get burnt, right now, not tomorrow or anytime later But if you sow a mango seed today, it will take ten years for it to grow into a tree. You will be able to reap the fruits of the mango tree only after ten years of hard work. In the same way, some karmas yield their fruits almost instantly, while some take time to bear fruit. But do not think that every problem or suffering that you go through is only because of your a...

How can you get more grace in life?

Anugraha means grace. Nothing is possible in life without anugraha. When you receive a lot without making efforts for it, then it is said that you are blessed with anugraha. Usually you work hard at your job and then receive your salary. So you say, ‘I have earned my money’. But if someone gives you a gift, you do not say, ‘I have earned these gifts’. Can something that is earned be called a gift? No. You receive gifts without any efforts. So when you receive a great gift or an award that you feel you did not deserve, then that is called anugraha. When we receive something that we are not deserving of, or which exceeds our capabilities, then that is what is called Grace. When we see that in our life, we have received far more than what we deserve or are capable of, then gratitude dawns in us. We become thankful, complaints disappear and abundance grows. A person who is grateful never experiences lack of anything. Who experiences a lack in life? One who thinks that ‘I am so capable yet ...

Everything manifests when you meditate!

Divine and worldly dispensation are one and the same, they are not discrete. God is inseparable from this world. He is all permeating. Sarvam khalvidam Brahma – All of this is Brahman. If you stick your hand in a fire, you get burnt instantly. However, if you sow a mango seed or  a coconut seed, in the ground, it takes 4-6 years to bear fruit. Similarly, there are some actions whose consequences are immediate and there are some actions with a delayed outcome. If your grandfather/forefather toils for 20 years to set up a factory, who will enjoy the fruits of his labour – you will! Applying the same logic, karma and its consequences are eternal and beyond comprehension. Some karma can be resolved only by dealing with the consequences, whereas the outcome of some karma can be modified / modulated. For example, while preparing a meal, the proportion of ingredients can be adjusted with respect to one another. However, once cooked it cannot be reverted back to its uncooked stat...

8 qualities of a Yogi from Gurudev's commentary on Bhagavad Gita

1. He who sees inaction in action and action in inaction, he is wise among men, and he is a yogi, an accomplisher of everything. 2. A yogi considers even his work as a game, so be a yogi. Yogi means ‘one who does things in perfection.’ Every little thing he does will be perfect because he has that equanimity of mind. Only when you consider your work as a game can you ever be detached about whether it is going to be successful or not. It doesn’t matter anyway. 3. You have an intention or a desire and your mind and your life are running in that direction. When you drop this, then you become a yogi, then awareness, knowledge and wisdom dawn. 4. If a person acts without being feverish about the fruit of the action, not dependent on the outcome of the action that person is the real renunciate. He is a yogi. A yogi is not one who has just dropped everything and is sitting in the Himalayas. 5. Not knowing what is going to happen, keeps you in anxiety and stress. Not minding what is going to h...

What Is Gupt Daan?

In India, there is something called as Gupt Daan, which means a secret gift. It is when you donate or give someone something without telling anyone that you are giving. You don’t want your name to be put on the name plate which says that so and so donated this. When you quietly give, it is called Gupt Daan. It is often said, “When the right hand gives, the left hand should also not know.” This should be the intention behind donation. People used to take pride in this. You should also take pride in the same thing. At least some time or another, do some service for which you are not expecting any return or recognition. This act brings you so much joy. Once you get the taste of such purely service, you will find it so blissful, so interesting that you will want to go for it again and again. So, every now and then, do some service without wanting any recognition for it. For the other things that you do, it is quite natural to want recognition. You do some good work in your office and you w...

What happens when you find it difficult to attain what you are attracted to?

