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Showing posts from April 3, 2024

In 80 days, liver cancer cured Hindi | Miracle Drinks - TESTIMONIAL

  In 80 days, liver cancer cured Hindi | Miracle Drinks -  Mrs Sanju Tripathi/ 54 years. A beneficiary of the Miracle Drinks treatment protocol for cancer patients. Successfully came out of Liver Cancer. Her son in a dialogue with Dr SM Raju, an eminent medicinal herbal plants scientist and inventor for the Miracle Drinks herbal decorations that address serious and chronic ailments. #MiracleDrinks -------------------------------------------------------------------- #MiracleDrinks is a unique Ayurvedic proprietary medicine for chronic health disorders,  invented by an IAS officer Dr. S. M. Raju. Manufacturing unit is located 70 kms from Bangalore and is equipped with a modern state of art facility.  Factory follows "Good Manufacturing Practices" (GMP)  and is compliant to WHO standards and is licensed under A U/S-932, Govt of Karnataka. Miracle Drinks is the brand name of a series of Herbal Dietary Health Supplements.  These supplements were created by keep...


  Treatment protocol for Liver Cirrhosis_ #MiracleDrinks -------------------------------------------------------------------- #MiracleDrinks is a unique Ayurvedic proprietary medicine for chronic health disorders,  invented by an IAS officer Dr. S. M. Raju. Manufacturing unit is located 70 kms from Bangalore and is equipped with a modern state of art facility.  Factory follows "Good Manufacturing Practices" (GMP)  and is compliant to WHO standards and is licensed under A U/S-932, Govt of Karnataka. Miracle Drinks is the brand name of a series of Herbal Dietary Health Supplements.  These supplements were created by keeping the future of Ayurveda in mind;  the age-old Vedic literature was referred to formulate the supplements  while the consumption guidelines were compiled to be at par with the 21st century. Contact Us : 📞808-69043800 For more information visit our website: Also Connect to us at: Facebook:   / miracledr...

There is no Maya or world, no attachment or detachment, no living beings or that God for forever pure Self.॥11॥

क्व माया क्व च संसारः क्व प्रीतिर्विरतिः क्व वा। क्व जीवः क्व च तद्ब्रह्म सर्वदा विमलस्य मे॥२०- ११॥ सदा विशुद्ध मेरे लिया क्या माया है और क्या संसार, क्या प्रीति है और क्या विरति, क्या जीव है और क्या वह ब्रह्म॥११॥ There is no Maya or world, no attachment or detachment, no living beings or that God for forever pure Self.॥11॥ Ashtavakra Gita

For me who is forever unmovable and indivisible, established in Self, there is no tendency or renunciation, no liberation or bondage.॥12॥

क्व प्रवृत्तिर्निर्वृत्तिर्वा क्व मुक्तिः क्व च बन्धनं। कूटस्थनिर्विभागस्य स्वस्थस्य मम सर्वदा॥२०- १२॥ अचल, विभागरहित और सदा स्वयं में स्थित मेरे लिए क्या प्रवृत्ति है और क्या निवृत्ति, क्या मुक्ति है और क्या बंधन॥१२॥ For me who is forever unmovable and indivisible, established in Self, there is no tendency or renunciation, no liberation or bondage.॥12॥ Ashtavakra Gita

Established as non-dual reality, there is no creation or annihilation, what is to be achieved or what are the means, who is seeker and what is achievement.॥7॥

क्व सृष्टिः क्व च संहारः क्व साध्यं क्व च साधनं। क्व साधकः क्व सिद्धिर्वा स्वस्वरूपेऽहमद्वये॥२०- ७॥ अपने अद्वय (दूसरे से रहित) स्वरुप में स्थित मेरे लिए क्या सृष्टि है और क्या प्रलय, क्या साध्य है और क्या साधन, कौन साधक है और क्या सिद्धि है॥७॥ Established as non-dual reality, there is no creation or annihilation, what is to be achieved or what are the means, who is seeker and what is achievement.॥7॥ Ashtavakra Gita

There is no knower or evidence, nothing knowable or knowledge, nothing less or non-less in forever pure Self.॥8॥

