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Showing posts from April 13, 2024

Bless with contentment

When we do not want anything for ourselves, a unique power awakens within us. We become capable of giving blessings. Only those who are themselves content are capable of giving blessings. If they say, ‘Let your will be done’, it will definitely happen. The blessings of an individual who is content, will manifest. This is the secret behind blessing. Ideally, as we grow older, our contentment should also increase. The more content we are, the more mature we are. There are two kinds of joy: one of receiving and the other of giving. In our childhood we experienced the joy of receiving. If you give anything to children they are always ready to take it. But as we grow older, we experience the Joy in giving. For example, in a home there is a mother or a grandmother; when the grandmother is alone in the house, she does not prepare five different kinds of vegetables and four different sweets for herself. But when children come to the house or guests come, she cooks many different kinds of dishe...

Five secrets for building a healthy relationship

What are the secrets of relationship? How does a relationship develop? First is the attraction. But, if you get what you are attracted to too easily, the charm goes away. However, if it becomes just a little bit difficult to have what you are attracted to, then you develop love for it. What happens when you fall in love? When you love someone, you give yourself to that relationship, and start making demands on that relationship. The moment you start demanding, love diminishes. Then you say, “Oh! I have made a mistake.” Now there is struggle and pain to get out of it. And after you have got out of it, you get into one more, another one, and the story repeats. The golden three The way to make relationships long-lasting is through the right perception, the right observation, and the right expression. Often people say that nobody understands them. Instead, you can say that you have not expressed yourself properly. To express yourself properly, you need proper perception, and that can happe...

Meditation and its many meanings

Meditation is not an act; it is the art of doing nothing. The rest in meditation is deeper than the deepest sleep that you can ever have. When the mind becomes free from agitation, becomes calm and serene and is at peace, meditation happens. When the mind is engaged in some activity, it gets tired. So any type of concentration, contemplation or any activity in the mind can drain your system. Meditation is that which doesn’t drain you, but just gives you deep rest and we withdraw from all sensory activities like seeing, listening, smelling, tasting. It is almost like sleep, but not exactly sleep. Meditation is not concentration; it is de-concentration, letting go. When can you rest? Rest is possible when you have stopped all activities. When you stop moving around, stop working, talking, seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, thinking—then you get rest or sleep. In sleep you are left with only involuntary activities like breathing, heartbeat, food digestion, blood-circulation, etc....

Effort and Effortlessness

Anything that is natural does not require effort. You bathe in the morning. Do you bathe with a lot of interest? Do you brush your teeth with a lot of interest? No, you don’t. Just because you have to do it, you do it! It’s natural and effortless! Like when you are smiling naturally, that smile is effortless. But if you are asked to smile then that becomes a difficult task. Doing an action that requires effort is aasakti. However, doing work that comes naturally and gives you inner peace is done in nirasakti. If you ask those who prepare food every day, they would be able to prepare it without much effort. However, if the same task is handed to a person who never cooks, he will flip through the pages of a recipe book again and again, to prepare the same food. He will keep tasting the food to check the balance of spices. So wherever effort is applied, the job is done with aasakti, and this leads to feverishness. You being feverish about going to, for example, Mysore is aasakti; and effo...

Navigating storms in life with knowledge

All around the world, countries have stormy seasons. The tropical countries have their monsoons, and non-tropical countries have their yearly winter storms. The layout of the planet, along with its various climates and weather systems, make it such that there is always a storm happening somewhere on Earth.  The same phenomenon holds true for people. Life is found to be caught up in storms very often, either in some part of the mind or body. You are not yourself when you are in even a small storm. By their very nature, storms take you away from your centre, and you don’t know what to do. All your practices, concepts, ideas, and ideals fall apart during storms. Your devotion, your love, all the beautiful things you cherish in your life simply seem to be missing, or meaningless. These things happen when you are under the influence of a big storm. And even when the storm has subsided, the very memory of it disturbs you even more.  So what do you do when a storm appears overhead? N...

Love, truth and strength

In love, one often feels weak, but truth brings strength. Then why would someone tell a lie to their close ones or to their beloved? Lovers often ask this question. Love cannot stand untruth, and relationships tend to break up when untruths exist. Understanding the paradox of love and truth; allows one to discover the answer to this question. People often tell lies just to save and maintain their love. The fear that truth might damage love, lends to lies told between a husband and wife, boyfriend and girlfriend, parents and children and in other family situations. In love, one often feels weak, but truth brings strength. So, the question that may arise is - why do people prefer love over truth, weakness over strength? Love is that which generally does not want to be sacrificed and so people are ready to give up the truth for love even though love takes the luster out of truth. Also, there are times when truth can make love bitter while in love, even lies appear sweet. For example, when...

Changing two tendencies of the mind

Have you noticed what keeps happening in the mind every moment? The mind keeps wondering what is going to happen next. Knowledge is being aware of this phenomenon of the mind; of what is happening right now in the mind. All other information and education can be acquired by reading books. You can open a book on any subject, be it birth, death or dietary habits; there are volumes of books available on countless topics. But awareness of our own mind cannot be learnt by reading a book. What does our mind do? It vacillates between the past and the future. Every moment, it is either angry about the past or anxious about the future. There is another tendency of the mind – clinging to the negative. If 10 positive instances or events are followed by one negative event, we cling to that one negative thing. We simply forget all the 10 positives. To bring about a change in these two tendencies of the mind is the greatest help you can render yourself. Becoming aware of these two...

If you can see beauty everywhere, you can appreciate beauty!