Usually when we love something, we want to possess it. If you appreciate a painting, you want to buy it and keep it in your home. You find a beautiful garment, and although you know you will wear it only a couple of times, you buy it and put it in the closet. You have known only one way of loving — love it, possess it and forget it. When you try to possess love, you rob it of its beauty, and then that same love gives you pain. Whoever you love, you try to dictate terms to them. In a very subtle way you try to rule them. And whatever you try to control turns ugly. You have never loved someone and not tried to possess them. It begins in childhood. When the second baby comes, the first baby wants all the attention. “Why did you bring this baby home? Give it away.” Many children say,”You belong to me and me alone.” It is a deep samskara, a deep impression, this fear of losing our place in the heart of someone we love. First comes attraction. When it becomes a little difficult to attain wha...

The Best Kept Secret To Getting What You Want

The association of a particular sense object over and over again creates a sense of craving for it. If you are used to drinking coffee every morning, then even though you are not born with a coffee fervor you have begun a habit within you that has created a craving. How did it all start? The habit of drinking coffee didn’t happen in one day! Addiction starts with a repeated experience of a particular object. It becomes a habit — and the nature of habit is that it does not give you joy. It gives pain. Therefore, drinking coffee will not carry you to heaven but if you don’t have it, it can give you hell! The repeated experience or association of a particular sense object makes you want it more. You think about it — and it creates a sensation of more wanting. Wherever you put your attention in the nervous system, the craving for that begins. With association comes desire. And with desire comes anger. Whenever a person is angry, behind that anger is a desire. Whether fulfilled or unfulfill...

The Best Form of Donation

What is donation? To give people what they need is donation, not what you feel like giving. If you donate clothes to somebody who already have many clothes, it is of no use. Instead give clothes to people who need clothes. Similarly giving food to somebody who owns a restaurant is foolishness. But give food to hungry and clothes to people who need them. This is donation. There is a story. Once everybody - Gods, Demons and Humans went to Prajapati (the lord of creatures). They asked him for something. He said, “Da Da Da.” And then he told them to explain the meaning. All three decoded different meanings. To the demon it meant to have compassion (daya) because demons lack compassion. To humans it meant donation (daan). Give what you have as donation. For Gods it meant suppression (daman). Daman means to control the senses. This is the story.  So, it is important donate to people who need it, not to those who don’t need it. If you donate a cow to a poor man who can’t feed himself, how...

Is Buddhism a Part of Hinduism

It is up to people how they think. Here in India, Buddhism is considered a part of Hindu tradition because Buddha never said I am starting a new religion - he only reformed what was already existed. Buddha became a monk in the Hindu tradition and then he gave monkhood for everybody. He never discarded the Gods or Goddess. He put the Buddha (the enlightened) first, that was already here. The Guru Comes First In Hinduism, we chant, Guru Brahma Gurur Vishnu, Guru Devo Maheshwaraha, Guru Saakshat Para Brahma, Tasmai Sree Gurave Namaha. Which means, first is the Guru – Buddha reestablished this same thing. Instead of Guru, he said Buddha. Buddha means a totally blossomed enlightened person. Here in Karnataka, all Gurus were called Buddhi. If you go to any ashram and say Buddhi, it is addressed to Guru. Buddhi also means heightened intellect or the great enlightened. So at that time, enlightened people were called Buddha. And he gave renunciation (Sanyasa) and how it was being followed. May ...

How to be happy when you are lonely?

Ques: How to be happy when you are lonely? Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:  You should feel the freedom! (Laughter from the audience) Look at the birds, how they fly. What is lonely? When there is nobody to bug you, nobody to ask you where did you go? What did you do? Whom did you look at? No control, no obligation, nothing! It is like being a free bird, just jump around like a bird. You want to put some music on and dance, do it! What do you mean by lonely? Just having a partner does not take away your loneliness, mind you! There are millions of people who have partners, soul mates, who have fallen in love and married the same person, and yet they feel lonely! Many may not come out and tell you honestly, but if you ask the ideal couples, "Tell me one secret, do you ever feel lonely or anything like that?" They will say, "Yes!" The only people who don’t feel lonely are the ones who are connected with the being, with the self. One who is established in the self feels no loneli...