क्व प्रमाता प्रमाणं वा क्व प्रमेयं क्व च प्रमा। क्व किंचित् क्व न किंचिद् वा सर्वदा विमलस्य मे॥२०- ८॥ विशुद्ध मुझमें कौन ज्ञाता है और क्या प्रमाण (साक्ष्य) है, क्या ज्ञेय है और क्या ज्ञान, क्या स्वल्प है और क्या सर्व॥८॥ There is no knower or evidence, nothing knowable or knowledge, nothing less or non-less in forever pure Self.॥8॥ Ashtavakra Gita

There is no distraction or focus, no right discrimination or delusion, no joy or sorrow in always action-less Self.॥9॥

क्व विक्षेपः क्व चैकाग्र्यं क्व निर्बोधः क्व मूढता। क्व हर्षः क्व विषादो वा सर्वदा निष्क्रियस्य मे॥२०- ९॥ सदा निष्क्रिय मुझमें क्या अन्यमनस्कता है और क्या एकाग्रता, क्या विवेक है और क्या विवेकहीनता, क्या हर्ष है और क्या विषाद॥९॥ There is no distraction or focus, no right discrimination or delusion, no joy or sorrow in always action-less Self.॥9॥ Ashtavakra Gita

There is not this world or the other, no happiness or suffering for Self, who is eternally free from thoughts.॥10॥

क्व चैष व्यवहारो वा क्व च सा परमार्थता। क्व सुखं क्व च वा दुखं निर्विमर्शस्य मे सदा॥२०- १०॥ सदा विचार रहित मेरे लिए क्या संसार है और क्या परमार्थ, क्या सुख है और क्या दुःख॥१०॥ There is not this world or the other, no happiness or suffering for Self, who is eternally free from thoughts.॥10॥ Ashtavakra Gita

There is no knowledge or ignorance, no 'me', 'this' or 'mine', no bondage or liberation, and no characteristic of self-nature.॥3॥

क्व विद्या क्व च वाविद्या क्वाहं क्वेदं मम क्व वा। क्व बन्ध क्व च वा मोक्षः स्वरूपस्य क्व रूपिता॥२०- ३॥ क्या विद्या है या क्या अविद्या, क्या मैं है या क्या वह है और क्या मेरा है, क्या बंधन है और क्या मोक्ष है या स्वरुप का क्या लक्षण है॥३॥ There is no knowledge or ignorance, no 'me', 'this' or 'mine', no bondage or liberation, and no characteristic of self-nature.॥3॥ Ashtavakra Gita

In unchanging me, there is no fateful actions or liberation during life and no bodiless enlightenment.॥4॥

क्व प्रारब्धानि कर्माणि जीवन्मुक्तिरपि क्व वा। क्व तद् विदेहकैवल्यं निर्विशेषस्य सर्वदा॥२०- ४॥ क्या प्रारब्ध कर्म हैं और क्या जीवन मुक्ति है, सर्वदा विशेषता(परिवर्तन) से रहित मुझमें क्या शरीरहीन कैवल्य है॥४॥ In unchanging me, there is no fateful actions or liberation during life and no bodiless enlightenment.॥4॥ Ashtavakra Gita

I being devoid of nature, in me there is no doer or reaper of actions, no inaction or action, nothing visible or invisible.॥5॥

क्व कर्ता क्व च वा भोक्ता निष्क्रियं स्फुरणं क्व वा। क्वापरोक्षं फलं वा क्व निःस्वभावस्य मे सदा॥२०- ५॥ सदा स्वभाव से रहित मुझमें कौन कर्ता है और कौन भोक्ता, क्या निष्क्रियता है और क्या क्रियाशीलता, क्या प्रत्यक्ष है और क्या अप्रत्यक्ष॥५॥ I being devoid of nature, in me there is no doer or reaper of actions, no inaction or action, nothing visible or invisible.॥5॥ Ashtavakra Gita

Established as non-dual reality, there is no world or desire for liberation, no yogi or seer, no-one bound or liberated.॥6॥

क्व लोकं क्व मुमुक्षुर्वा क्व योगी ज्ञानवान् क्व वा। क्व बद्धः क्व च वा मुक्तः स्वस्वरूपेऽहमद्वये॥२०- ६॥ अपने अद्वय (दूसरे से रहित) स्वरुप में स्थित मेरे लिए क्या संसार है और क्या मुक्ति की इच्छा, कौन योगी है और कौन ज्ञानी, कौन बंधन में है और कौन मुक्त॥६॥ Established as non-dual reality, there is no world or desire for liberation, no yogi or seer, no-one bound or liberated.॥6॥ Ashtavakra Gita

I know all the beings in the past, the present, and the future, but no one knows Me.

