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Showing posts from March 31, 2024

The wise man excels in being without the sense of 'me'. Earth, a stone or gold are the same to him. The knots of his heart have been rent asunder, and he is freed from greed and blindness.॥88॥

निर्ममः शोभते धीरः समलोष्टाश्मकांचनः। सुभिन्नहृदयग्रन्थि- र्विनिर्धूतरजस्तमः॥१८- ८८॥ धीर पुरुष की ह्रदय ग्रंथि खुल जाती है, रज और तम नष्ट हो जाते हैं। वह मिट्टी के ढ़ेले, पत्थर और सोने को समान दृष्टि से देखता है, ममता रहित वह सुशोभित होता है॥८८॥ The wise man excels in being without the sense of 'me'. Earth, a stone or gold are the same to him. The knots of his heart have been rent asunder, and he is freed from greed and blindness.॥88॥ Ashtavakra Gita

Who can compare with that contented, liberated soul who pays no regard to anything and has no desire left in his heart?॥89॥

सर्वत्रानवधानस्य न किंचिद् वासना हृदि। मुक्तात्मनो वितृप्तस्य तुलना केन जायते॥१८- ८९॥ जो इस दृश्य प्रपंच पर ध्यान नहीं देता, आत्म तृप्त है, जिसके ह्रदय में जरा सी भी कामना नहीं होती - ऐसे मुक्तात्मा की तुलना किसके साथ की जा सकती है॥८९॥ Who can compare with that contented, liberated soul who pays no regard to anything and has no desire left in his heart?॥89॥ Ashtavakra Gita

Who but the upright man without desire knows without knowing, sees without seeing and speaks without speaking?॥90॥

जानन्नपि न जानाति पश्यन्नपि न पश्यति। ब्रुवन्न् अपि न च ब्रूते कोऽन्यो निर्वासनादृते॥१८- ९०॥ कामनारहित धीर के अतिरिक्त ऐसा और कौन है जो जानते हुए भी न जाने, देखते हुए भी न देखे और बोलते हुए भी न बोले॥ ९०॥ Who but the upright man without desire knows without knowing, sees without seeing and speaks without speaking?॥90॥ Ashtavakra Gita

Let his body rise or fall. The great souled one gives it no thought, having forgotten all about samsara in coming to rest on the ground of his true nature.॥86॥

पततूदेतु वा देहो नास्य चिन्ता महात्मनः। स्वभावभूमिविश्रान्ति- विस्मृताशेषसंसृतेः॥१८- ८६॥ जो अपने आत्मस्वरुप में विश्राम करते हुए सभी प्रपंचों का नाश कर चुका है, उस महात्मा को शरीर रहे अथवा नष्ट हो जाये - ऐसी चिंता भी नहीं होती॥८६॥ Let his body rise or fall. The great souled one gives it no thought, having forgotten all about samsara in coming to rest on the ground of his true nature.॥86॥ Ashtavakra Gita

The wise man has the joy of being complete in himself and without possessions, acting as he pleases, free from duality and rid of doubts, and without attachment to any creature.॥87॥

अकिंचनः कामचारो निर्द्वन्द्वश्छिन्नसंशयः। असक्तः सर्वभावेषु केवलो रमते बुधः॥१८- ८७॥ ज्ञानी पुरुष संग्रह रहित, स्वच्छंद, निर्द्वन्द्व और संशय रहित होता है। वह किसी भाव में आसक्त नहीं होता। वह तो केवल आनंद से विहार करता है ॥८७॥ The wise man has the joy of being complete in himself and without possessions, acting as he pleases, free from duality and rid of doubts, and without attachment to any creature.॥87॥ Ashtavakra Gita

Supreme consciousness and reality of the entire universe

In Saiva philosophy of Kashmir "Pūrṇā", "Bhairava” or "Anuttara” is the supreme consciousness and reality of the entire universe. Bhairava, being pūrnā- full in every respect, protects this whole world bharanāta (bh); he is present in every object ramanāt (ra) and he has digested this whole universe in himself vamanāt (va). 'Srsti' means emanation not creation. Saṁhāra' means reabsorbation not destruction. All these are the unfoldment of the various energies of Lord signifying his “pūrṇatā”- fullness. मलकर्मकलायैस्तु निर्मुक्तश्च यदा प्रिये।  सर्वावसमतीतश्च मायामोहोज्झितश्चयः॥ निर्मलत्वं यदा याति पदं परममव्ययम्।  परिपूर्ण तदा देवि प्रोच्यते प्रभुर्व्ययः॥ O Dear! one who is free from three types of impurities, who is beyond all Adhvā (pathways), who is devoid of Māyā and attachment and thus after attaining complete purity he achieves the supreme peace which is everlasting, Devi! that everlasting omnipotent lord is called by the name of 'Paripurna-Parm...