Anything that is natural does not require effort. You bathe in the morning. Do you bathe with a lot of interest? Do you brush your teeth with a lot of interest? No, you don’t. Just because you have to do it, you do it! It’s natural and effortless! Like when you are smiling naturally, that smile is effortless. But if you are asked to smile then that becomes a difficult task. Doing an action that requires effort is ‘Aasakti.’However, doing work that comes naturally and gives you inner peace is done in ‘Nirasakti’. If you ask those who prepare food every day, they would be able to prepare it without much effort. However if the same task is handed to a person who never cooks, he will flip through the pages of a recipe book again and again, to prepare the same food. He will keep tasting the food to check the balance of spices. So wherever effort is applied, the job is done with ‘Aasakti’, and this leads to feverishness. You being feverish about going to, for example, Mysore is ‘Aasakti’; an...

Overcome the four reins pulling you backwards

Sukha (pleasure), dukha (sorrow), logic and feverishness — these four reins pull you backwards. You dream of pleasure; this is so amazing! Even after experiencing different pleasures, you think there is pleasure somewhere else. You are pulled by the rein of pleasure. Every pleasure has been so momentary, has left your hands empty, depleted, drained. Yet one hopes for more pleasure, some unknown, unseen pleasure. Sukha is pleasure and dukha, sorrow or the fear of sorrow. What is the sorrow that you are afraid of? What is going to happen to you? You have gone through many problems. As a child, you cried so many times when a toy broke. But what happened? You passed through that. You have passed through many stumbling blocks in life, which you thought were impossible. Yet you remained untouched by any of them. Nothing could ever shake you. It appeared to have shaken you at that moment, but later on you found that you are as complete as were before. And then there is desire for more, wantin...

Every storm that has come into your life has widened your horizon, making you deep and more powerful.

All around the world, countries have stormy seasons. The tropical countries have their monsoons, and non-tropical countries have their yearly winter storms. The layout of the planet, along with its various climates and weather systems, make it such that there is always a storm happening somewhere on Earth. The same phenomenon holds true for people. Life is found to be caught up in storms very often, either in some part of the mind or body. You are not yourself when you are in even a small storm. By their very nature, storms take you away from your centre, and you don’t know what to do. All your practices, concepts, ideas, and ideals fall apart during storms. Your devotion, your love, all the beautiful things you cherish in your life simply seem to be missing, or meaningless. These things happen when you are under the influence of a big storm. And even when the storm has subsided, the very memory of it disturbs you even more. So what do you do when a storm appears overhead? Nothing appe...

Three kinds of Love

There are three kinds of Love. The Love that comes out of Charm, that which comes out of comfort, and the Divine Love. Do you see what I am saying? The love that comes out of charm does not last long. It comes out of unfamiliarity or out of attraction. In this you lose the attraction fast, and boredom sets in, like most love marriages. This love may diminish and bring along with it fear, uncertainty, insecurity, and sadness. The Love that comes out of comfort and familiarity grows. But this Love has no thrill, no enthusiasm, joy, or fire to it. For example, you are more comfortable with an old friend who is a familiar person, rather than with a new person. The Divine Love supersedes both the above. The Divine Love has ever newness. The closer you go, there is more charm and depth. The Divine Love has comfort, enthusiasm, and familiarity. There is never boredom and it keeps everyone on their toes. Worldly love can be like an ocean, yet an ocean has a bottom. The Divine Love is like the ...

Understanding spirituality

Life is eternal; we never give a thought to this truth. When someone dies we declare that the person is immortal, but the truth is we ourselves are immortal too. That is why we do not feel that we have grown old. No matter how old a person is, he feels he is never going to die. If someone else dies, we say, ‘oh that poor fellow died’. ‘Everyone else dies but I won’t’, this feeling is there somewhere. There is a stream of awareness within us that cannot be destroyed. To acknowledge and observe that stream is spirituality – 'I have not changed, I have not grown old, I am just the same.' This brings such courage and strength in life that nothing can shake you. Examining your life, observing it is spirituality, it is ‘satsang’. Satsang is not just singing bhajans but pondering on the truths of life. The most important truth of life – there is an element within me that does not perish, does not diminish and is deathless. If you direct even the slightest attention to it, life becomes...

Become more alive and attentive.

Throughout the ages, in all cultures, place, time, people and symbols were considered sacred because the moment you consider something sacred, your inertia disappears, and you become more alive and attentive. When every action of yours becomes sacred, you become one with the Divine. Whatever our ancestors said, there are profound mysteries hidden behind them. Facts have been explained by them in symbolic form. Let us see a few: — Lord Shiva, in sitting posture, has a snake around his neck. This implies the state of meditation. — Earth on Shesh Naag implies centripetal force. There are two kinds of earthly forces, one is centripetal force and the other is centrifugal force. The movement of these forces is not straight but they have a snake-like movement. It represents centripetal force which means ‘not going straight’ and the Earth rotates on its axis and around the sun. — The fact that Divinity is both male and female was represented as ‘Ardhnareeshwar’. God is not just man, or just wo...

The key to happiness in life

The key to happiness in life is to not stay stuck in ‘I…Me…Mine’. Dedicate your life to some larger goal, or to the service of others around you. Then you will find that only happiness flows through your life. The second thing you need to remember at all times is this, ‘There is someone (the Divine) who loves me very dearly, and is taking care of me at all times. He cannot be without me and He is all capable of removing any lack that I have’ - this strong faith alone can keep us happy at all times. It does not matter what you call this Supreme power, whether you call it the Guru Shakti, or the Paramatma (supreme soul or Consciousness), or God. When you have this faith in you, then you can be happy at all times; regardless of your capabilities. Then you will not feel weak and insecure in your old age also because you know that there is someone who is all-powerful who is taking care of you and protecting you at all times. So just having this faith alone can make us so happy. The strength...

To be able to receive and be one with knowledge

Knowledge emerges differently at different levels of consciousness. At a particular level of consciousness, you will become anasuya. Anasuya is one who is devoid of fault-finding eyes. If a mirror has dust, you need a duster to clean it. But if your eyes have a cataract, any amount of dusting will not do the job. So first you have to remove the cataract. Then you can see that the mirror is already clean. There is a certain mindset that always finds fault, even in the best conditions in the world. When you give a person with this mindset the best of the worlds, they still find insufficiencies in it. Even with the best possible companion, or the most beautiful painting, they will still find something wrong. That kind of mindset cannot know the sacred Knowledge. Krishna tells Arjuna in the Geeta that he is being given the Royal Secret, because Arjuna is anasuya. “You are not finding fault in Me, even though you are so close.” From a distance, even craters cannot be seen. But even on a smo...