The One And Only Step You Have To take

Break through all the barriers and feel that you Are Blessed. This Is The One And Only Step You Have To take – the rest will all happen. This deep sense of feeling that “I am blessed” can help you overcome any obstacles in life. It gives you courage and confidence and it will open your lid for grace to be poured in. Once you realize that you are blessed, then: All the complaints disappear All the grumbling disappears All the insecurities disappear A sense of feeling unloved disappears Wanting love disappears. If you don’t realize you are blessed, then the doership begins. If you want to make a difference in your life, feel you are blessed. And especially for those on this path of knowledge, there is no reason for you to not feel blessed. So, feel you are blessed. This is the first step towards the Self. Blessing comes to you in many forms. If you are generous, blessing comes to you as abundance. If you are hardworking, blessing comes to you as happiness. If you are lazy, blessing comes...

Why Vegetarianism Is Preferred in Spirituality

There are many benefits to being vegetarian. If you run a search on Google, you will find plenty of research available on this topic. Otherwise, the world would not take to it so promptly. A few decades ago, vegetarian food was not available in Berlin and many parts of Europe. Today, Berlin is the vegan capital of Germany. Veganism has grown exponentially in Europe, America, and India. If you look back, some of the greatest thinkers of this world, like Einstein, have been vegetarian. If you take a stock of how many great scientists and thinkers on this planet were vegetarian, you will find a large number of them were. So, somewhere, being vegetarian has a connection with the way the mind works. A vegetarian diet enhances mental refinement According to our ancients, vegetarian food is important, especially for people doing mental work. If you are doing only menial work, it is okay to be on a non-vegetarian diet. But if you are intellectual, and want to have a more refined thinking and a...

Ways to clear your mind of negative thoughts

Get Busy When you recognize a negative thought, get busy. If you simply sit, you will keep thinking a lot. Improve circulation in your body If your head is filled with too many thoughts, lie down on the floor and keep rolling and you will see the circulation in the body improves. When circulation improves then the mind feels better. That is the reason they do shayana pradakshinam (a form of worship done by rolling on the floor). Experience it and see how there is a change in your mind. Shake hands with negative thoughts If you keep resisting negative thoughts, and try to push them away, then they will follow you like a ghost. Shake hands with your negative thoughts. Tell them, ‘Come here and sit with me. I will not leave you’, and you will see how they quickly disappear. Thoughts are scared of you. If you get scared of negative thoughts then they will control you. But if you shake hands with them, then they will disappear. Pranayama and Meditation Pranayama and Meditation is the best w...

How to Overcome Inner Conflict

A Great Warrior The word great warrior refers to a man with valor and is usually said to the people who fight in the world and win over their enemies. But, one who sits still, one who follows the path of ‘ahimsa’ or non-violence totally, is also called a great warrior. In the word Mahaveer, veer means warrior, and the word warrior comes from the Sanskrit root veera. Mahaveer (a great warrior) is a title given not only to people who fight, win and succeed, but also to people who are in deep meditation. How can someone who is non-violent and who meditates be called a great warrior? There is turmoil in the inner world (referring to the mind) as much as there is turmoil in the outer world. There are more conflicts inside you than what you find outside in the world. When you can win over this turmoil inside, be still and keep smiling, then you are a great warrior. The world is made up of five elements and they are all in conflict; conflict is their nature. Fire and water are never friendly;...

How To Develop Virtues?