भगवद्गीता– अध्याय ७, श्लोक २६ वेदाहं समतीतानि वर्तमानानि चार्जुन | भविष्याणि च भूतानि मां तु वेद न कश्चन || अनुवाद: हे अर्जुन! मैं भूत, वर्तमान और भविष्य के सभी प्राणियों को जानता हूं, परंतु मुझे कोई नहीं जानता। O Arjuna! I know all the beings in the past, the present, and the future, but no one knows Me. Bhagavad Gita

Among thousands of humans, scarcely one strives for perfection, and even among those striving, scarcely one knows Me in essence.

भगवद्गीता– अध्याय ७, श्लोक ३ मनुष्याणां सहस्रेषु कश्चिद्यतति सिद्धये | यततामपि सिद्धानां कश्चिन्मां वेत्ति तत्त्वत: || अनुवाद: हजारों मनुष्यों में से कोई एक सिद्धि के लिए प्रयत्न करता है, और उन प्रयत्नशील मनुष्यों में भी कोई एक ही मुझे तत्व से जानता है। Among thousands of humans, scarcely one strives for perfection, and even among those striving, scarcely one knows Me in essence. Bhagavad Gita

Those who dedicate all their actions to God, giving up all attachments, remain untouched by sin, just as the lotus leaf remains untouched by water.

भगवद्गीता– अध्याय ५, श्लोक १० ब्रह्मण्याधाय कर्माणि सङ्गं त्यक्त्वा करोति य: | लिप्यते न स पापेन पद्मपत्रमिवाम्भसा || अनुवाद: जो व्यक्ति अपने कर्मों को भगवान को समर्पित कर आसक्ति रहित होकर कर्म करते हैं, वे पाप से उसी प्रकार से अछूते रहते हैं जिस प्रकार से कमल के पत्ते को जल स्पर्श नहीं कर पाता। Those who dedicate all their actions to God, giving up all attachments, remain untouched by sin, just as the lotus leaf remains untouched by water. Bhagavad Gita

I am the fully manifested realm-destroying Time, engaged in destroying the realms now. Even without you, all the warriors arrayed in the opposing army will cease to exist.

भगवद्गीता– अध्याय ११, श्लोक ३२ कालोऽस्मि लोकक्षयकृत्प्रवृद्धो लोकान्समाहर्तुमिह प्रवृत्त: | ऋतेऽपि त्वां न भविष्यन्ति सर्वे येऽवस्थिता: प्रत्यनीकेषु योधा: || अनुवाद: मैं पूर्ण रूप से प्रकट, लोकों का नाश करने में रत, लोकसंहारक काल हूँ। तुम्हारे बिना भी, व्यूह रचना में खड़े विरोधी सेना में शामिल सभी योद्धाओं का अस्तित्व समाप्त हो जाएगा।  I am the fully manifested realm-destroying Time, engaged in destroying the realms now. Even without you, all the warriors arrayed in the opposing army will cease to exist. Bhagavad Gita

How can one who knows this self (atman) to be imperishable, eternal, birthless, and immutable cause anyone to be killed or kill anyone?

भगवद्गीता– अध्याय २, श्लोक २१ वेदाविनाशिनं नित्यं य एनमजमव्ययम् | कथं स पुरुष: पार्थ कं घातयति हन्ति कम् || अनुवाद: हे पार्थ! जो इस आत्मा को अविनाशी, नित्य, जन्मरहित, और अपरिवर्तनीय जानते हैं, वह किसी की मृत्यु का कारण कैसे हो सकते हैं या किसी को मार सकते हैं? O Partha! How can one who knows this self (atman) to be imperishable, eternal, birthless, and immutable cause anyone to be killed or kill anyone? Bhagavad Gita

They who look upon well-wishers, friends, foes, the indifferent, mediators, the hateful, and relatives, as well as the virtuous and even the sinful with equanimity, excel.