Renunciation is the art of letting go

When someone blames or praises you, just observe what happens to your breath, what happens deep within you. If someone gives you a compliment, it doesn’t become a part of your breath. But if someone insults you, your breath starts burning and your heart gets filled with anger and remorse. Generally, people get stuck in negativity and unpleasantness, rather than positivity or pleasantness. Of course, when you love somebody, love becomes a very deep part of you. Suppose you have an ideology you strongly believe in, then that becomes a part of your breath. For example, some people are committed to doing something good for the environment; then day and night they will think about it. Or someone has a particular project in their mind, then that project becomes a part of them. They are fully into it, and it’s OK. But renunciation is the ability to drop everything and rest. Many people do not succeed in a project, because they become feverish about it. They lack renunciation. Whether you like...

Nourishing your emotions through seva

A person without emotions is like wood without any juice. You need to make yourself interesting to inspire people to be with you. This will happen when you nurture yourself with music, prayer and service. The way to expand from individual to universal consciousness is to share others’ sorrow and joy. As you grow, your consciousness should also grow. When you expand in knowledge with time, then depression is not possible. The way to overcome personal misery is to share universal misery. The way to expand personal joy is to share universal joy. Instead of thinking, “what about me?” and “what can I gain from this world?” think, “what can I do for the world?” Service leads to the dynamic experience of heart. It creates a sense of belongingness. Not being of service (seva) to others, can lead a person to depression. Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. Pain is physical. Suffering is mental. If you are not sensitive to others’ pain, then you are not a human being. That is why you need ...

Many people create conflict in order to get attention

When you are in a harmonious environment your mind picks up any excuse to be in conflict. So often small things are enough to create big turmoil. If you have a conflicting environment you tend to seek harmony. Have you noticed this? Ask yourself this question: Do you seek harmony in every situation or do you seek to widen the differences and prove your righteousness? When your survival is at stake, you don't complain that nobody loves you. When you are safe and secure you start demanding attention. Many people create conflict in order to get attention. The seed of negativity and the tendency for conflict in you can only be annihilated by Sadhana (spiritual practices). Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji 

Everyone has so much potential to bring light and love and happiness to the world!

See with what enthusiasm we celebrate New Year. Right? New Year! Something new! Time is always new. Every day is new, every moment is new, but when we are attending to it, with all our attention, and enthusiasm, we make it a celebration.   Shed the past like the skin of a cobra, like the old horns of the antelope. You know what Antelope does? It's too dangerous to see it with all the horns. Then once a year, they just shed the horns and then they look cute and innocent again. No defense! Like that we move around with defence all the time; and sometime we must just shed the defence and repose in the core of our heart, knowing the Divinity is right here now and "All is well, and all is being taken care of!” Just this aphorism or this intention or idea itself helps to bring the best out of you. What is the best of you - unconditional love, unconditional joy. In 2024 say “I'm going to be a source of joy not the source of complaint.” What do you say? And it needs a skill to be ...

गुडमार' खाल्ल्यानंतर साखरेची चव का लागत नाही ?

 साखर  किंवा पेढा खाऊन नंतर चहा पिऊन पहा. काय म्हणता हा प्रयोग तुम्ही केला आहे? असे असेल तर नक्कीच तुम्ही तो परत करणार नाही. कारण चहा अगोड लागतो. दुसरी एक गंगत सांगतो. काही खेड्यांमध्ये एक प्रथा आढळते. साप चावलेल्या माणसाला मिरची किंवा कडूनिंबाचा पाला खायला देतात. त्या माणसाने जर मिरचीची चव तिखट वा कडूनिंबाची कडू सांगितली, तर तो बरा होणार असे मानतात व जर चव नाही असे तो म्हणाला, तर तो मरणार असे मानतात. ह्याबद्दल आता माहिती घेऊ. जिभेमुळे आपल्याला चव कळते. चव कळण्यासाठी जिभेवर स्वादांकूर असतात. या स्वादांकुरावर एखादा पदार्थ सूक्ष्म प्रमाणात जरी ठेवला तरी आपल्याला चव कळते. जिभेच्या कडांना पाठीमागच्या बाजूस व शेंडयाला कडू, तुरट, आंबट, गोड, खारट अशा चवी वेगवेगळ्या प्रमाणात समजतात. स्वादांकुराचे कार्य व्यवस्थित चालले तरच चव समजते. 'गुडमार' ही एक वनस्पती आहे. तिचा पाला खाल्ल्या नंतर चव कळणाऱ्या स्वादांकूरावर परिणाम होतो. हे स्वादांकूर त्यांचे कार्य करू शकत नाहीत. साहजिकच गुडमार खाल्ल्यानंतर साखर गोड लागत नाही. विषारी सापाच्या विषाचा स्वादांकुरांतून चवीची संवेदना मेंदू पर्यंत वाहू...

