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Showing posts from April 22, 2024

Want to keep your heart healthy? These lifestyle changes can make a big difference! From daily exercise to mindful eating, prioritize your heart health today

Want to keep your heart healthy? These lifestyle changes can make a big difference! From daily exercise to mindful eating, prioritize your heart health today. 

How to rise above negativity

When you have judgement or labels against people, your behaviour starts getting disturbed. You become stiff because of the seeds of negativity you are carrying against others, and your vibration becomes negative. You don’t even realise that you are carrying negativity within you. Negativity is such that you get sucked into it without being conscious of it. When your intellect becomes sharper and more soaked in knowledge, you will immediately be able to rise above negativity. That is why we need to develop our awareness. To begin, ask yourself these four questions: 1) Are you wasting mental energy paying attention to things that don’t matter? When the mind expands and recognises its vastness, then trivial matters don’t bother you. Otherwise, you tend to get so stuck in the small things. Every now and then you think: He said so and so to me, she said that to me, that person did not even look at me, that person spoke so harshly to me, and so on. You waste so much of your mental energy pay...

Divine is your child

God is the very core of your existence. The Divine principle is not someone in the sky; it is inside you in the form of consciousness. Know that you have abundance of grace within you, and Divine is your very own. Happiness, joy and even devotion comes by grace. Whatever one gets in life, that comes with grace. You have always thought of God as a father, up in the heavens somewhere. When you think of God as a father, you will want to demand and take from Him. Why do you want to pray? What do you want to ask? A good father already knows what to give. Assume you are the most beloved of the Divine; then surrender happens. Surrender is not an action, it is an assumption. Non-surrender is ignorance, an illusion. Surrender begins as an assumption and then it reveals itself as a reality. The world is made up of both; the seen universe and the unseen consciousness. It is the form of the Divine but the Divine is formless. There is no “two”, no duality. For God, there is no you and I. He can onl...

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic

Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic


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