भगवद्गीता– अध्याय ६, श्लोक ९ सुहृन्मित्रार्युदासीनमध्यस्थद्वेष्यबन्धुषु | साधुष्वपि च पापेषु समबुद्धिर्विशिष्यते || अनुवाद: जो सुहृद्, मित्र, शत्रु, उदासीन, मध्यस्थ, द्वेषी और संबंधियों को तथा धर्मात्माओं और पापियों को भी समभाव से देखते हैं, वे श्रेष्ठ होते हैं। They who look upon well-wishers, friends, foes, the indifferent, mediators, the hateful, and relatives, as well as the virtuous and even the sinful with equanimity, excel. Bhagavad Gita  

I am the all-devouring death and the origin of all future events. Among the virtues of women, I am fame, prosperity, speech, memory, intelligence, endurance, and forgiveness

भगवद्गीता– अध्याय १०, श्लोक ३४ मृत्यु: सर्वहरश्चाहमुद्भवश्च भविष्यताम् | कीर्ति: श्रीर्वाक्च नारीणां स्मृतिर्मेधा धृति: क्षमा || अनुवाद: मैं सर्वभक्षी मृत्यु और भविष्य में होने वाले सभी घटनाओं का मूल हूँ। नारियों के गुणों में मैं कीर्ति, समृद्धि, वाणी, स्मृति, मेधा, धृति और क्षमा हूँ।  I am the all-devouring death and the origin of all future events. Among the virtues of women, I am fame, prosperity, speech, memory, intelligence, endurance, and forgiveness. Bhagavad Gita

Despite being birthless, imperishable, and the Lord of all beings, keeping My Nature (Prakriti) under control, I manifest Myself through My Divine Energy (Yogmaya).

भगवद्गीता– अध्याय ४, श्लोक ६ अजोऽपि सन्नव्ययात्मा भूतानामीश्वरोऽपि सन् | प्रकृतिं स्वामधिष्ठाय सम्भवाम्यात्ममायया || अनुवाद: मैं जन्महीन, अविनाशी और समस्त प्राणियों का ईश्वर होते हुए भी अपनी प्रकृति को अधीन करके अपनी योगमाया के द्वारा स्वयं को प्रकट करता हूँ। Despite being birthless, imperishable, and the Lord of all beings, keeping My Nature (Prakriti) under control, I manifest Myself through My Divine Energy (Yogmaya). Bhagavad Gita

Having attained Me, the great souls are no longer subject to rebirth, which is the abode of sorrow and non-eternal, as they have achieved the highest perfection.

भगवद्गीता– अध्याय ८, श्लोक १५ मामुपेत्य पुनर्जन्म दु:खालयमशाश्वतम् | नाप्नुवन्ति महात्मान: संसिद्धिं परमां गता: || अनुवाद: मुझे प्राप्त कर महात्माजन दुःखालय और अशाश्वत पुनर्जन्मको प्राप्त नहीं होते; क्योंकि वे परमसिद्धिको प्राप्त हो गये हैं। Having attained Me, the great souls are no longer subject to rebirth, which is the abode of sorrow and non-eternal, as they have achieved the highest perfection. Bhagavad Gita

You are the Supreme Imperishable worthy of being known, as well as the ultimate resort of this world. You, too, are the protector of the Sanatana Dharma and, in my opinion, the Everlasting Primal Person.

भगवद्गीता– अध्याय ११, श्लोक १८ त्वमक्षरं परमं वेदितव्यं त्वमस्य विश्वस्य परं निधानम् | त्वमव्यय: शाश्वतधर्मगोप्ता सनातनस्त्वं पुरुषो मतो मे || अनुवाद: आप जानने योग्य परम अविनाशी तथा इस विश्व के परम आश्रय हैं। आप ही सनातन धर्म के रक्षक और मेरे मत में शाश्वत आदि पुरुष हैं। You are the Supreme Imperishable worthy of being known, as well as the ultimate resort of this world. You, too, are the protector of the Sanatana Dharma and, in my opinion, the Everlasting Primal Person. Bhagavad Gita

Shiva and Krishna Are One

Weekly Knowledge 91 Singapore 05 Mar 1997  Singapore Shiva and Krishna Are One Angels are a part of the Big Self. The infinity has diverse qualities, and specific qualities assume names. They are called Angels. Angels are nothing but a ray of your Big Self. They are there to serve you when you are centered. Like roots and stems and leaves come out of a seed when it is sprouted, all the Angels in your life manifest when you are centered. Angels rejoice in your company, but you have nothing to gain from them. They only come around those who have nothing to gain from them. Angels are like your extended arms. Like all the colors are present in the white sunlight, all the Angels are present in your higher self. Bliss is their breath, dispassion their abode. The consciousness which is bliss, innocence, omnipresent, and the bestower of dispassion is Shiva. Krishna is the outer manifestation of Shiva. And Shiva is the inner silence of Krishna. 🌸Jai Guru Dev🌸 साप्ताहिक ज्ञानपत्र ०९१ ५ मार...