जखमेवर घरगुती उपाय

जखम छोटी असो वा मोठी त्याकडे दुर्लक्ष करू नये. काही वेळेला घरात काचेची भांडी फुटल्यामुळे तर अपघातामुळे त्वचेवर कापल्यासारख्या जखमा होतात. काचेपासून झालेल्या या जखमा भरून येण्यासाठी योग्य ती काळजी घेतली पाहिजे. खोल जखमेसाठी डॉक्टरांचे उपाय आवश्यक आहेतच; पण इतर जखमांसाठी आपण घरगुती उपाय करून जखम बरी करू शकतो आणि संसर्गाचा धोका टाळू शकतो. जखम छोटी असेल तर सर्वप्रथम जखम स्वच्छ करावी, कारण व्यवस्थितपणे जखम स्वच्छ करणे हे ती थंड पाण्याच्या नळाखाली जखम झालेला भाग धरावा. यामुळे जखमेवर लागलेली धूळ, जीवजंतू निघून जाण्यास मदत होईल. शिवाय थंड पाण्यामुळे वेदना कमी होण्यास मदत होते. नंतर स्वच्छ टॉवेलने हळूवारपणे जखम कोरडी करावी. त्यानंतर निर्जंतूक ड्रेसिंग करून किंवा बँडेज लावून ती जखम झाकावी.  *घरगुती उपाय* *हळद:-*           हळद ही नैसर्गिक अँटिसेप्टिक आणि प्रतिजैवीक घटक आहे. त्यामुळे हळदसुद्धा काचेमुळे झालेल्या जखमेसाठी आणि संसर्ग रोखण्यासाठी वापरता येते. रक्‍तस्त्राव होत असल्यास त्यावर थेट हळदीची पूड भरून थोडा वेळ तसेच धरून ठेवले तर रक्‍तस्त्राव ताबडतोब थांबतो. ज...

चक्कर येणे

 कारणामुळे चक्कर आली असली तर त्यावर पुढीलप्रमाणे घरगुती उपचार करता येतात. 1. पित्त वाढल्यामुळे चक्कर येत असली तर ताज्या आवळ्याचा रस चार चमचे त्यात चमचाभर खडीसाखर मिसळून घेतल्यास बरे वाटते. 2. रक्‍तदाब कमी झाल्याने चक्कर येत असली तर आल्याचा चमचाभर रस व चमचाभर मध हे मिश्रण थोडे थोडे चाटून खाण्याचा उपयोग होतो. 3. मानसिक क्षोभामुळे, अस्वस्थतेमुळे चक्कर येत असली तर कोहळ्याचा रस चार चमचे व चमचाभर खडीसाखर असे मिश्रण घेता येते. 4. ऊन लागल्यामुळे चक्कर येत असली तर नाकात दुर्वांच्या रसाचे २-३ थेंब टाकण्याचे तसेच टाळूवर आवळकाठीच्या चूर्णात पाणी मिसळून तयार केलेला लेप लावून ठेवण्याने बरे वाटते. 5. फार अशक्‍तपणा जाणवत असला व चक्कर येत असली, बरोबरीने तोंडाला चव नसली तर मनुका खाण्याचा उपयोग होतो. मनुका थोडेसे सैंधव लावून थोड्याशा तुपावर परतून घेतल्या व काही दिवस रोज खाल्ल्या तर गुण येतो. 6. कोणत्याही कारणाने शुक्रक्षय झाला असला (हस्तमैथुन, अतिमैथुन, स्वप्नदोष वगैरेमुळे) व त्यामुळे अशक्‍तपणा येऊन चक्कर येत असली तर रोज अर्ध्या नारळाचे ओले खोबरे वाटून त्यातून निघालेले दूध चवीनुसार साखर टाकून पिण्याच...

कोणत्याही अवस्थेतील कर्करोग केवळ 60 ते 90 दिवसांत मुळापासून नष्ट होऊ शकतो.

पपईच्या पानांचा चहा - कोणत्याही अवस्थेतील कर्करोग केवळ 60 ते 90 दिवसांत मुळापासून नष्ट होऊ शकतो.      पपईची पाने - तिसऱ्या आणि चौथ्या स्टेजचा कर्करोग केवळ 35 ते 90 दिवसांत बरा होऊ शकतो. आता पर्यंत - आपण मानवांनी फक्त पपईच्या पानांचा वापर मर्यादित प्रमाणात केला असेल... (विशेषतः प्लेटलेट कमी करण्यासाठी किंवा त्वचेशी संबंधित किंवा इतर कोणत्याही लहान किंवा मोठ्या प्रयोगासाठी) परंतु, आज आम्ही तुम्हाला काय सांगणार आहोत - हे खरोखर तुम्हाला आश्चर्यचकित करेल. कॅन्सर सारख्या गंभीर आजाराला तुम्ही फक्त पाच आठवड्यांत समूळ नष्ट करू शकता. ती निसर्गाची शक्ती आहे अनेक प्रकारच्या वैज्ञानिक शोधांमधून बरेच ज्ञान मिळाले - पपईच्या प्रत्येक भागामध्ये जसे की फळ, स्टेम, बिया, पाने, मुळे या सर्वांमध्ये कर्करोगाच्या पेशी नष्ट करण्यासाठी आणि त्यांची वाढ थांबवण्यासाठी शक्तिशाली औषध असते. विशेषतः - कर्करोगाच्या पेशी नष्ट करण्याचे आणि त्यांची वाढ रोखण्याचे गुणधर्म पपईच्या पानांमध्ये मुबलक प्रमाणात आढळतात. चला तर मग जाणून घेऊया... फ्लोरिडा विद्यापीठ (2010) आणि अमेरिका आणि जपानमधील आंतरराष्ट्रीय डॉक्टर आ...

उन्हाळ्यात थोडं काम केलं की थकवा येतो, त्राण गेल्यासारखं वाटतं?

