The supreme status attained by yogis is, attained by the gyanis as well. Only those who see Yoga and Sankhya as one are the True philosophers
योगात्सञ्जायते ज्ञानं ज्ञानाद्योगः प्रजायते । योगज्ञानाभियुक्तस्य नावाप्यं विद्यते क्वचित् ॥ ~ Through yoga knowledge is attained and knowledge is attained by yoga. Nothing remains unattainable for a seeker with yoga and knowledge. यदेव योगिनो याति सांख्यं तदभिगम्यते । एकं सांख्यं च योगं च यः पश्यति स तत्त्ववित् ॥ ~ The supreme status attained by yogis is, attained by the gyanis as well. Only those who see Yoga and Sankhya as one are the True philosophers. अन्ये च योगिनो वत्स ऐश्वर्यासक्तचेतसः । मज्जान्ति तत्र तत्रैव सत्वात्मैक्यमिति श्रुतिः ॥ ~ O son! Other (not genuine) yogis are attached-minded to wealth and they perish in that. Shruti says that the realization of the oneness of the soul is the ultimate attainment. यत्तत्सर्वगतं दिव्यमैश्वर्यमचलं महत् । ज्ञानयोगाभियुक्तस्तु देहान्ते तदवाप्नुयात् ॥ ~ At the time of death, the gyan yogi attains that omnipresent, divine, great, immutable divine status. एष आत्माहमव्यक्तो मायावी परमेश्वरः । कीर्तितः सर्ववेदेषु सर्वात्मा सर्वतोमुखः ॥सर्वक...