Weekly Knowledge 92 New Delhi 13 Mar 1997  India THE ELEVENTH COMMANDMENT Being in a crowd when you are alone is ignorance. Enlightenment is being alone in a crowd. Feeling of oneness in a crowd is a sign of wisdom. Knowledge of life brings confidence, and knowledge of death makes you fearless and centered. What is fear? Fear of separatedness. Celebrate while you are alone and when you are with people. Some know to celebrate when they are in a crowd. Some can only rejoice alone in silence. I tell you to do both. Celebrate the silence and Celebrate the noise. Celebrate the life and Celebrate the death. This is the Eleventh Commandment! 🌸Jai Guru Dev🌸   साप्ताहिक ज्ञानपत्र ०९२ १३ मार्च , १९९७ नई दिल्ली, भारत ईश्वर का ग्यारहवां आदेश जब तुम अकेले हो तो भीड़ में रहना अज्ञानता है। ज्ञान-प्राति है भीड़ में भी अकेले रहना। भीड़ में सभी के साथ एकता महसूस करना बुद्धिमता का लक्षण है। जीवन के प्रति ज्ञान आत्म -विश्वास लता है और मृत्यु का ज्ञान तुम्हें निडर बनाता है , आत्म-केंद्रित करता है। कुछ...

Wisdom series in Bali 2024

*Wisdom series in Bali 2024 By* *Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar* Body is like a river. Fresh water every minute and yet river is very old. 30 trillion cells in body and how many 35 trillion bacteria in body. They are good bacteria. You are a Maternity house and burial ground. You are made up of recycled material and you are very very very ancient. You are born here many many many times. Nothing is new and everything new. Moons is so old and and you feel it is so new. Air is old and yet it is supporting the new life.  See life in bigger context and all the worries will drop. You create misery. We create trouble and problems for others and yourself. Someone says you are being a problem that is their problem. Have context to life. You See Wonder when you see this phenomenon. Leaves come... leaves go. In traffic... lot of pitta. When the road is empty it is beautiful. And all is part of life. And this is all part of life and this is how we get freedom.  Freedom is what?  Nothin...


Weekly Knowledge 90 Honolulu, Hawaii 26 Feb 1997  USA SHARE YOUR JOY By sharing your misery, it doesn't reduce. By not sharing your joy, it reduces. Share your problems only with the Divine, not with Tom, Dick, or Harry -- that just increases the problem. Share your joy with everybody. Darren: How do you help people who share their misery with you? Guruji: I have a thousand and one ways. Often it happens that when they share their problem with me, it is immediately resolved. Other times it requires some patience. Just know that all will be taken care of. Mary: How do we help people who share their misery with us? Guruji: Listen to others, yet don't listen. Because if your mind gets stuck there, not only are they miserable, you also get miserable. 🌸Jai Guru Dev🌸

Sex, drugs, alcohol, how does one escape them?

Question - Gurudev, sex, drugs, alcohol, how does one escape them? They are all over the place. Gurudev Sri Sri - Just this thought that we want to escape and pull people out of it, will do it. Today, can you all take a vow that you will not even turn and look in that direction? If someone is even tempted, send them to me, or to any of our YES!+ teachers. They will give them better intoxication, an intoxication that will not come down at all. They can get a better high. What do you call it? A better kick? We can get you a better kick.

How should I handle the fears in my kid's mind?

Question - Gurudev, how should I handle the fears in my kid's mind? Gurudev Sri Sri - See, there isn't much fear in the mind of a child. And even if there is, you should calmly explain to them and ask them to do some chanting, such as 'Om Namaha Shivaya', or just say 'Jai Guru Dev', and all the fear drops off. See, when you have some moral support then there is no fear. This is why chanting mantras, doing Pranayama can offer strong support to dispel away all fears one may have. Mantras are the greatest source of strength and support.