५ गोष्टींची असू शकते कमी..... उन्हाळ्याच्या दिवसांत किंवा कधी एरवीही थोडं काम केलं की आपल्याला बसावसं वाटतं. एकदम थकून गेल्यासारखं होतं. काही वेळा अंगातलं त्राण गेल्यासारखं होतं. असं होण्यामागे अनेक कारणे असू शकतात. प्रमाणाबाहेर कष्ट करणे, पुरेशी झोप न होणे किंवा ऊन्हाचा तडाखा वाढल्यानेही असे होऊ शकते. अन्नातून पुरेसे पोषण मिळत नसेल किंवा शरीरात कोणत्या व्हिटॅमिन्सची कमतरता असेल तर हे सगळे त्रास होण्याची शक्यता असते. त्यामुळे आपल्याला थकवा येत असेल तर ही गोष्ट अंगावर न काढता वेळीच तो का येतो याचे कारण शोधून काढणे आणि त्यावर योग्य ते उपाय करणे आवश्यक असते यासाठी वेळीच डॉक्टरांकडे जाणे आणि त्यांनी दिलेल्या तपासण्या करण्याची आवश्यकता असते. रक्त तपासण्या केल्यानंतर शरीरात ज्या घटकांची कमतरता आहे ते घटक मिळणारे पदार्थ किंवा सप्लिमेंटस आहारात वाढवावे लागतात. त्यानंतरच हा थकवा कमी होण्याची शक्यता असते. यासाठी वेळीच डॉक्टरांशी सल्लामसलत केल्यास योग्य त्या उपाययोजना करणे गरजेचे असते. प्रसिद्ध आहारतज्ज्ञ अमिता गद्रे याविषयी अतिशय महत्त्वाची माहिती शेअर करतात. कोणत्या गोष्टींची कमतरता झाल्याने थक...

खोकला व त्यावरील प्रभावी उपाय

*खोकला  व त्यावरील प्रभावी उपाय:* 01. हळदीच्या दुधात 🥛खारीक मिसळून घेतल्यास खोकला बरा होतो. दूधामध्ये 🥛 दोन खारीक व हळद उकळून 🫕घ्यावे व थंड झाल्यावर घ्या. असे केल्याने कफ मोकळा होतो व बाहेर पडतो. खोकला बरा होतो. 🥳 02. आले व मध 🧉एकत्र करून घेतल्यास आराम मिळतो व खोकला बरा होतो. 🤩 03. लसुण 🧄 प्रकृतीने उष्ण आहे. त्यात ॲन्टीबॅक्टेरियल 🦠 गुण असतात, लसणाच्या पाकळ्या तुपात तळून 🍶 घ्याव्यात व गरम गरम खाव्यात, याने गळ्याला शेक बसतो व बरं वाटतं. 04. काळे ⚫ मिरे, जायफळाची पूड व मध 🧉 एकत्र करून घेतल्यास लवकर फायदा होतो. दिवसातून दोन ✌🏻 ते तीन वेळा घ्यावे. 05. पिंपळी गाठ कुटून घ्यावे व मधात 🧉मिसळून चाटण म्हणून घेतल्यास खोकला बरा होतो. 06. खोकला बरा होत नसेल, तर नीलगिरीच्या तेलाचे काही थेंब नारळाच्या तेलात मिसळून मग याने छातीला मालिश करा, याने कफ मोकळा होतो व बरं वाटते. 07. ज्येष्ठमध 🥓 हे एक उपयुक्त औषध आहे. खोकल्याची उबळ आली की, ज्येष्ठमध काडी चघळल्यास ढास जाते, बरं वाटते, किंवा ज्येष्ठमध व मध 🍯 यांचे मिश्रण करून हे चाटण म्हणून घेतल्यास आराम मिळतो. 08. पुदिना पाने ☘️ व तुळस 🍃. य...

Disease, mental laziness, doubt, carelessness, laziness , non-abstention , false perception , failing to obtain stages of practice and inability to stay in that state - These distractions of the mind are the impediments.

Verse 30 व्याधि स्त्यान संशय प्रमादाअलस्याविरति भ्रान्तिदर्शनालब्धभूमिकत्वानवस्थितत्वानि चित्तविक्षेपाः ते अन्तरायाः ॥३०॥ vyādhi styāna saṁśaya pramāda-ālasya-avirati bhrāntidarśana-alabdha-bhūmikatva-anavasthitatvāni citta-vikṣepāḥ te antarāyāḥ ॥30॥ Disease, mental laziness, doubt, carelessness, laziness , non-abstention , false perception , failing to obtain stages of practice and inability to stay in that state - These distractions of the mind are the impediments. These nine types of obstacles usually prevent the meditators from progressing on the path of Yoga. The souls who did not have strong previous birth sanskaras surely face it but they should not leave yoga fearing these problems. In fact, yoga should be practised continuously. Maharshi has organized these obstacles in a chronological order which is quite scientific. In case the meditator is suffering from a disease then he cannot sit for yoga practice and he will be distracted due to unwellness of his heart. So, disease is c...

When repeating this and meditating on the Pranava one can become one with the ultimate.

Verse 28 तज्जपः तदर्थभावनम् ॥२८॥ taj-japaḥ tad-artha-bhāvanam ॥28॥ The repetition of this (OM-Pranava) and meditating on its meaning is the way. Om kara. Ishwara is OM is what Patanjali says. To go deeper the manifestation process is from moola - Pranava - prana - jeeva. This is how the manifestation of world occurs.  And here Patanjali stresses o meditation on Pranava. Pranava is underlying reality the background vibration of this existence. When repeating this and meditating on the Pranava one can become one with the ultimate. In Verse 28, Patanjali lays emphasis on the repetition and meditation on this Pranava mantra i.e. Aum.  Why should there be repetition? We have not forgotten that theory of Samskaras, that the sum-total of impressions lives in the mind. Impressions live in the mind, the sum-total of impressions, and they become more and more latent, but remain there, and as soon as they get the right stimulus they come out. Molecular vibration will never cease....

The word to designate Him (Isvara) is Pranava or OM.

Verse 27 तस्य वाचकः प्रणवः ॥२७॥ tasya vācakaḥ praṇavaḥ ॥27॥ The word to designate Him (Isvara) is Pranava or OM. In the verse 27, Sage Patanjali is stressing on the Ishvara and the symbol, the mark of His, i.e. Aum.  Symbol is the manifestor of the thing signified, and if the thing signified has already existence, and if, by experience, we know that the symbol has expressed that thing many times, then we are sure that there is the real relation between them. Even if the things are not present, there will be thousands who will know them by their symbols. There must be a natural connection between the symbol and the thing signified; then, when that symbol is pronounced, it recalled the thing signified.  Patanjali says the manifesting word of God is Om. Why does he emphasize this? There are hundreds of words for God. One thought is connected with a thousand words; the idea, God, is connected with hundreds of words, and each one stands as a symbol for God.    But there m...