You are the source of all virtues As human beings we have tremendous qualities and virtues. You don’t have to look for virtues outside – you are the source of all virtues. But in the stress of day to day life, these virtues get hidden. A seed has a membrane around it which doesn’t allow the seed to sprout, but when the membrane is soaked in water and it gets the right atmosphere, the membrane loosens and the seed sprouts. That is how the seed becomes a tree. Sadhana is a way to soak the seed; Yoga is a way to manifest all the perfections that are already within you. Virtues get covered by 3 things: 1. Mala Mala is impurities. If there are toxins in your body, it reflects on your mind and affects your behavior. Impurities of the body and mind are called mala. You get a lot of negative thoughts if your bowel movements are not okay. If you have constipation, the impact of it on the mind is sure negativity. Anyone who says I have constipation, know for sure that they are going to have nega...

What Is Hinduism?

A Way of Life Hinduism means universalism; it is not just a sect. The president of India Dr. Radha Krishan was asked, “Who is a Hindu?” He said, “By negating all the religions, that is, one who is not a Muslim, one who is not a Christian and so on, whoever is left is a Hindu.” So, all those who accept everything, are Hindus. It is very difficult to define a way of life as a religion. A way of humanism is really what Hinduism is. It does not force you to follow just one scripture, one book, or one ritual per say. It simply says that the world is a family, accept knowledge from every side. Realize yourself and serve others. This is the principle. A Way of Honoring Diversity and Freedom When I was in America, I was talking to some people about the constitution of America. It is exactly what Hinduism is – honoring diversity, freedom of worship, liberty, and justice to all. The whole philosophy is what Hinduism is. This universe is versatile; there are so many dimensions and so many ways to...

How to achieve perfection? A great secret revealed by Ashtavakra to Janaka

Tānyupekshya yathāprāptavartī siddhimavāpnuyāt. Contentment, perfection and siddhī dawns in that person who is happy and contented with whatever has come; who does not hanker for something more. It is so strange, and yet very true! Be contented with what you have and you will see perfection or siddhī dawning in you. If you hanker for siddhī, you will not attain it. You may think you will be fulfilled and satisfied when you have siddhī. But it’s the other way around. When you are satisfied, you will get siddhī. You may think that achievements follow siddhī(perfection), i.e. when you get fulfilled then you will achieve. Or when you achieve something, then you will be fulfilled. But Ashtāvakra says, ‘Be satisfied now’. Achievements will dawn in you. Siddhī(perfection) will dawn in you. He was revealing a big secret to Janaka. Be satisfied and perfection will dawn. You will become a siddha. You cannot ever achieve siddhī by your hankering, your restlessness. Be happy with what you...

What happens when an atheist comes to the Guru?

Atheism is when you do not believe either in values or in the abstract. When an atheist comes to the guru, what happens? You start experiencing your own form and discover that you are indeed formless, hollow and empty. And this abstract non-form in you becomes more and more concrete. The guru makes the abstract more real and what you thought was solid appears to be more unreal. Sensitivity and subtlety dawn. Perception of love, not as an emotion, but as the substratum of existence, becomes evident. The formless spirit shines through every form in creation and the mystery of life deepens, shattering atheism. Then the journey begins and it has four stages. The first stage is Saarupya — to see the formless in the form, seeing God in all the forms. Often, one feels more comfortable seeing God as formless rather than with a form, because with a form, one feels a distance, a duality, a fear of rejection and other limitations. In life all of our interactions are with a form, other than in...


Love is the most sought-after but least expressed mystery of life. We try to express love in so many ways, still it remains a mystery. And it rarely happens that love is expressed in its fullness, in its totality. Jesus and love are synonymous. If you say love, you need not say Jesus and if you say Jesus, it means love. Jesus once said, “If you call God in my name, whatever you ask shall be given. For God is love.” You find such a complete expression of love in Jesus. Whatever little glimpses you may get here and there indicates that fullness, that ultimate expression of the inexpressible that life is striving to express all the time. Jesus is the embodiment of love. Just look at how much insult and pain he had to suffer. Jesus took the hurt and the pain with such equanimity and calmness. He was blamed by everyone. Even his own disciples ran away. Imagine how hurtful that must have been for him at that time. When you do all you can for your devotees, and one fine day, they disown you a...

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