How to choose a career even though my parents don't allow?

Question - Gurudev, how to choose a career even though my parents don't allow? Gurudev Sri Sri - You have already chosen. You chose a career and your parents don't like it and now you are asking me, 'How to choose it?' You should be asking me, 'How to drop a career which I have chosen, which my parents don't like'. What is your confusion? Sometimes, you are confused between your hobby and your profession. You like your hobby, such as music or painting. Don't make your hobby your career. Your parents must be wondering why you are choosing a hobby, which is very good, and making it your career. You should sit and think about it. Okay? Think with an open mind. Don't say, 'I have to have it'. When you choose a career, you should keep a vision of the next 5-10 years. You need to think, 'How will this particular career that I am taking provide me with a livelihood in the next five years? Is it good for me?' You need to think objectively whi...

I’m scared of commitment. How do I get over that?

Question - Gurudev, I’m scared of commitment. How do I get over that? Gurudev Sri Sri - Interact with someone who is not committed to you. For example, someone tells you, 'I will take you to a movie tomorrow', and never shows up, or promises that he will bring some notes or books to you, but doesn't show up the next day. Just put yourself in the receiver's chair and then you will see how important it is to be committed.

How does one come out of the cycle of birth and death?

Question - Gurudev, how does one come out of the cycle of birth and death? Gurudev Sri Sri - Why do you want to come out of it? Because you find it miserable, right? But when life is blissful, then you coming back to the planet will help a lot of people on this planet in the future. So why shouldn't you come back? Suppose I come back next time, wouldn't you like to comeback with me, and have a lot of fun here? We can have a lot of fun. Life is all fun. 'Ananda dhi khilbi bhootani jayanti', the whole world is made out of bliss. We have come to play here. Take life as leela or play. This is the greatest gift of India to the world, we said, 'Life is a game', 'Life is a play. It is not a struggle. When you think of life as a struggle, you are miserable. Just see, on a football ground, you will find people falling and fighting over one little ball. If you see it all as a struggle, you wonder why they are struggling so much. Just give one ball to each one of the p...

Importantance of is faith

Question - Gurudev, how important is faith? Gurudev Sri Sri - You cannot exist without faith. Listen, suppose you have come here in a car and you have parked the car in the parking area. Now when you are sitting here you have faith that the car will be there when you go back, isn't it? So, without this faith can you exist? No. First, you should have faith in yourself. There are three types of faith which are important 1. Faith in yourself. If you do not have faith in yourself it is called paranoia. It is a disease. 2. Faith in the goodness of people around you. There are good people in the world, you should have that faith, otherwise you cannot move one inch in society. 3. Faith in the unknown, faith in the abstract power which seems to be running everything. That is the third type of faith. So, of these three faiths, the first two are very essential, the third will make life much better.

How does one cultivate maturity in life?

Question - Gurudev, how does one cultivate maturity in life? Gurudev Sri Sri - Perception, observation and expression - these three things can bring you maturity. The way you perceive things and observe things all around you. Wisdom doesn't need time at all. You don't need to become old to become mature. You simply need observation, of not just yourself but also of the lives of those around you.

I’m thinking that life is an illusion. Is there anything we have control over in our life? Do we have control over birth and death? Please explain?

Question - Gurudev, I’m thinking that life is an illusion. Is there anything we have control over in our life? Do we have control over birth and death? Please explain? Gurudev Sri Sri - Yes, we do have control. If we have no control over anything, why even ask a question? Life is a beautiful combination of both, free will and destiny. There are many things that you can do, and some things you must accept, which are beyond your control. I have spoken all about this in 'Celebrating Silence' and other books, keep flipping all those pages.

In order to become multi-talented, we tend to direct our energies into multiple fields and end up being unsuccessful. What should we do?

Question - Gurudev, in order to become multi-talented, we tend to direct our energies into multiple fields and end up being unsuccessful. What should we do? Gurudev Sri Sri - You know, as young boys and girls, you should not think about this now. This is the time to develop many talents. When you cross your teen age, then one thing will stick with you but before that time, do not worry about what is the one thing that you should do. No, I would not agree to this. Right now, you should be a jack of all trades. Work towards developing as many talents as you can. Learn as many languages as you can. This is the time to learn. You should be good at music, cooking, games, painting, etc. And then later on you should see what sticks on to you.