Patanjali is talking about Omniscience of Ishvara and His significance in attaining the Yoga.

Verse 26 स एष पूर्वेषामपिगुरुः कालेनानवच्छेदात् ॥२६॥ sa eṣa pūrveṣām-api-guruḥ kālena-anavacchedāt ॥26॥ That (Isavara) is the Teacher of even the ancient teachers, since He is not limited by time. In these verses, Sage Patanjali is talking about Omniscience of Ishvara and His significance in attaining the Yoga.  In verse 26, Ishvara is called as the Adi-Guru, the Adi-Yogi. It is true that all knowledge is within ourselves, but this has to be called forth by another knowledge. Although the capacity   to know is inside us, it must be called out, and that calling out of knowledge can only be got, a Yogi maintains, through another knowledge. Dead, insentient matter, never calls out   knowledge. It is the action of knowledge that brings out knowledge. Knowing beings must be with us to call forth what is in us, so these teachers were always necessary. The world was never without them, and no knowledge can come without them. God is the Teacher of all teachers, because ...

The person harmonized in yoga looks everywhere with equanimity, seeing the self (atman) in all beings and all beings in the self.

भगवद्गीता– अध्याय ६, श्लोक २९ सर्वभूतस्थमात्मानं सर्वभूतानि चात्मनि | ईक्षते योगयुक्तात्मा सर्वत्र समदर्शन: || अनुवाद: सर्वत्र समभाव से देखने वाले योगयुक्त व्यक्ति आत्मा को समस्त भूतों में और समस्त भूतों को आत्मा में देखते हैं। The person harmonized in yoga looks everywhere with equanimity, seeing the self (atman) in all beings and all beings in the self. Bhagavad Gita

Sri Bhagavan said, "O mighty armed! Undoubtedly, the mind is restless and difficult to restrain. But, O son of Kunti! Through practice and dispassion, it can be controlled."

भगवद्गीता– अध्याय ६, श्लोक ३५ श्रीभगवानुवाच | असंशयं महाबाहो मनो दुर्निग्रहं चलम् | अभ्यासेन तु कौन्तेय वैराग्येण च गृह्यते || अनुवाद: श्रीभगवान ने कहा, "हे महाबाहू! निस्संदेह, मन चंचल है और इसे संयम करना कठिन है। परंतु, हे कुंतीपुत्र! अभ्यास और वैराग्य के माध्यम से इसे नियंत्रित किया जा सकता है।"  Sri Bhagavan said, "O mighty armed! Undoubtedly, the mind is restless and difficult to restrain. But, O son of Kunti! Through practice and dispassion, it can be controlled." PATANJALI YOGA SUTRAS,

ow can one who knows this self (atman) to be imperishable, eternal, birthless, and immutable cause anyone to be killed or kill anyone?

भगवद्गीता– अध्याय २, श्लोक २१ वेदाविनाशिनं नित्यं य एनमजमव्ययम् | कथं स पुरुष: पार्थ कं घातयति हन्ति कम् || अनुवाद: हे पार्थ! जो इस आत्मा को अविनाशी, नित्य, जन्मरहित, और अपरिवर्तनीय जानते हैं, वह किसी की मृत्यु का कारण कैसे हो सकते हैं या किसी को मार सकते हैं? O Partha! How can one who knows this self (atman) to be imperishable, eternal, birthless, and immutable cause anyone to be killed or kill anyone? Bhagavad Gita,

One who departs from the body uttering the single-syllable Brahman "Om" and remembering Me attains the Supreme Goal.

भगवद्गीता– अध्याय ८, श्लोक १३ ओमित्येकाक्षरं ब्रह्म व्याहरन्मामनुस्मरन् | यः प्रयाति त्यजन्देहं स याति परमां गतिम् || अनुवाद: जो व्यक्ति एकाक्षर ब्रह्म "ॐ" का उच्चारण करते हुए और मेरा स्मरण करते हुए शरीर त्याग देते हैं वह परम गति को प्राप्त होते हैं। One who departs from the body uttering the single-syllable Brahman "Om" and remembering Me attains the Supreme Goal. Bhagavad Gita

You should never impart this knowledge to those who are devoid of austerities or devotion, not even to those who do not desire to listen, and to those who find fault with Me as well.

भगवद्गीता– अध्याय १८, श्लोक ६७ इदं ते नातपस्काय नाभक्ताय कदाचन | न चाशुश्रूषवे वाच्यं न च मां योऽभ्यसूयति || अनुवाद: तुम्हें यह ज्ञान उन्हें कदापि प्रदान नहीं करना चाहिए जो तपस्या या भक्ति से रहित हैं, न ही उन्हें जो सुनने की इच्छा नहीं रखते हैं, और उन्हें भी नही जो मुझमें दोष देखते हैं। You should never impart this knowledge to those who are devoid of austerities or devotion, not even to those who do not desire to listen, and to those who find fault with Me as well. Bhagavad Gita

Great transcendental happiness comes to the yogi whose mind is calm, whose passions are subdued, who is without sin, and who sees everything in connection with God.

भगवद्गीता– अध्याय ६, श्लोक २७ प्रशान्तमनसं ह्येनं योगिनं सुखमुत्तमम् | उपैति शान्तरजसं ब्रह्मभूतमकल्मषम् || Great transcendental happiness comes to the yogi whose mind is calm, whose passions are subdued, who is without sin, and who sees everything in connection with God. जिस योगी का मन शांत हो जाता है और जिसकी वासनाएँ वश में हो जाती हैं एवं जो निष्पाप है तथा जो प्रत्येक वस्तु का संबंध भगवान के साथ जोड़कर देखता है, उसे अलौकिक आनन्द प्राप्त होता है। Bhagavad Gita,

I am the fully manifested realm-destroying Time, engaged in destroying the realms now. Even without you, all the warriors arrayed in the opposing army will cease to exist.