Ganapati Atharvashirsa

ॐ नमस्ते गणपतये ॥१॥ त्वमेव प्रत्यक्षं तत्त्वमसि । त्वमेव केवलं कर्ताऽसि । त्वमेव केवलं धर्ताऽसि । त्वमेव केवलं हर्ताऽसि । त्वमेव सर्वं खल्विदं ब्रह्मासि । त्वं साक्षादात्माऽसि नित्यम् ॥२॥ Om. I offer salutation to that one, to Ganapati. You are, verily, the prime principle. You are verily the unswerving creator and the upholder. You are verily the unswerving destroyer. You are verily this assuredly absolute Brahman. You are verily the Eternal Self. ऋतं वच्मि । सत्यं वच्मि ॥३॥ अव त्वं माम् । अव वक्तारम् । अव श्रोतारम् । अव दातारम् । अव धातारम् । अवानूचानमव शिष्यम् । I speak of the cosmic law, I speak of the prime existence. Let that one make me receptive. Let that one make the speaker receptive. Let that one make the listener receptive. Let that one make the donor receptive. Let that one make the supporter receptive. Let that one make the meditative student receptive as well. त्वं वाङ्मयस्त्वं चिन्मयः । त्वमानन्दमयस्त्वं ब्रह्ममयः । त्वं सच्चिदानन्दाऽद्वितीयोऽसि ...

The Bhagavad Gita various teachings and insights

1.Arjuna Vishada Yoga: Arjuna's dilemma and reluctance to fight. 2.Sankhya Yoga: The nature of the eternal soul and the importance of self-realization. 3.Karma Yoga: The path of selfless action and fulfilling one's duties. 4.Jnana Karma Sanyasa Yoga: The relationship between knowledge and action. 5.Karma Sanyasa Yoga: Renunciation of the fruits of action and attaining liberation. 6.Dhyana Yoga: The practice of meditation and controlling the mind. 7.Gyaan Vigyana Yoga: The knowledge of the divine and the material energies. 8.Akshara Brahma Yoga: The eternal and imperishable nature of the Supreme Being. 9.Raja Vidya Yoga: The most confidential knowledge of the Supreme Self. 10.Vibhooti Yoga: The divine manifestations and glories of the Supreme Lord. 11.Vishwaroopa Darshana Yoga: The universal form of the Supreme Lord revealed to Arjuna. 12.Bhakti Yoga: The path of devotion and surrender to the Supreme Lord. 13.Ksetra Ksetrajna Vibhaaga Yoga: The distinction between the body and t...

Mantra pushpanjali

The mantra pushpanjali given here is from the Vedas (Vedokta). This means that they have to be recited in a specific manner. It is advisable to learn the correct pronunciation of these mantras from the learned people and practice well before attempting to recite these mantras. The reason behind this being, if the mantras are recited incorrectly there is a possibility of experiencing distress. Om yajnena yajnamayajanta devaastani dharmani prathamaanyaasan | Te ha naakam mahimanah sachanta yatra purve sadhyahsanti devah || Om raajaadhiraajaaya prasahyasaahine | namo vayam vaishravanaaya kurmahe | Sa me kaamaan kaamakaamaaya mahyamkameshwaro vaishravano dadatu | Kuberaya vaishravanaya mahaarajaaya namah | Om swasti | samrajyam bhoujyam swaraajyam Vairaajyam paarameshthyam raajyam mahaaraajyamadahipatyamayam Samaamtaparyaeesyat saarvabhoumah saarvaayusha aantaadaaparaardhat | Pruthivyaisamudraparyantaayaa ekaraaliti | tadapyeshashloko bhigito marutah pariveshtaaro maruttasyaa vasan gruhe |...

Mantras to boost Meditation

  1. “Aham Prema” (ah-hem-pree-mah) This mantra translates to “I am Divine Love,” a simple mantra to chant 108 times. “Aham Prema” helps us connect to the divine love we all have within. Affirming that we are pure love creates a purifying and calming effect on our mind, body, and soul. This mantra is a wonderful way to start your day, or to calm yourself down in any stressful situation.   2. “Aum Gum Shreem Maha Lakshmiyei Namaha” (ohm-guum-shreem-mah-ha-lok-shmee-yay-na-mah-ha) Ganesh is known as the remover of all obstacles. This mantra is asking Lord Ganesh for help in removing obstacles around finding your life purpose. Reciting it for a full meditation also increases the flow of abundance.   “Aum” or “OM” is pure force – the sound of the Universe. “Gum” is the removal of obstacles, “Shreem” is the sound of abundance, “Maha” is the increase of energy, “Lakshmiyei” represents life purpose, and “Namaha” represents completion and praise. Use this mantra regularly to help...

Navkar mantra

namo arihantaanam | namo siddhaanam | namo aayariyaanam | namo uvajjhaayanam | namo lo-e savva sahunam | eso pamca namokkaaro, savva pavappa nasano mangalaanam cha savvesim, padamama hava-ee mamgalam || नमो अरिहंताणं | नमो सिद्धाणं | नमो आयरियाणं | नमो उवज्झायणं | नमो लोए सव्व साहूणं | एसो पंच णमोक्कारो, सव्व पावप्प णासणो मंगलाणं च सव्वेसिं, पडमम हवई मंगलं || Meaning : Salutations to the Arihantas. Salutations to the Siddhas. Salutations to the Acharyas (teachers). Salutation to the Gurus. (These) five salutations rid one of all the sins (hence) this mantra is the most propitious of them all.

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