How do we celebrate the festival of colors - Holi?

Question - Gurudev, how do we celebrate the festival of colors - Holi? Gurudev Sri Sri - On the day of Holi our life too should blossom with the colors of enthusiasm and love. Our face should glow with happiness and our voice should resonate with sweetness. Such should be the color of life – the color that springs from deep faith in the Divine. We should play Holi with vivid, fragrant and beautiful colors of life, not with muddy water. We should not celebrate this festival with ‘inauspicious colors’ of anger, craving, greed, attachment, aversions, and lust. Every time you are negative, you transmit those negative vibrations of anger, jealousy, greed, frustration, and hatred. Challenges come, people with different mindsets come, but when you expand your vision and see your life from a broader perspective, you will let go of all these small little issues that seem to be so significant to you right now. Don’t play Holi where you only apply colors on each other. Make it a festival where yo...

The Changing World

Bangalore Ashram, India, 9th May, 1996 Chapter 1 - The You That You Want To Change Day 59 - The Changing World When you are ahead of time, it drags and is boring. When time is ahead of you, then you are surprised and shocked. You cannot digest events. In deep meditation, you are time and everything is happening in you. Events are happening in you like the clouds that come and go in the sky.  When you are with time, you are wise and at peace. When you are happy, the mind expands, then time appears too short. When you are unhappy, the mind contracts, then time appears too long. When the mind has equanimity, you transcend time. To escape from time, many resort to alcohol or sleep but when the mind is dull or unconscious, it is unable to experience itself.  Samadhi, no-mindedness or timelessness, is the real peace. That is the greatest healer. A thought is nothing but a ripple in this moment of time. This moment also has a mind of its own, a big mind which has infinite organising ...

Unbelievably beautiful or joyful, you wonder if it is a dream.

Bangalore Ashram, India, 4th November, 1999 Chapter 1 - The You That You Want To Change Day 58 - Maya (Continued) When something is unbelievably beautiful or joyful, you wonder if it is a dream. Often what you perceive as reality is not joyful. When misery is there, you never wonder if it is a dream. You are sure it is real. This is knowing the real as unreal and unreal as real.  In fact, all the miseries are unreal. A wise man knows that happiness is real, a quality of your very nature. Unhappiness is unreal, as it is only an affliction of memory. When you can see both as a dream, then you abide in your true self. Question - What about nightmares? Gurudev - A nightmare is mistaken as a reality only while you are dreaming. Keep wondering whether your waking reality is a dream and you’ll wake up to the real. Illusion is an error of perception and knowing illusion as illusion is knowledge.  Our experience of the world is based on perception that is erroneous, so our experience o...


Big Sur, California, United States, 21st June 1995 Chapter 1 - The You That You Want To Change Day 57 - Maya There are 5 aspects to your self : Asti - is-ness Bhaati - knowledge or expression Preeti - love Nama - name Rupa - form Matter has 2 aspects - name and form. Consciousness has 3 aspects : asti - it is, bhaati - it knows and expresses and preeti - it is loving. This is the secret of the whole universe. Maya - ignorance or delusion - is not being aware of the three aspects of your consciousness and getting caught up in names and forms of matter. Question - Why are we imperfect? Gurudev - So that we can grow to perfection. Life is a movement from imperfection to perfection. A seed contains the tree but to become a tree it must cease being a seed. The seed is not a tree. A sapling is not a tree. So in life you can either see imperfection at every step, or you can see movement from one perfection to another perfection. Wherever you put your attention, that will grow. If you put your...

When you love something, it becomes alive

Bangalore Ashram, India, 17th September, 1997 Chapter 1 - The You That You Want To Change Day 56 - Love (Continued) When you love something, it becomes alive. With love, the whole creation becomes personal. For children, everything is personal. Children make each toy come alive. Even a tree has a face, even the sun laughs, and even a stone attracts reverence when it becomes personal. In love, you raise even objects to life.  If you remove love, even people become objects. Violence is removing love. How could a person kill another? Only when they see them as an object, not as a person. People who see God as impersonal do not progress. The impersonal cannot attract your love or reverence. Question - When we personalise something, we make it real. So then, what is reality? Gurudev - You are the reality. You are not the thoughts, you are not the emotions, nor the actions. You are not even a person. There are 3 kinds of love - the love that comes out of charm, the love that comes out of...

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