भगवद्गीता– अध्याय ११, श्लोक ३२ कालोऽस्मि लोकक्षयकृत्प्रवृद्धो लोकान्समाहर्तुमिह प्रवृत्त: | ऋतेऽपि त्वां न भविष्यन्ति सर्वे येऽवस्थिता: प्रत्यनीकेषु योधा: || अनुवाद: मैं पूर्ण रूप से प्रकट, लोकों का नाश करने में रत, लोकसंहारक काल हूँ। तुम्हारे बिना भी, व्यूह रचना में खड़े विरोधी सेना में शामिल सभी योद्धाओं का अस्तित्व समाप्त हो जाएगा। I am the fully manifested realm-destroying Time, engaged in destroying the realms now. Even without you, all the warriors arrayed in the opposing army will cease to exist. PATANJALI YOGA SUTRAS,

Indeed, death is certain for the born, and certain is birth for the dead; therefore, you should not grieve over the inevitable.

भगवद्गीता– अध्याय २, श्लोक २७ जातस्य हि ध्रुवो मृत्युर्ध्रुवं जन्म मृतस्य च | तस्मादपरिहार्येऽर्थे न त्वं शोचितुमर्हसि || अनुवाद: वास्तव में, जन्म लेने वाले के लिए मृत्यु निश्चित है, और मरने वाले के लिए जन्म निश्चित है; इसलिए, जो अपरिहार्य है तुम्हें उस पर शोक नहीं करना चाहिए। Indeed, death is certain for the born, and certain is birth for the dead; therefore, you should not grieve over the inevitable. PATANJALI YOGA SUTRAS,

illumined persons distinguish the self (atman) as distinct from guṇas and karmas.

भगवद्गीता– अध्याय ३, श्लोक २८ तत्त्ववित्तु महाबाहो गुणकर्मविभागयो: | गुणा गुणेषु वर्तन्त इति मत्वा न सज्जते || O mighty-armed Arjun, illumined persons distinguish the self (atman) as distinct from guṇas and karmas. They perceive that it is only the guṇas (in the shape of the senses, mind, and others) that move among the guṇas (in the shape of the objects of perception), and thus they do not get entangled in them. हे महाबाहु अर्जुन! तत्त्वज्ञानी आत्मा की पहचान गुणों और कर्मों से भिन्न करते हैं वे समझते हैं कि 'इन्द्रिय, मन, आदि के रूप में केवल गुण ही हैं जो इन्द्रिय विषयों, (गुणेषु) में संचालित होते हैं और इसलिए वे उनमें नहीं फंसते। Bhagavad Gita,

They are ever-content, steadily united with Me in devotion, self-controlled, of firm resolve, and dedicated to Me in mind and intellect.

भगवद्गीता– अध्याय १२, श्लोक १३–१४ अद्वेष्टा सर्वभूतानां मैत्र: करुण एव च | निर्ममो निरहङ्कार: समदु:खसुख: क्षमी || सन्तुष्ट: सततं योगी यतात्मा दृढनिश्चय: | मय्यर्पितमनोबुद्धिर्यो मद्भक्त: स मे प्रिय: || Those devotees are very dear to Me who are free from malice toward all living beings, who are friendly, and compassionate. They are free from attachment to possessions and egotism, equipoised in happiness and distress, and ever-forgiving. They are ever-content, steadily united with Me in devotion, self-controlled, of firm resolve, and dedicated to Me in mind and intellect. जो किसी प्राणी से द्वेष नहीं करते, सबके मित्र हैं, दयालु हैं, ऐसे भक्त मुझे अति प्रिय हैं क्योंकि वे स्वामित्व की भावना से अनासक्त और मिथ्या अहंकार से मुक्त रहते हैं, दुख और सुख में समभाव रहते हैं और सदैव क्षमावान होते हैं। वे सदा तृप्त रहते हैं, मेरी भक्ति में ढूंढ़ता से एकीकृत हो जाते हैं, वे आत्म संयमित होकर, दूंढ़-संकल्प के साथ अपना मन और बुद्धि मुझे समर्पित करते हैं। Bhagavad Gita,

This entire cosmic manifestation is pervaded by Me in My unmanifest form. All living beings dwell in Me, but I do not dwell in them.

भगवद्गीता– अध्याय ९, श्लोक ४ मया ततमिदं सर्वं जगदव्यक्तमूर्तिना | मत्स्थानि सर्वभूतानि न चाहं तेष्ववस्थित: || This entire cosmic manifestation is pervaded by Me in My unmanifest form. All living beings dwell in Me, but I do not dwell in them. इस समूचे ब्रह्माण्ड की अभिव्यक्ति मेरे अव्यक्त रूप में मेरे द्वारा व्याप्त है। सभी जीवित प्राणी मुझमें निवास करते हैं लेकिन मैं उनमें निवास नहीं करता। Bhagavad Gita,

Trachoma is a contagious bacterial infection of the eyes

Trachoma is a contagious bacterial infection of the eyes, primarily caused by Chlamydia trachomatis. It's a leading cause of preventable blindness worldwide, particularly in poor, crowded communities with limited access to clean water and sanitation. Trachoma spreads through direct contact with eye discharge from infected individuals or contaminated objects. The bacteria infect the conjunctiva and inner eyelids, leading to inflammation, scarring, and ultimately, vision impairment or blindness if left untreated. Initial symptoms include redness, itching, and discharge from the eyes. As the disease progresses, it can cause eyelid deformities such as entropion (inward turning) or trichiasis (eyelashes rubbing against the cornea), leading to corneal abrasions, pain, and vision loss. Chronic trachoma can result in irreversible blindness due to corneal scarring and opacity. Additionally, recurrent infections can lead to secondary bacterial conjunctivitis, further exacerbating the conditi...

Medical Abbreviations

Medical Abbreviations These are some of the most commonly used medical abbreviations which you can see on doctor's prescription. tds- Three times a day Od- Once daily qhs- At night o/e- On examination p/c- Presenting complaint h/o- History of BD- Twice daily Ix- Investigation Dx- Diagnosis Mx- Management Rx-Treatment NAD -No abnormality detected C/C- Chief complaint CXR- Chest X ray UCC- Urgent care centre ud/u.d- As directed q.- Every q.1.d/q1d- Every one day q.1.h/q1h- Every hour q.2.h/q2h- Every 2 hours q.d/qd- Every day QDS- Four times a day qod- Every other day i.e alternative day A&E- Accident and emergency a.c- Before meals p.c- After meal CSU- Catheter stream urine sample EMU- Early morning urine sample MSU- Mild stream urine sample EUA- Examination under anaesthetic PU- Passed urine GA- General anaesthetic LA- Local anaesthetic gtt- Drops HRT- Hormone replacement therapy Hx- History TPN- Total parenteral nutrition SC- Subcutaneous IM- Intramuscular inj. IV- Intravenous...

Pleural effusion due to rupture of liver abscess.

It is the accumulation of fluid in between the parietal and visceral pleura, called pleural cavity.     It can occur by itself or can be the result of surrounding parenchymal disease.    Pleural fluid is classified as a transudate or exudate based on modified Light’s criteria.     Pleural fluid is considered an exudative effusion if at least one of the criteria are met.    Pleural fluid protein/serum protein ratio more than 0.5  Pleural fluid LDH/serum LDH ratio of more than 0.6  Pleural fluid LDH is more than two-thirds of the upper limits of normal laboratory value for serum LDH.      Common causes of transudates include conditions which alter the hydrostatic or oncotic pressures in the pleural space like congestive left heart failure, nephrotic syndrome, liver cirrhosis, hypoalbuminemia leading to malnutrition and with the initiation of peritoneal dialysis.    Common causes of exudates include pulmon...

Differential diagnosis of fever with chills

Fever with chills can be indicative of various underlying conditions.  Some potential differential diagnoses include :Malaria: Especially if the patient has a history of travel to or resides in a malaria-endemic area. Bacterial Infections: Such as urinary tract infections, respiratory infections (pneumonia), or bacterial sepsis. Viral Infections: Influenza, dengue fever, or viral hepatitis can present with fever and chills. Tuberculosis: Particularly if there are additional symptoms like prolonged cough, weight loss, and night sweats. Endocarditis: Inflammation of the inner lining of the heart, often associated with bacterial infection, can cause fever and chills. Rheumatic Fever: An inflammatory disease that can develop after a streptococcal throat infection. Lyme Disease: Transmitted through tick bites, it can cause fever and chills along with other symptoms .Brucellosis: An infectious disease often associated with contact with animals or consuming unpasteurized dairy products. I...

Classical Ayurvedic Medicine for

1. हिक्का :- एलादि गुटिका कचूरादि चूर्ण कासीस भस्म मयूर पिच्छ भस्म वायु गुटिका 2. हृदरोग :- अकीक पिष्टी अर्जुनारिष्ट चंदनासव चिंतामणी चतुर्मुख रस च्यवनप्राश अवलेह धानवंतर गुटिका हॄदयार्णव रस माणिक्य भस्म माणिक्य पिष्टी मुक्ता पिष्टी पार्थाद्यरिष्ट प्रभाकर वटी प्रवाल पिष्टी स्वर्ण भस्म वसंत तिलक रस 3. ज्वर :-  अभ्रक भस्म अकीक पिष्टी अमृतारिष्ट अमृतप्राश घृत बला तैल भूनिम्बादी क्वाथ वृहत कस्तूरी भैरव रस चंदन बला लाक्षादि तैल चंदनादि लौह चंद्रामृत रस दशमूल क्वाथ धानवंतर गुटिका द्राक्षासव महालक्ष्मी विलास रस गोरोचनादी वटी गुड़पिप्पली हिंगुलेश्वर रस जयमंगल रस ज्वरांकुश रस लघु मालिनीवसंत रस लक्ष्मीनारायण रस महाज्वरांकुश गुटिका महाज्वरांकुश रस महामृत्युंजय रस महा सुदर्शन घन वटी मृत्युंजय रस मुक्ता भस्म मुक्ता शुक्ति भस्म निम्बादी कषाय पटोलादि क्वाथ पिप्पल्यादि घृत रजन्यादि चूर्ण रामबाण रस षडगुण सिंदूर सितोपलादि चूर्ण शिवा गुटिका श्रृंग्यादी चूर्ण सुदर्शन चूर्ण 4. कामला :- चंदन बला लाक्षादि तैल धात्री लौह द्राक्षावलेह कल्याणक गुड़ कुमार कल्याण रस महापैत्यांतक रस मंडूर भस्म नवायस लौह पटोलादि ...

Polydactyly is a rare congenital condition

Polydactyly is a rare congenital condition in which an individual is born with extra fingers or toes. It is a genetic trait and is usually inherited from one or both parents. Polydactyly can occur in any race or ethnicity, and it affects males and females equally. Polydactyly can vary in severity, from a small skin tag to a fully formed digit with bones, joints, and nails. In some cases, the extra digit may be functional and even provide an advantage in certain activities, such as playing a musical instrument. However, in other cases, the extra digit may be non-functional or even a hindrance to normal hand or foot function. Polydactyly is usually diagnosed at birth through a physical examination. In some cases, further testing may be done to determine if there are any associated conditions or genetic abnormalities. Treatment for polydactyly depends on the severity of the condition and the functional impact of the extra digit. In some cases, surgical removal of the extra digit may be ne...

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